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Everything posted by zerohunter

  1. This remix blows me away. I have never heard such an amazing arrangement of a piece of art. You took that dustman theme and turned it into something much, much more. AmIEvil, you got me hooked on OC Remixes, and I am forever greatful for that. You're my hero -The wonderus spectacle of a reploid once called Zero...
  2. Only boss in Prime that I had trouble with was the Omega Pirate, I don't know why either the 2nd time I fought him he was really easy. Ridley was hard until I got the patten of dashes down. Then I finshed him off without getting hit at all. Prime himself was also hard until patterns were learned. Ice spreader absolutly destroys him in ice form, otherwise he's just hard to hit. And the 2nd form is a joke, all you have to do is jump a few times, go into his pool, and blast him. Repeat as needed...
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