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Posts posted by Aeronaut

  1. Well, looks like we finally know what happened to the Steam forums:

    November 10th, 2011

    Dear Steam Users and Steam Forum Users:

    Our Steam forums were defaced on the evening of Sunday, November 6. We began investigating and found that the intrusion goes beyond the Steam forums.

    We learned that intruders obtained access to a Steam database in addition to the forums. This database contained information including user names, hashed and salted passwords, game purchases, email addresses, billing addresses and encrypted credit card information. We do not have evidence that encrypted credit card numbers or personally identifying information were taken by the intruders, or that the protection on credit card numbers or passwords was cracked. We are still investigating.

    We don’t have evidence of credit card misuse at this time. Nonetheless you should watch your credit card activity and statements closely.

    While we only know of a few forum accounts that have been compromised, all forum users will be required to change their passwords the next time they login. If you have used your Steam forum password on other accounts you should change those passwords as well.

    We do not know of any compromised Steam accounts, so we are not planning to force a change of Steam account passwords (which are separate from forum passwords). However, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to change that as well, especially if it is the same as your Steam forum account password.

    We will reopen the forums as soon as we can.

    I am truly sorry this happened, and I apologize for the inconvenience.


  2. I really don't see why they don't just make the gift like the Mann Co. store's single "Gift".

    In other words, someone would pick it up and a random person (not necessarily the one who picked it up) would receive the contents. I think this would make everyone happier all around.

  3. There aren't really any plans to change it at this time.

    One thing that we have changed is the icon hiding thing.

    Also, Valve has said they plan on pushing a TF2 client update out to fix the crashing problems.

    You either allow taunt-switching for amusing weapon-taunting shenanigans or you don't. :whatevaa:

    Unless I'm missing something, this is hardly a setting that strikes me as requiring "plans" to change.

  4. So while surfing The Kilgores' new "Family Jewels" remix of Jewel Temptation (on the new Mega Man 9 album's second disc), I noticed something...


    "I don't notice anything," you might say.


    See that? It looks like a jewel.

    Turns out the song's Audiosurf backdrop is FULL OF THEM:






    The Last One

    This is easily the trippiest thing that's ever happened to me in the game.

    This remix and most of the others from the new Mega Man 9 album have GREAT Audiosurf runs, by the way. I'd highly recommend giving them all a shot.

  5. Valve already said no to replacing either dispenser or teleporter.

    Before and since then, they've also seen fit to allow players to choose to:

    • Remove all explosive weaponry from the "Demoman", leaving only a melee attack.
    • Remove Overheal from the Medic.
    • Use the Pain Train on CTF maps.
    • Use the Jumper weapons.
    • Suicide by console command at any time.
    • Not build teleporters (or dispensers) at all in the first place.
    • Play a class other than Engineer.

    With the default loadout being the Teleporter, the Engineer can always choose to build them if the team needs it. Similarly, with the default Medigun having overheal and the default Demoman loadout having explosives, those classes can always be played to those strengths if need be.

    Likewise, an Engineer can just as well already choose not to lay teleporters, which, in my opinion, is already a very frequent occurrence on smaller maps (usually KOTH).

    While I understand Team Fortress 2 is a "team" game, nothing's stopping a team from, say, stacking snipers. Nothing's stopping a team from having no medics at all, and more relevantly, no Engineers at all.

    If I can see a team with Demomen and Medics having neither Bombs nor Overheal (and consequently, no invincibility-granting Übercharge to boot), in other words, I don't see why we couldn't also just as well have a team with Engineers without teleporters.

    ...and yes, that's probably a bad mentality, but based on Valve's past additions to the game, I'd say it could very well happen. Not saying this is a good trend to follow (though I would personally approve of the bear traps), but it could happen.

  6. Been having a blast with this latest update. The above-ground jungle biomes make finding their underground counterparts significantly easier, and the new enemies (and items) especially throw in the odd, unexpected surprise now and then.

  7. At some point, Valve gave away copies of portal to people. I can't remember why, but both mrs bark and i got it at that time. I think if you go to valve's youtube channel, they have an ad for it, that says 'used to be free'. I agree it sounds like a great game, but i'm not sure on the value return for it. I'll pick it up, once it's on sale.

    It was given away free during the "SteamPlay"/"Steam for Mac" system's beginnings, unless I'm mistaken.

