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The Eluryahn

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Everything posted by The Eluryahn

  1. It has been a few years since I've tried to arrange or compose anything. I've been in a bit of a rut, and school and work are kicking my butt. (That rhymed!) 

    But I was thinking about how much fun I've had on OCRemix before with the competitions and such, and I want to get back into arranging, and maybe collaborating. 

  2. Hey! Yeah, I'm in Utah. I'm planning on going to UVU for Digital Media, so the fact that you're at U of U doing games and audio interests me. I would love to do the same thing you mention in your About Me. Do you happen to be related to the Day family who owns Day Murray Music?

  3. I hate to do this guys, I really do. I'm going to have to back out of this round. I have medical things that have come up suddenly that are going to keep me from any remixing. If Anorax wants to take my place with wildfire, by all means, let him take it, if MindWanderer is acquiescing. Again, I'm really sorry. Crap happens.
  4. I haven't done this in a while. I do believe I'd like to be a novice again, por favor. I participated last season, so I don't need to link anything, right?
  5. Hey man! I know you're still out serving the Lord. I'm home now; I got to serve for just under 8 months. I had to come home for medical stuff, but I hope the work goes well in California!

  6. Dude, I know you won't see this for almost two years, but I got my mission call tonight! I'm going to the Texas Houston mission on May 22. The Church rocks!

  7. So I also imitated a posted ReMixer: http://ocremix.org/artist/4438/klutz
  8. Man, I feel like I'm copping out by doing the piece I'm doing, since it's just piano. And because I will likely not be able to record it being performed live before the submission date. =/
  9. Anyone know an amazing pianist here at OCR that could learn my piece in less than two weeks and record it? It's all arranged, just needs a player. EDIT: Looking at the rules, that would probably be against them. However, what if I played it or found someone I know personally to play it and the recorded it?
  10. Forgot to post my sources. Here ya'll go.
  11. Dang it. I'm too late to say goodbye. Good luck anyway! God speed!

  12. I'm guessing 3DS is okay then, since it released in 2011?
  13. Do it anyway. Maybe it will force some stars to give in and help.
  14. Looking ahead at what homework I have coming up, I believe I can still fit this in. Go ahead and sign me up. Hopefully another star will sign up to be even it out.
  15. How many more episode will there be this season? I'm just trying to gauge if I can do it compared to my homework load.
  16. This was fun, and it makes me tempted to do it for this next month. But all this homework is dragging me down. IDK. . . And thank you to DusK for helping me. Despite his warning me it could happen, I feel that my mix was rather forced and not inspired. Oh well. Maybe I'll see you guys on the next round, if I can get this Spanish out of the way.
  17. I forgot to send the source with mine. It is and it doesn't have name.
  18. Oh noes! I'm so sorry, Callum. That sucks. Good luck getting it all done. I'm running late myself.
  19. Interviews work. I think that an evaluation of the winning songs would be good. IDK who would host those evaluations, but they could look at theme, use of source, etc. Perhaps in the interviews with the contestants the host could ask a bit about their background, not going into life stories, but enough to let us get to know each other a bit. Perhaps mention the genres you like, or your favorite OCR artists, things like that.
  20. Just to make sure, it's okay if the game was released over ten years ago, even if it has since been uploaded to something like Steam or re-released on the PS3 network? There are a couple games I'm looking at, but they have been released as a download on the networks sometime in the 2000's. EDIT: Also, if it must be at least 10 years old, that means some games from GameCube qualify. I suddenly feel old. Would Skies of Arcadia count? "On December 26, 2002, an enhanced port, Skies of Arcadia Legends was released in Japan for the GameCube. It was subsequently released in North America on January 27, 2003. . ." ~Wikipedia. Technically it was first released on December 26 just over ten years ago.
  21. I echo Flexstyle's sentiments on school beginning, but I'd like to go at this again now that the holidays are over. Put me down as a novice if there is yet room. Hopefully we'll get enough stars this round. EDIT: I guess I should add that I use Finale Songwriter 2007, LMMS, and I will have access to Cubase 6ish next week.
  22. Yay for NaNoWriMo! That is why I can't do this month, either. However, I may come back for December. My novel needs songs.
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