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Posts posted by melody

  1. what a great way to kick off 2011. shoutouts to harmony, kwesi, monobrow, audiofidelity, lukas, scytheful, donut, jade, chris, arek, hypersonic, overcoat, vimk, hawkenstein, drumultima, shnabubula, tim, ella_guru, a_rival, darkesword, arrow, cyril, wildfire, hiroki kikuta and whale songs, 48 hr days, energy drinks, korean food, con funk, jamspace, magfest, gettin lost in dc, and everything and everyone else i missed!


  2. i'm not familiar with the original so i can't comment on your interpretation of it or any artistic deviance from the source, but i love what i'm hearing compositionally. real reminiscent of the quaint charm sakuraba imparts his golden sun/tales of symphonia town bgm with.

    that said it think the production needs to be brought up to snuff. the instruments sound nasally and they don't each have their own breathing room yet. i think you can work on trimming some eq fat for each instrument, and more emphasis on dynamics would make this piece huge, articulations and volumes are pretty non-existent at this juncture. the nature of the samples you're using also demands that they simulate actual human habits and idiosyncrasies, more commonly known as humanization and that's probably the area most lacking in what you currently have. approaching the sequencing by having the mindset of the player behind each instrument as you go through the piece will take you pretty far

    best of luck

  3. "bitrate: 302 kbps"... oops

    chris, stop being such a worrywart. i can assure you your actual playing isn't what's going to make the difference between this not passing or going through :)

    blue, absolutely can't wait to see what you do man.

    thanks for the good luck wishes everyone, this mix is gonna need it to counter the fact that i have no idea how to mix violins haha

    edit: here's the final final link for anyone curious, stats.png

  4. cool arrangement, do i hear a little bit of dire dire docks nestled in there? i like the hilly structure, the constant busy/subdued retreat as well as the guitar solo it culminates with. unfortunately the production just isn't there yet. the guitar sample is particularly weak, but nothing that can't be masked by good humanization. as it stands now the note velocities are all twins and their rhythms are best friends with your metronome.. having the mindset of the imaginary guitar player and how you'd approach the timing of the notes and their articulations will take you pretty far

    bad production is a lot easier to bring up to snuff than revising a bad composition, which is far from the case here so keep at it and level up that production

  5. Even though this is a WIP, I really enjoyed it and like what you've done so far. It stayed at the top of my iPod's track list for a recent drawing session :-)http://fav.me/d333mba The best of luck on its completion and posting on OCR!

    snap this is prime work man, i'm really flattered. when the song is finished i'm totally suggesting you take it and draw some inter-dimensional-fabric-of-time-space-travel joint to it haha. lovin the where threads connect bump on your deviantart page as well :)

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