Dr. Tran!
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Everything posted by Dr. Tran!
Happy Birthday Tensei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Tran! replied to TehDonut's topic in General Discussion
Eh, I think I'm late, but have a happy one, mate. (PS I beat your Mock of Brilliance record. 16 minutes. ) -
"Dude, why do you keep dying (insert support character here)?" "Stuns/Silence/Other Debuffs." "Get a Shrunken Head." "Ok, I'll just farm some creeps for gold since I keep dying and losing what little gold I have" "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CARRIES HAVE PRIORITY ON LAST-HITTING THEY NEED TO BUILD FIRST." : / Not saying you'd do this, but there are people who would act like this. So Support characters kinda face a "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" thing here.
Eternal, I wouldn't worry about the teams being imbalanced too much. It happens all the time, and that's because we really haven't found a way to 'truly' balance the teams. It's a problem we've been facing for awhile. The moment someone comes up with a 'good' way to balance the teams, let us know. Until then, all we have is "Do the teams look balanced?" "Eh...we should be ok." -game start, one side gets stomped- "Teams definitely weren't fair" and back and forth. Though I think a good way to start is for one of the 'better' players to come up with a list, meaning no offense of course, going from the 'better' players on top, to the 'worse' players on bottom (Whether they're slow to react, new to the game, or whatever), and go from there.
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Dr. Tran! replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Fire, isn't Frontier already in the rotation? That's the one with the platform to stand on to make the cart move, right? If so, I know I've played it on OCR 'cause Lumpy has sniped my face off there. -
Yeah, Zircon never said anything about booting Teranz from the clan, so this new guy must be pretty bad for him to mention it. I still stand by my previous statement of "Panda disables too much."
Panda can disable you for far longer than any other hero currently in the game. It's a bit ridiculous. Most of the time you have to be hit by 3+ heroes' abilities to be disabled as long as Panda can do it.
The clan tag becomes an issue late at night when some of us are trying to get a friend game going 5vpubs. They come in, see 5 [OCR], and immediately start screaming pubstomp when the team is me, Teranz, Strig, Clef, and Ediconeg. So Teranz, Strig, and Edic left the clan last night. Just as an FYI to anyone who cares. They'd still like to do games sometime, so you'll have to add them to your friend list or whatever.
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Dr. Tran! replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Why shouldn't they? 'cause really, you can still have fun in this game if your friends are on the other team. I do it all the time. -
armor. lots of armor.
The only time I want to concede is if the other team is inside my base; as in completely destroying our buildings. or I feel like my team is completely outmatched. Other than that, no matter how much it might look like you're 'losing', you can still come back. :/ Wish people would feel the same way.
I figured he was referring to Teranz's rage.
If you're referring to Teranz, then yes, I understand. Trust me. I've been playing different games with him for ages. However, he's not the only one to do it, and people should know that at this stage. There are times, depending on team composition, where everything is super serious and people are only focused on winning instead of just enjoying themselves. What I guess I'm trying to say here is to just treat it as a game instead of something that's super serious like a lot of people, in and out of clan both, seem to treat it. Losing won't kill you, and not steamrolling the other team won't kill you. At the very least, remember that when some people like Clef (Depending on what he's playing/playing against), Strigois, Dhsu, MaxFrost (Depending on what he's playing/playing against), languish, and odin, among others, they are NOT at the same level as say, Baha, myself, Tensei, Donut, and etc. At least imo, play a bit less aggressively if more than two of the above are in the game so they can see the whole game, 'cause they won't be learning much if they just get stomped all the time.
