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Everything posted by JustinC721

  1. Well, I made this before I knew about this site.
  2. Man, that must suck pretty bad.. oh well
  3. To print out would be nice. But mainly to write it, and hear how its gonna sound. I'm a keyboardist/pianist of 2 years experience, and so when I come up with a melody, I need to have a way to basically put pen to paper for future reference so I dont forget them.
  4. I want one that's good quality, and easy to use. I tried a few demos and they all sucked. They would play things out of time, and were just really buggy in general. This is mainly for composition/playing of my own music.
  5. just curious.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KpHJVmkQ-A I made this shortly before I found out about this site. I know it's kinda short, but this is actually 2 pieces of music merged together, So I guess this qualifies as my first ReMix. If you listen close, the final fantasy prelude arpeggios are playing in the background. The arpeggios were meant to be subtle and not drown out the main theme.
  7. Oh and as for the music I listen to: Rush, Dream Theater, SOAD, Metallica, Pink Floyd (no Floyd influence in the intro I swear), and yeah, I have a thing for VG music. Particularly from Castlevania, and FF series.
  8. I mix with WAVs, but at some point, the file will be compressed to MP3. Anyway, what kind of external soundcard do you recommend that I get? \
  9. I honestly don't have a clue when it comes to mixing. I built a PC specifically for recording music. It has a Sound Blaster X-Fi. And it's just me playing my keyboard through the mic jack (recording through the line in doesn't seem to work) I use audacity. And for some reason, I can't seem to avoid losing quality during MP3 compression.
  10. Timing is cleaned up, new lead, and transposed to Ebm The intro is still Dm. I'm not sure if transposing was a good idea, but it might make an easier transition to the next part. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=126 But I'm not sure what to do for a drum beat still
  11. My timing is off somewhat towards the end which might be why it doesnt sound like it carries the melody. I'm not very good at figuring out how to use my keyboard's arpeggiator (I hate reading manuals), but i'm open to suggestions regarding a better drum beat. The song isn't going to be 3 minuets of this. There are 2 other parts that will be worked in. I'm just trying to figure out a smooth way to transition them. But is the new effect for the rythym too punchy, or is it better? And does the slower tempo work better, or should I speed it back up to 165bpm?
  12. Shorter Intro, drifferent beat, slightly slower tempo http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=125 I'm aware my timing slips up a bit towards the end. I'm working on the other part which will go with this.
  13. It's a keyboard. It is more of a cover though. I do have some control, but I'm more limitied by my playing ability. I've been playing for 2 years, and I cheat sometimes with stacatto, by disabling touch sensitivity, which is why some parts don't sound as natural as others. So are you saying the sound quality was bad?
  14. I set the files to public, I'm waiting for that to take effect In the meantime you can use these Version1 http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?action=single&f=simen1.mp3 Version2 http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=121 I know some of it sounds keyboardy still, so I'll have to clean that up a bit. I
  15. I made both of these about a year ago. But I got sidetracked so I never finished them It seems some of the bass has been lost with MP3 compression I'm not sure what to do about this. The first version is short, and brief at under two minutes long. The second version is more progressive, and about 4 minutes. I though that the first version sound too much like "Mighty Bosstones" so I reduced the brass so it would blend with the string ensemble. I also tried merging in "Vamire Killer" in the end, I don't know if that turned out too well. Version 1 Version 2 In case you haven't noticed. I'm going for an orchestrated sound. So I could use ideas for percussion.
  16. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=105 Updated Please keep in mind that this is still in "rough draft" stage, so changes will still be made. The intro is a bit sloppy, and the portamento should have been faster on the lead synth so it wouldn't sound out of time. The main rhythm has been altered. I altered the effect, and changed the chords slightly to have more treble. I also put the lead using one of my guitar effects. I should probably slow down on the pitch bender because it sounds a bit artificial. The drums have also been turned down a bit. This song will be longer. I have to practice the other lead to this, and once that's done, I can work on the finished product.
  17. Like I said before, this is just one clip of the entire song. When this is finished. it's not going to be that same verse over and over. I'm still deciding on some other lead instruments (which is why it all sounds mid range) I'll probably scrap most or all of the old drum beat in favor of the simpler synth drum beat in the video (boom, boom, boom, boom) I complex drum beat being played at that tempo just doesnt work I guess. I'm going to stay mostly true to the 2001 flash video. There will be some changes. (perhaps a keyboard solo) As for the samples/software I'm using. The samples come from my Yamaha Motif (Keyboard), and the recording software used is Audacity. and I'm using a drum machine to play the midi files. Also should the base be an octave lower?
  18. One Idea is that you could take the theme merge it with another to make it more interesting. You could use is as intro to another song on the same game.
  19. This isn't going to be the finished part of it. This is just a sample of the main rhythm. Which is the hardest part of the song, and not something that I can do very easily so I want have a set Idea of the effect I use before recording for finshed product. That one was probably take 80 or something.
  20. Didnt Realise you provided hosting http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=93 And I'm open to suggestions of different instruments too, My keyboard has alot of them to choose from I probably could have picked a better bass.
  21. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=105 I spent about a week getting that part down of the keyboard. hitting 16th notes at a 163 tempo is hard on the hands. The lead rhythm is played on a Yamaha Motif XS8 using Space Saw/Heavy Guitar/Comp Bass I wanted to give the lead a more modern sound (as modern as synth sounds get) without sounding too techno. I'm worried that I might have overdone this a bit. So I wouln't mind some feedback. I do have a few mistakes, but they;re hard to notice. The Bass is done through my keyboard's Arpeggiator. I used a USB midi cable, and plugged it into my drum machine for the drums. For the lead I'm considering using an actual guitar instead of another synth on my keyboard. I even have a few convincing guitar sounds on my Motif, but they;re not as good as the real thing. And I'm not sure if I want to reduce the drums (or remove completely) in favor of the drum beat used in the "All Your base" Video. For those of you who need a memory refresh, here's the All Your Base Video
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