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Everything posted by senatorexlax

  1. The more time I've had to sit here and think about it, the more the ending of the book is frustrating me. I want to know what happens to all the other main characters! Rowling has said if she made another book it would be a sort of encyclopedia. I really hope she does that, as it would be a good opportunity to explain the future lives of all the characters. EDIT: Darksword, you beat me to the punch on the encyclopedia thing.
  2. It is pretty frustrating to me when people do that, especially considering that this event has been nearly a decade in the making. It was worth not getting it at midnight to steer clear of that nonsense.
  3. I don't even know what to do now that I've finished it. I'm just kind of sitting here. It's hard to believe it's over.
  4. I'm glad there is finally a thread on here about this movie. I tried going to rotten tomatoes forums, but I noticed pretty much every person there responded to criticism of the movie with "It got a lot of positive reviews, so it can't be bad." As for my two cents, I pretty much agree with most of you, this movie felt really choppy a lot of the times, and it seemed like major plot points weren't explained at all. I had to explain several parts to friends who hadn't read the books. Also, did anybody notice that the CGI was fucking awful for the mistletoe scene? I can't say it's all bad though, not by a long shot. I would say the last half an hour or so tickled me just as much as say, the final saber fight in episode 1. What I mean by that is I was pretty much giddy for the whole thing. Lucius Malfoy (I don't remember the actors name) was exactly like I felt he should have been, and the death eaters are portrayed with the type of power that they are supposed to have. Then of course there is <i>the</i> fight, the big daddy of them all. I felt like this was cut short, but wow did it ever impress me. In previous movies, and even in the books to a certain extent, you don't really get to see the absolutely tremendous power that Voldemort and Dumbledore have. That scream, the glass, the sand, the fire, the water... fuck that just was unreal. I really hope Voldemort gets a TON of room to play in the seventh book, if for no other reason than the see Ralph Fiennes on screen more come 2010. This post is too long, I'll stop now.
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