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Sir Prize

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Everything posted by Sir Prize

  1. Oh god. Pyro is Yoshi. It all makes sense now. ... Also, I am ashamed I didn't think of Spaceballs: The Flame Thrower. I love that movie. EDIT: Thirdly, an update just came out to optimize the polygons of the new weapons, it seems. So we'll see how this auto-updater program of PL's works in real-time! And it apparently added more cons to the cannon including a minor damage reduction and the inability to be crit boosted.
  2. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/560912928356813849/CD998102FA3CBB45B34212078CD47D4D145FD926/ I dunno. I felt he'd like the hat.
  3. With these laser guns and all the Demoknights, only ubers (and then only ubers of people with proper weapons) are really going to be able to take down Sentries. It'll be interesting.
  4. I agree with point 2 and part of 4 for problems with it. I'd be fine with it having 3-4 shots, and the fire addon needs to go. Mini-crits in a blast is enough, no need to burn too.
  5. Only the charged shot, and it does piddly damage to buildings. The charge also can't be stopped once you start, so if you hit Mouse 2... you're in for that charge for the three seconds, along with the slower movement rate while you charge. The charge attack does mini-crits to all player targets... and also sets them on fire for some reason. Both laser effects are reflectable.
  6. I only watched the first couple minutes... but that definitely looks like it'll be interesting. Wondering how the Spy's disguise mechanic would work in a side-scroller like that, though. As is par for the course, I am continuing my little series of goofball footage videos... I'm not sure if I've linked the first one here yet, but I know the second will be new. I'm a little happier with the former than the latter... but hope everyone enjoys both.
  7. Definitely. I was doing some coaching and even rocket jumping completely confuses some of these new players since they have no idea you can actually do it. And let's not even begin to get into using the Dead Ringer on them... Still, if you want to defeat a team of these new players, all you really need is one really well-placed Engineer sentry or a Heavy/Medic pair.
  8. Pft. I've had that hat for a while. In fact, I've had a superior version: Also, I believe I may have a problem:
  9. You should make that turkey engy your spray. It would be fitting.
  10. Speaking of videos. Once I got my hands on the Disciplinary Action... I had a plan. A dumb plan, but a plan nonetheless. And this was it: Thanks to everyone who participated in this, including our own Jolly Sniper-then-Engineer.
  11. I'm getting the update right now... I can't wait to try out all this new stuff. Most notably, I want to try out the new Solly boots with Rocket Jumper. Fun goomba times~ The rest of them I'll try as I get them. I... don't see myself changing up my Sniper loadout, though. I'm rather attached to what I'm using.
  12. The Maul is a reskin for the Homewrecker, and the promo items for Magic seem to be a tusk hat thing for Medic and goggles for Scout. Both don't have their full names loaded in yet and are just referred to as "The". It's quite amusing.
  13. From what I heard, the Saxxy statue is a melee weapon useable by any class. But that's just hearsay, so I can't give any definite answers. It'd definitely replace my wrench on Engy when I'm not using the Gunslinger... infuse that sentry with 100% Hale goodness. ... I wonder if you could use it as a Spy knife effectively.
  14. I have some other paints if you want to trade paint for paint.
  15. Don't vote "Kiss Me." That was stolen from someone else and entered into the contest. I follow the guy the original belongs to and he made a comment on YouTube about it.
  16. I am ungodly excited about this, you have no idea. Even if we don't win Best Coordinated Effort, I'm happy that it was apparently good enough to make to the finals. Anyway, on the topic of names and descriptions, most of my weapons are pretty well-known for their names but... Mochan-Nagant (Sydney Sleeper) "There's only a two letter difference between ruination and urination." Ph.D in Bodyshoots (Sniper Rifle) "Whether you're shot in the body or head, One fact remains: You're still dead." Projectile Implement of Sorrow Spreading (Jarate, formerly Urine Trouble) "They say it's better to be pissed off than pissed on. Too bad you're both." Bullshiv (Bushwacka, tempted to rename to the Piss D'Resistance) "Pissed yet? You will be." Hammerin' Sickle (Iron Curtain) "The Soviet symbol for superior suppressive fire." Moscow Meat Miracle (Buffalo Steak Sandvich) "100% All-Natural Buffalownage." Unrelenting Steel Strikers of Resistance (Fists. Of. Steel) "Gauntlets that were tailor-made for Russian front lines." El Kabang (Frontier Justice) "Of all the guns in legend and song, there's none other quite as strong." Biomechanical Babymaker (Gunslinger) "NO, BABY, NO!" Dr. Teddimus Q. Bear (Engy Teddy) "Ph.D in Honey and other bear-related Activities." Ocelot (Revolver) "It's like a bobcat or something." Axestential Quandary (Horseless Headless Huntsman's Headcutter) "Cursed by dark spirits with a horrible sense of humor." I have way too much fun naming these things. It lets my horrible puns run rampant. I'm tempted to get the blue-gray slate paint for my Yellow Belt and call it the Infinite Ammo Bandanna. But then I'd need to get a second can to make my Villain's Veil match.
  17. It's interesting, the knife hints that he always disguises as Spy for the less attentive... so you'd figure people would catch on. However, despite his consistency, you always end up with people who ignore the slow-moving Scout and end up backstabbed because of it. Gets annoying when the people who do this are on your team. Doesn't help that Moondoggy can refill his DR watch insanely fast, so you're stuck having to chase him down four or five times to ensure he stays dead. While that sort of dedication keeps him from causing more problems, it also serves as one heck of a distraction. Distraction Spies, of course, being something I can get behind - as you can probably tell from my "Uncle Bonehead" antics.
  18. I would if it wasn't way too long, and using copyrighted music. I DO have a few videos I have entered for Saxxies, and there's one more I plan to try and enter after I finish editing it. Ones like that one, though, along with my "full version" of Fists of Shield... are really just for fun and the amusement of others. Though, I HAVE entered one with me straight up goofing off and getting an Engy killed for it:
  19. Man, been a while since I've been 'round these parts. Anyway, for those of you who participated in the Heavy Juggling events not too long ago... I have compiled the footage as I said I would. If you would like to see my work, or just see what happened if you weren't around for it... you can find it here: I have some other footage, such as my ghost riding during the Pac Man map and our other juggling game with the tons of Engineers and one Heavy/Medic pair per side. If there's interest, I can see about editing and uploading those as well. Unfortunately, if you live in Germany, you probably won't be able to see it due to the song choice I went with. Sorry about that.
  20. Oh wow. Been a while since I came to the forums here and there's a MH3 thread. I suppose I shouldn't be all that surprised. Speaking of Jhen, I just think he's an awesome fight in general, since it breaks away from how you do all the other fights. I just hit HR 30, so I'll be fighting him again in order to continue ranking up. I play a Lancer, and I've been having quite the fun time with it.
  21. After reading that, I'm reminded of this YouTube link:
  22. I think that's for the sports commentary, not the DnD game.
  23. Aw, they got rid of the Gunboats reducing the damage to your own taunt? Suck. I loved using that on low-grav maps to get up to fun places.
  24. Same. Also, totally looking into the MapTool and DiceTool thing linked by Eulogic. Sorry for the delay in posting, I completely forgot my OCR forums password. 8D
  25. I joined the server through Squad NOVA and them playing on the server. I keep playing on it because it's honestly a fun server that does all sorts of goofy things. Like melee-only and the versus commentary. It's just more fun.
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