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Everything posted by GrayLightning

  1. Great site. Requesting certain profane words and one gets this "This rVoice demo is made available for non-commercial demonstration purposes only. Inappropriate text will not be synthesized."
  2. ZynAddSubFX sounds interesting. I'll probably check it out soon, but I'm very picky.
  3. At first this mix was really odd and completely unexpected. I have to say this one really grows on you the more you listen to it. It's very creative and as far as style goes somewhat typical of shael's other works. The usage of fx and samples is interesting. Beyond this, I have to agree with the other comments made. The production and sound quality is too low to pass. It's indeed lofi sounding. The lead isn't very attractive to listen too either and is my biggest issue with this piece. Sounds like your average GM guitar sample. There's some questionable notation as well, particularly obvious in the ending sections like at 4:29. I do like the drumwork, though it's repetitive you make nice nice change ups here and there. Not a bad mix by any means, but not passable either. At this point it does sound like a WIP. Though it is very creative work, it's not executed or arranged as well as it could be. I really hope you decide to revisit this as I know you can do better and more memorable work. Hope to hear more from you soon. NO
  4. Snappleman's out of tune guitar has never sounded more pristine. NO
  5. Binnie is India's mythical version of a siren. My vote is LOAL.
  6. Fallthrough This is a fall-through of SnappleMan's mix. Game: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 on NES Song: Track 2 Overworld http://www.inverteddungeon.com/snappleman/TMNT_Heroes_in_a_Quartet.mp3
  7. This mix was submitted a month or two ago. Don't make assumptions on the process if you aren't aware of how hard we in the panel have worked and judged to cut down the wait period this year. Also don't assume mixers submit it to OCR at the same time they post their work elsewhere. Also in a worst case scenario, OCR has mechanisms in place to allow artists to use Fallthroughs to put their mixes before the panel 2-3 months after submission.
  8. The kick is definitely drowning everything else out. I would not use that much reverb on that kind of kick for this kind of genre either. It's just muddying up everything. Piano should be much more upfront and brighter than it it is now. Odd notes around 2:15 as well. Not bad, but average at best. Keep working at it. I suggest you start posting your mixes at the WIP/Completed forums at OC and start checking out the Remixing forum. No
  9. That has to be the longest build up in history. Over 2 minutes? Come on now. That may work for orchestral or ambient, but it simpy doesn't work in this context for me. The last third of the mix is good, but it simply can't overcome the 3 minutes of repetitive build up. I really hate to tell artists how to do their mixes, but in this regard the build up is too ridiculously long. Shorten the build up and I'd give this a Yes. I'm torn, but it's a borderline NO from me.
  10. FFmusic DJ Fallthrough Contact Info * Your ReMixer name : FFmusic DJ * Your real name : Haroon Piracha * Your email address : ffmusicdj@yahoo.com * Your website : http://ffmusic.net * Your userid (number, not name) on our forums : ffmusic dj ReMix Info * Name of game(s) ReMixed : Xenogears * Name of individual song(s) ReMixed : The Egg of Dreams * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. :My inspiration? it was the new PMM cd coming out, this is a 'dance remix' of a xenogears trance remix I made for PMM trance album and it's just for ORC. It was made like a year ago and I had difficulties with the song being compressed and mastered so I didnt submit it, well, now, it's fixed! yes I have RE-mastered the song and I am submitting to ORC the first copy of it. I used cubase sx and the latest software/hardware mixing technology to finished off this song, so it should sound top notch and professional. thanks for your time.
