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Posts posted by melody

  1. don't get a trem unless you already have a normal good guitar already. They are a pain in the ass and you use them once in a blue moon (although they are cooler then hell).

    all guitars rise in pitch f you press the strings too hard or rest your hand on the floating bridge too hard. Also make sure the 12th fret and the natural harmonic there are perfectly in tune.

    this is completely off topic but

    your sig is awesome

  2. Luke*the*Xjesse [loo-kuh-the-ECKS-jeh-sì]


    1. "A simple man from North Carolina who wishes to make awesome rock/metal remixes, as well as some Orchestral music for kicks ;). His favorite games are: Mega Man X-X4, Mega Man 2, 3, 4, 7, and 9, Super Mario RPG, Kirby's Adventure, Kirby Super Star, Double Dragon II (NES), Final Fantasy VI, IX, Skies of Arcadia, Guilty Gear X and X2/XX, Chrono Cross, Sunset Riders (the SNES version; genesis version sucks), G.I. Joe (NES), Donkey Kong Country 1-3, Shatterhand, and most Mario/Zelda/Sonic games."

    In reality Luke Keever is a sad young redneck boy from the deep south of North Carolina, who lives and dies by Dream Theater and funny chiptunes. He is a self-proclaimed babe magnet and death metal vocalist, so ladies be on your guard. He also gets sunburned very easily and seems to have a penchant for cycling through nicks on IRC.

    in all seriousness, happy birthday dude. your metal remixes are awesome and you need to finish the million you have lying around, namely your lufia and scarab beetle ones :ocrgreen:

    happy 19th birthday hurrrr

    ps happy belated birthday to halt, who turned 15 [18] last week

  3. this is absolutely ridic, dude. the harmonic modulations are flooring me

    the only thing holding it back from being accepted imo is a point drumultima already addressed: source usage. i think if you manage to cheese in more of the melody it'll bump it up past 50% and you'll be in the green. terrific soloing and sexcellent groove though, im really digging this track

    please finish this up and sub soon!

  4. Sounds pretty promising imo. The mix is a bit messy, you could probably do some EQ separation to clean it up a bit. I'm not sure how well panning the piano is working. I can hear the source you provided easily, and it's a nice interpretation of it.

    Just watch out for making it too much of a medley. Keep up the good work.

    thanks rozovian! yeah, the mix was pretty muddy. there were similar suggestions at #ocrwip and i have cleaned it up considerably (i think). also, you're right on about the panning, piano panned right sounds bleh; it's now two tracks with the bass notes panned slightly left and chord tones panned slightly right. so far the mix is heavily urlun star, with bits of float islands from dreamland 1 and the "chorus" from ripple field 1 a la dreamland 3 present.

    well, here it is (also posted above): stats.png

    hope you enjoy

  5. i'd have to cash in with -rk-, the song itself is nice but it's a bit challenging to hear the resemblance to the source. at max you have maybe three (?) sounds going at the same time, so it sounds a bit empty. the mix would definitely benefit from added instrumentation, and possibly from some added reverb to that harp

    overall i think this is going in the right direction. i would advise to incorporate more source material and possibly more instrumentation, but obviously that's up to you :)

  6. hi all, this is my first real post as i'm a newcomer to the forums at ocremix

    the past couple days i've been hanging out at #ocrwip showing them my music and they've all helped shape my tunes into something nice listening to (the production was awful before). i just thought i'd get as many voices in as i could because i'm relatively new to production.

    the song is an original of mine inspired by cheesy 80s romance animes. 80s jpop forever~

    link: stats.png

    please enjoy!

    p.s special thanks to tensei, blitzlunar, snappleman, monobrow, djsbx, and last but not least, dproject. you guys rock.

  7. hi all, this is my first real post as i'm a newcomer to the forums at ocremix

    the past couple days i've been hanging out at #ocrwip showing them my music and they've all helped shape my tunes into something nice listening to. i just thought i'd get as many different ears in as i could because i'm relatively new to production.

    the song is a remix of "yakusoku wa iranai" from escaflowne that i did today, written by the amazingly talented ms. yoko kanno

    source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfVu42oYqjU

    remix (12/19/09): stats.png

    please enjoy!

    p.s special thanks to tensei, blitzlunar, snappleman, monobrow, djsbx, and last but not least, dproject. you guys rock.

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