    It was free for quite some time, too.

  8. Those new hats are awesome, but what the hell. The Portal pin is finally available...and you get it from playing all of the games in that asinine Potato Pack? Instead of, y'know, pre-ordering Portal 2? Le bullshit, Valve.

    This has me more confused than angered.

    I understand that there's an alternate-reality game going on associated with Portal 2, and I really like what they did with the Potato Hat ([Classified]). Modifying that item as a consequence of playing all the games would have been neat, but flat-out presenting the same people that bought the games associated with the ARG with a Portal Two pin?

    I don't understand Valve's motivation here. I like the mystery surrounding it to be sure, but I feel as if it's not something for which I'd justify spending money on games in which I'm honestly not interested. A bit funny considering that one effectively has to "buy-in" to the ARG to discover these things on their own.

  9. Question:

    I'm going to be getting Oshawott to breed it for other OCR poke-players, so as discussed it would be best to get a female. The question is, when in the game are the sexes and natures of the starters determined? Right before you open the pokeballs to select your starter? When (or if) you use the pokemon first to defend someone or yourself? Right when you start the game?

    This would be helpful to know so I could save right before that point, allowing me to turn off the game and restart as many times as needed so I can get a female.

    I've typically found that they're set before you actually pick up the Pokéballs/receive them.

    In HeartGold/SoulSilver the correct place is, unless I am mistaken, right in front of the Pokéballs before you actually pick one. You can then save and soft reset repeatedly right there; if a starter is shiny, it will show up as such before it's even picked. Not sure about the gender, however, but if Black/White does it the same way (which appears to be the case), the place to save is right before you actually pick.

  10. On a related note, I've always wondered why waffleshots are on.

    Maybe BLU could be the more vanilla server with random crits, damage spread, and no waffleshots (random shot spread? Not sure what it's called.), while RED has no random crits, no damage spread, and waffleshots on.

    If I understand the thinking behind the stuff anyway.

    Wouldn't it fit a bit better the other way around, though? RED is typically the "event" or "customs" server (in my eyes, at any rate).

    I've never liked the "waffle shotguns" feature on either server, so I'd enjoy seeing it "off" on one or both. As for crits, I'd like the idea of having them off by default on one server so long as they could be re-enabled by vote (as unlikely as that might be).

  11. Was there someone complaining about it? I dunno, maybe it was when I had TF2 alt-tabbed during certain tracks, but as far as I know, everyone seemed nicely receptive of it.

    For the record, I think it'd be cool to have a OCR-only micspam night every week or two. That is, all mixes on OCR, other albums/mixes from the remixers, and official OCR albums. That said, I'll be sure to get at least thirty more for the next time I go on an OCR micspam spree.

    One person complained about it, but he was a complete jerk and started spewing insults at the entire server. I'm fairly certain he was kicked/banned shortly thereafter.

    Aside from that individual, I don't believe anyone complained. Most were quite content with it. I'd personally love to see (or hear, rather) some kind of OC Remix-micspam night.

  12. Since Bark was nice enough to bump this for me while I was editing my last post, I'll repost what I was editing in:

    I've also done a nasty, hackish type thing to make it so that the server always displays a max player count of 24. This is due to TF2 not counting bots as players on the server, yet increasing the max player count when SourceTV's bot is enabled.

    TL;DR Max slot count was off by one, it's fixed now.

    NOTE to reserved slot holders: This means you must now use the console to connect to a full server! For example:

    connect blu.ocrtf2.com


    Been waiting for this for quite a while; hope it doesn't break again. :mrgreen:

  13. When you say "graphically stutter", do you mean that every once in a while the game just freezes for a split second and then returns to normal? I've noticed that happening to myself now, when I used to get smooth gameplay with no interruptions. I think it started after last Friday's update, and regardless of the server I'm on, it happens to me.

    Yeah. In my case it's a bit of the game either doing that or the reverse (appearing to move me just fine for an instant and then returning me to where I just was).

  14. I've yet to figure out why, but my TF2's started graphically stuttering, rendering itself unplayable, after a few minutes of playing on either of the OCR servers. Strangely enough, this problem doesn't manifest at all if I stay in spectator mode, but it starts off significantly worse if I start playing after having spectated for a while.

    I'm trying to figure out what's going on, and I've been hearing a few other people having similar/identical issues lately. Anyone know what's up?

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