  11. This is definitely lacking in the production department. Along with what the others said, there's some serious audio problems in this mix. There's a sound of what sounds like clicking/popping throughout the whole mix. Definitely not up to the bar due to these issues. This needs more work. I suggest you post this in the OC WIP forum for more input. This is clearly not finished enough. Better luck next time. NO
  12. I think Darkesword covered this one perfectly. I can't help but agree. I enjoyed this piece though, but mostly because of the original. The end parts are very nicely done, but this is definitely not up to production and arrangement standards. Keep it up. NO
  13. I don't think it's as bad as the above comments. It's hard to find quality brass. Even the highest end brass samples aren't too much better than this. I'd say this is at least adequate. Usage of the samples on the other hand can be improved. Underdeveloped and decent as a whole, but not above the bar. Keep it up. No
  14. The vocals are a bit outlandish and I don't feel work really work well in this mix. There's also a lot of soft clipping going on in this mix. Average arrangement and just right under the bar. Fun mix though. No
  15. Emperor sent this in late april and hasn't heard about it so he's asking for a FallThrough. - Gray This tune is a Mario / Kirby medley. Three songs were mixed here: Level 1 from Kirby's Block Ball, and tracks 1 and 3 from Super Mario Bros. I hope you'll like it. Source Material: http://www.geocities.com/emperorgreat/Kbblvl01.mid http://www.zophar.net/nsf/smb1.zip -Emperor
  16. Well this does sound superb. But as the other judges noted, this doesn't fit the arrangement guidelines, it really does sound like a piece inspired by rather than arrangement of. Great work, so I'm sad to say No.
  17. Can someone provide us with a mp3 of the original? At least Liontamer and I would like to hear it to reference it.
  18. Thanks to snappleman for playing the guitar and helping me complete it. This is also a variation of my Drifting Towards the Stars mix for Secret of Mana. It's available here at OCR also. Distorted Star is one of my older mixes, so it naturally doesn't match up to my newer stuff. I did this over a year ago and touched it up a little bit. This was a fun mix and I always had a soft spot for this one. Thanks for the comments.
  19. Very nice work. I agree with all the judges. This is definitely above the line, good arrangement and good orchestration. Why must we compare everything with high end samples? The SC-8850 is hardly little. It was a standard, until a few years ago in most japanese studios and a favorite tool for videogame composers in japan. Even Uematsu used the SC8850 for a lot of his composition work in the late 90s. The samples and quality are certainly better than most "legit" soundfonts. YES
  20. There are parts of the piece where the instrumentation is a bit sparse, but as a whole I wouldn't call this simple orchestration. This is without question beyond the bar as far as I'm concerned, and I've heard only a handful of orchestrators at this site that can even claim to compete with this one. Considering he uses a Roland XP, I'm guessing he doesn't use soundfonts anyway, so the mixing guide for free will be of little help. Not the greatest orchestral mix, but there's a lot to like here. Loved the ending sections too. Technically I found it very sound in various aspects. Enough for a YES
  21. Well, these sorts of tunes don't really need a great deal of variety as far as the groove goes. I think this is perfectly fine. Not the best, but certainly not a detriment. Let's look at the big picture here and not muck around the little issue. Bottom line for me is this arrangement is great. I found the original, compositionally ugly to listen to, and this just turns that upside down and makes it into one very enjoyable listening experience. Production values are also well done. I also felt the ritartando at the end was sorta weird at some spots. I have no reason to give this a no, easy YES.
  22. Two serious problems here, the muddy sound of the mix and second the repetiveness. Otherwise good arrangement. But the first two really drag the mix down. Not a bad mix, but not passable. I suggest you at least work on some eq'ing on this mix or go back the drawing board. With more work and attention paid to production, there's good ideas here that can be polished into a good mix. NO
  23. Man, the vocals are off and it really brings this mix down. But the background work is really cool and touching. Nice instrumentation and percussive work. I particularly liked the section around 2:40. I am very fond of this mix, I hope you could try to get your vocals right, rerecord and resubmit. I would probably vote Yes on an instrumental version of this also. As it is, sad to give this a NO.
  24. This is tricky. This is no mere cover, there is actual arrangement here, and it's quite good, to a point. Unfortunately it is too conservative an approach, but what is here is interesting. More arrangement is necessary. I would at least change some of the structure and form later on or in the middle to variate more from the original. I'm really torn, as I like what you've added. But a bit more is needed. Everything else is very nice. I wish you would consider revisiting this and resubmitting. NO, for now.
  25. This is pretty cool, and definitely a very nice first submission to OC. There's really nothing wrong here, but nothing that stands out either. A more daring or unique arrangement would have been more interesting. I also agree that there's not enough bottom frequencies. There's also a lot in this mix that could have been cut out, it tends to drag on and by the end it's quite repetitive. I also think the reverb here is insanely large. A mix of this nature, in my opinion should be much more intimate. Also, the ending just cuts off. My favorite sections are the beginning with the musicbox/chromatic bell. Very close to a yes, borderline NO.
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