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Everything posted by Zurginator

  1. Not entirely happy with how this turned out (had to rush it to get it done for a competition), but it's rapidly becoming my most popular work, so I guess others like it. Edit: Wow, I'm surprised. Took 3rd in a Metroid DB contest. Wasn't expecting to place.
  2. I was not aware this much awesome could exist within one song.
  3. Is it just me or does that refer to absolutely nothing posted in this topic. Dude, READ. You just go on and on and on, actually READ WHAT WE SAY. Oh, and post 1 or 2 of your 'better things' that you have 'actually completed'
  4. Did you not read what I posted? I said I'm changing stuff, so I won't be quiet because I want people's opinions on what I change. That said, if you want to continue to follow this project, go to z13.invisionfree.com/gouda_moose If you don't, see ya'll at launch I guess.
  5. For all ya'll that followed the other topic, the reason I'm not going to hide is because I'm changing up some things in the game, and I don't want to kill the game for anyone. So I had that topic to get input.
  6. IF I get C&D'ed that's what I will do. But until then, I don't see any reason not to do this.
  7. At least I'm not asking for it all at once, and right now. Well so was this, the best way to counter a jerk is to be one:
  8. If you don't like the project you don't have to read this topic. I suggest you leave, I'm through with your comments.
  9. It's actually already fully off the ground. It's playable and I'd say we have 25-30% of the mapping finished. We've got a good deal of the models finished and a team that is dedicated to the project, not just a bunch of random people. So it's not 'proposed', it's 'being completed'.
  10. But like I said, a C&D won't stop me. I will still finish, and now ya'll know about it, so if I do get a C&D you can still help and get the game once it's done, just not publicly.
  11. MP2D has been going on for almost 5 years, so like I said, we'll take it as it happens. Besides, we're already too far along to change it now. Oh, and I AM working on something else that is original, but this is mah pet project. Even if we get a C&D I'll still finish it, just not in public.
  12. STOP BEING SO PESSIMISTIC!!! :-x And because: A- I love this game and want a better version B- It's fun C- I can
  13. Don't worry about it. And OMG its that guy! I love your music man! Btw, we need help, so if anyone is good at Modeling, Texturing, Music (I wonder.... considering what forum this is), or Sandbox 2, please speak up! Screen of Phendrana to cheer yall up:
  14. Orpheon is pretty far along, it will probably take the longest, due to the fact that I have to make the entire thing out of 'solids' through the editor. (Solids are rectangular prisms, no other shapes. >_<) Tallon Overworld was pretty close to done, but we have started over on it, for various reasons. The new map is MUCH better, and about as far along as Orpheon Phendrana Drifts is the closest to completion, by far, as we have the entire map roughed out and ready for detailing, which is decently far along as well. Magmoor caverns is just getting started. So I mean, we have a good bit done, but yeah, we're in it for the long haul. I'm planning on using it for my application to various game studios.
  15. It won't. Nintendo has a way of letting things slide, particularly with Metroid. Look at how many fan games the let go on, even ones that are STEALING OFFICIAL RESOURCES. We, however, are remaking everything ourselves, so that adds to the chance of them letting us slide. (Just like they let MP2D slide).
  16. http://projectprime.wetpaint.com/ THE GOAL: The goal of Project: Prime is to recreate the hit GameCube game, Metroid Prime, in HD using the power of Crytek's CryENGINE 2.' THE GAME: Metroid Prime is the first 3D Metroid game released on November 15, 2002. It was developed by Nintendo-owned Retro Studios and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo GameCube. It is officially classified by Nintendo as a first-person adventure, rather than a first-person shooter, due to the large exploration component to the game. It was also the first Metroid game to be released since Super Metroid, which was released nearly eight years earlier, though this only applies to North America as in all other markets, it was released after Metroid Fusion. Metroid Prime was the first of the four part Prime storyline, which takes place between the original Metroid and Metroid II: Return of Samus. The title was later bundled with the GameCube in 2004. Like the rest of the series, Metroid Prime has a science fiction setting, once again allowing you to play as the bounty hunter Samus Aran. The story follows Samus battling the Space Pirates and their biological experiments on planet Tallon IV. Project: Orpheon In Project Prime, we are aiming for a darker, more mechanical feel, as was seen in the E3 showing from Retro. Orpheon now has no global lighting, and what lights it has are faded and dim from the destruction caused by the parasites.
  17. You are not too late! I'll see what I can do video-wise, but pay in mind that 80% of the textures are stand-ins, and I'm not done detailing, either. Video of Tallon Overworld: http://www.xfire.com/video/920b5/ If you want to follow the project closely, check out the following: http://projectprime.wetpaint.com/ I'll see about starting up an update thread on these boards too.
  18. Problem with Metroid Metal is it really doesn't work for background music... And it's not spooky, it's powerful, which isn't the feeling I'm going for.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRWW2pZWk9I&feature=related Hi, I'm working on a reconstruction of Metroid Prime in HD, and would like some songs. I'm not going to ask for them all at once, because I realize how much work that would be and nobody would want to help. So as I get a decent way into a level, I will probably request a song for it here, unless I find one that the composer will let me use. Anyways, I'm a decent way into Orpheon, so I would like a remix of the song above. It needs to be rather spooky, as I am going with Prime's original concept, which was very dark. Here are some screens, so that you know I'm not playing around: If anyone would help with this, it would be very greatly appreciated!
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