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Posts posted by melody

  1. i'm a fender guy but schecters are beautiful guitars for those who want something more specialized. unfortunately the decent ones aren't within your price range. a lot of these entry level guitars boast similar specs to the point where a beginner wouldn't really be able to tell the difference, but they will set the stage for your preferences later on. on that note, you really can't go wrong with fender, schecter, carvin, and ibanez. you should also drop the pod and get a saffire instead

  2. my fellow projectaholics,

    we who are in projectaholics anonymous (hereafter p.a.) came because we finally gave up trying to control our projectaholicism. we still hated to admit that we could never remix for projects safely. then we heard from other p.a. members that we were sick. (we thought so for years!) we found out that many people suffered from the same feelings of guilt and loneliness and hopelessness that we did. we found out that we had these feelings because we had the disease of projectaholicism.

    we decided to try and face up to what projects had done to us. here are some of the questions we tried to answer honestly. if we answered yes to four or more questions, we were in deep trouble with our project-related remixing. see how you do. remember, there is no disgrace in facing up to the fact that you have a problem.

    - projectaholics anonymous

  3. thanks for the suggestions everyone, time to go back to the drawing board. i admit i love to cut corners when it comes to initial production, a department this definitely is sorely lacking in. about the quote, honestly i just wanted to sample some super old recording of an old guy saying something along the lines of what i copped from descartes haha. i didn't specifically sample descartes' meditations because it was descartes or anything.

    i guess where i'm coming from is that you can definitely question reality irrespective of your experiences being objectively real or not. so who knows if the windfish actually blew link's mind as opposed to confirming his suspicions? a ton of the dialogue and events seem to embrace that same solipsistic theme so is it that far of a stretch to infer that link's mind ever wandered in that general direction? maybe.

    maybe i'm just crazy. but definitely thanks to everyone for their input. i'll have an updated version soon

  4. i would be inclined to agree with you if there was guitar here. i agree that the eq separation needs a ton of work but the piano isn't something that does? the verb on the piano is practically 100% via sends and it's eq'd appropriately at 950 hz. it's also ivory so.. if you think that sounds fake then there's no way i can help you haha. appreciate the feedback though

  5. a remix of link awakens, the inspiration for this one comes from link's solipsistic struggle when marooned on the alien island of koholint. i did my best to put myself in the shoes of a boy who desperately pushes forward in an effort to validate his experiences as true.


    source: http://vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gameboy/Z4awake.mid

    edit 10/13/11: stats.png

    link to my debut album: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36932

  6. i'm fine with mastering my own track if need be, can the project directors post some general guidelines to adhere to so we can all individually master yet aim for some consistency? something like a second of silence preceding and proceeding your track(s). blind said some already mastered their tracks so if we continue on this route we can still aim for an imminent release date

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