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Posts posted by Xsquader

  1. The youtube version is a screen capture of my FL Studio project. The soundcloud link below is the high (much higher quality) quality final mix.


    I never go for any specific sound I kind of just let the workflow be it's own being in a way. Sometimes I get sort of a retro modern sound, if that makes sense.



  2. 4 hours ago, OmegaBolt said:

    Thanks for your response. I guess I could try EQing after the effects too, see if it makes a big difference. I do separate many tracks across the channels, but with the bass I think it can lose focus more and get muddy quite quickly, although mirroring it to a separate channel that only outputs reverb which is spread out a bit can be quite nice depending on the sound you want.

    I should have someone for vocals who I think will be quite great! I will update this when that version is done.


    You know anything about sidechaining?

  3. On 3/4/2017 at 8:46 PM, OmegaBolt said:

    Would like some feedback, particularly on mixing and overall sound as I struggle with that I think. For instance I like the bass sound, but it feels kind of disconnected and I don't know how to fix it. Same with the end lead I think (at least in the beginning, before it goes up an octave). It would be great to get a singer on it too! I think a female voice would be a nice contrast to the original, but I'm open to suggestions.

    I often add 2 equalizers to each fx chain. One at the beginning and one at the end. The one at the beginning is intended to remove any frequencies I do not wish to be in the sound. Then I do whatever other FX I am going to use. With the final one that is used to emphasize and de-emphasize the ranges you want. Try that and let me know if that better helps to get you the sound you want. It basically allows you to control what sounds fill out the mix and where. Pretty good on the ears so far and I think this trick might help you! The main lead for example. Try cutting off the low end and let the highest fall off towards the end as well. Then on the last equalizer try to place emphasis in the lower highs. Good luck!


    EDIT - By the way, using the equalizer at the beginning of the FX chain of each instrument and removing the lows from some of them might make the lows a bit less chaotic and allow the sounds you do want there to stand out and fill in more clearly. Using panning effectively can make it fill in better as well. I like to use the basic "stereo shaper" in FL Studio sometimes to separate sounds in a mix.

  4. On 3/17/2017 at 1:06 AM, urdailywater said:

    i love the feeling of this one. the soundscape creates a mysterious vibe that's pleasant to listen too.


    Thank you. This one was primarily focused on creating a nice atmosphere and soundscape. I appreciate you noticing :)

  5. I have been working on music since about 2006 I think. Never had anyone teach me or was in band or anything. Just enjoy doing it and did it for years just to listen to myself. I seem to be unable to really purposely make anything of any specific genre. I kind of just do what I wish and something comes out. Anyways what are your opinions on this track? I think it might be too loud (I always worry because my hearing is bad and I don't have any monitors) but another thing, how can I get a cleaner sound? 




     I have included a youtube and a soundcloud link as I know soundcloud has the ability to download and better sound quality. Some people prefer youtube though.

  6. Will have something in tomorrow before the deadline. Its nice to keep polishing a mix right until the end. 

    Eh, the way I see it is you can repost it if you clean it up, might as well get something in. I am still kicking myself for a pretty much complete PRC entry I didn't put in a while back after spending a fair amount of time on it.

  7. Well, what I meant by that was I mixed it in a day and rather than wait until the next day to make sure things were basically the way I wanted them I subbed it. Never underestimate that single day. It means quite a bit in the long run.

    I do agree entirely that the extra day does indeed matter. If I am not mistaken isn't it possible to update it if you contact the contest sponsor? I think this has been done in PRC. I don't recall though.

  8. Thank you Timaeus and Evktalo for the constructive criticism and feedback. I'll try to throw an update out in the next 3-5 days (maybe sooner if I have time!) and then see if it is more pleasing after that then go from there. Taken note of all of the advice and feedback and going to try to incorporate what has been said into the updated mix.

  9. I'm thinking of hybridizing my current version with my soundcloud version so we can get the best of both works - it's gonna be epic, if I can pull this off right anyhow...

    I wasn't even aware the soundcloud version was not the one you submitted. I do like the soundcloud version better. It shouldn't be too hard to do a bit of hybridization, I like to do that to most of my original music myself. Modern sound with bits and pieces of the vintage sound. Good luck with that. I look forward to hearing your future updates.

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