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Black Waltz

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Everything posted by Black Waltz

  1. I'm really proud of Team OCAD and Immaculate Breasts for our match today. We had a solid defense and our pushes were all well-coordinated. Good job, guys.
  2. When all four pieces [of the Croc-O-Style] of the set are worn, the set provides this additional bonus: The wear cannot be killed by headshots. o.O anti-Lumpy powers??
  3. I've talked to snowball (Saucy Turtles leader) and he's agreed to make the match Oct. 3rd (Sunday) @ 3 PM Eastern Time.
  4. Yesh. /10chars EDIT: atmuh has informed me that all times are in CEST.
  5. Anyone know what time zone the matches are to be scheduled as? We have a proposed match time of Oct. 3 2:00 but I have no idea if it's CEST or what.
  6. Alright, our whole team should be attending tonight.
  7. Most of our team is available, just need confirmation from !! and Narf. EDIT: just confirmation from Narf now.
  8. I'll try to get people to look at the Steam group page more often. This week was unexpected for me because I didn't know about the scrim until after it was scheduled. Team 2, please go to the Steam group announcement and read the whole thing.
  9. I can't play in this scrim, I'm away from my good computer.
  10. We're going to discuss that at the meeting on Tuesday. I want everyone to be present in case there are objections. The lineup in my head should benefit our whole team.
  11. Reminder to OCR Team 2, we have a meeting on Tuesday at 9 PM EST. EDIT: Changed to 9:30 PM because my RA scheduled a mandatory floor meeting at 9 >.>
  12. This made my day
  13. I think it's a common problem; happens every time I start up TF2. My internet completely dies and comes back after 5 minutes.
  14. Sounds kinky.
  15. I got: /robin/walker/is/wearing/cute/cat/ears/with/jarate/
  16. The Immaculate Breasts.
  17. Signed up on the ETF2L site and joined OCR Team 2. Hopefully you guys won't need me.
  18. I think it's clear that atmuh is referring to this game from a competitive standpoint, while neblix is coming from a pubber point of view. In a competitive game (or a pub game with decent people), a spy's ability to do much is pretty much based all on luck and timing since most people are aware of what's going on around them. From my experience playing on random pub servers, a spy can actually cause a good amount of chaos, ie: a bunch of silly engineers build all their stuff next to each other; spy saps everything, demo comes in and wipes everything out. It's like comparing Brawl with all items on with Melee fox only, final destination only, no items, etc.
  19. What about when a DR spy causes the entire team to chase after it? (Doesn't happen often and only against teams that are terrible, I know)
  20. I was planning to, but I had to leave right after You might've seen me (probably not though, since it was dark) as a poorly cosplayed Zell sitting on the sideline aisle.
  21. I'm voting no.
  22. oh atmuh, you so sneaky.
  23. ^LOL @ droideka. Everything about this update was hilarious. I remember on dustbowl 1 last night I was trying to cap the second point and an engy helped me cap by bringing his level 3 sentry to the point.
  24. Don't get why they reduced Gunboats self damage to 60%. It's totally useless anyways so why the nerf?
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