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Status Updates posted by Jhawk

  1. a on the SSF4 forum you guys are using the word spam alot what dose that mean?

  2. Arek your ass and im going to kick your ass all around XBL

  3. Ay man im doing a poll and i have a question for you in your opinion is Dudley in the Street Fighter series black?

  4. Ay man im doing a poll and i have a question for you in your opinion is Dudley in the Street Fighter series black?

  5. Ay Neblix thanks for making Latin Starflake

  6. Jhawk

    Hey M-H i love your work Megaman X3 High Gravity Malt Beetle is one of my favorites and all most every month your remixing more and more tunes thank you and keep up the good work

  7. Hey uhhh I'm sorry if im comeing off like a smart ass cuz that's not my intention at all i'm sorry

  8. i sent you a friend request on Xbox live

  9. O MY GOD your doing Balrog theme Thank you sooooooo much thank you thank you. i love your style of remixing. GRMRB 2011 your Napalm man vs Crash Man remix was out of this world. i look forward to your work. Thank you

  10. what city or town in Illinois do you live in?

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