People really, really need to stop treating in-house games so seriously. Have fun, who cares if you win or lose, or how badly you're doing said winning/losing. : / The bad attitudes piss people off, and to be honest, I get enough angsty bullshit from World of Warcraft. You're all a bunch of cool guys. Come on. Next time we do an in-house, don't complain about your teammates not doing the things you want them to. Instead of just blurting out advice, which I too am guilty of, ask if they want some. Just play the game and have fun. I have the most fun late at night when clef, teranz, Strig and I are doing 4vpubs, and we just dick around. Like when I got Accursed two games in a row, built him up as a major tank, and started yelling "I'M THE GOD-DAMN JUGGERNAUT, BITCH" in vent every time I got attacked. Everyone was laughing so hard, and actually enjoying themselves, compared to what happens just about every time we do all in-house. So please, for the sake of the community, can't we all just...get along.
Accursed + Ulti + Restoration Stone + Token of Life + Health pool of 3k = Unkillable for at least 2 solid minutes of DPS. God that was fun. I was the god-damn juggernaut.
I love Wildsoul. <333
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Dr. Tran! replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
I dunno, I hate games that are one-sided. And unless all of the 'better' players are on, that's exactly what it becomes. It's no fun to steamroll or be steamrolled. The best games are 'evenly' matched, where nobody has a clear advantage and you have to work to win. Of course this is all just my opinion, and you can take that as you will. And atmuh, seriously, you're an annoying little kid. /shoo. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Dr. Tran! replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Might just be me, but whenever RED/Demoman is OP LOL is on, I tend to quit. He just makes the game not fun. Even if you're on the same team. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Dr. Tran! replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Yes, that's me, sorry. I was going to post my Steam ID but it was late and completely skipped my mind sorry. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Dr. Tran! replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
I'd like to be added to the reserved slot list, if possible. Most of the time I try to play during the day, I get booted out 'cause I keep forgetting to ask. -
Plague Rider is broken. It was a pub game, but they did use some teamwork, but man, he's extremely powerful early, mid, and late game. His first skill does an extreme amount of damage, even at level 1, and it slows as well, allowing you to chase them and finish them with auto-attacks. The middle skills aren't that 'great' late-game, but the mana one can be ok early game when you don't have any mana regen. However, his ultimate... When combined with Chronos' bubble, Tempest's Whirlwind thing, or anything that will group other heroes together and keep them there for a set amount of time, that ultimate is broken as hell. 550 damage bouncing 7~ times dealing said damage every time it bounces in that area? That's RIDICULOUS. 20 and 0 my FIRST time playing him. EDIT: And rejoice, it seems Arachna got nerfed. Never had any 'huge' problems with her counters before, or at least I could do a decent 1:1 ratio of kills with them, but today I got my ass beat repeatedly by Slither. Even using everything I had. It made me sad as I like the concept around her.
Dude, I'm sorry, but you saying this is extremely hypocritical, when we had new people playing the other night you snagged TB and proceeded to wipe the floor with my team using it until we told you to hold back. And you argued about it every step of the way. Oh, and Bahamut, you had 1 'new' guy on your team, our team had 2. Was picking Arachna a bad choice? If I had known she would've made people this mad, I wouldn't have picked her. I honestly picked it to screw around with Teranz/Lawler's heads more than anything else, but when I'm pushed...I push back. Bahamut kept stunning me the whole time, attacking me with madman's stealth move whenever it was off CD, so when I got my spider I lit into him. (He's great at harassing btw. I was sitting there just facepalming whenever he disappeared knowing what was about to happen.) And as I said, if you don't want people using all heroes, either state so pre-game, or don't make it all pick. Can SD/RD have arachna in it? Yeah. It can. But it'd at least stop people from complaining about it as most of us more 'experienced' members wouldn't choose her in a RD/SD. Most of us. Also, there are quite a few counters to Arachna...your team just decided to rush-pick and not wait until closing time to make it more 'fair' for everyone. Magebane, Slither, and a few other heroes plain counter Arachna, while the right item set on a few other heroes easily counter her as well. The problem with your team, other than the super-fast pick instead of discussing strategy, is that two of your players I know for a fact just focus on themselves instead of working as a team, unless the team is there with them or they're explicitly ordered to do something. So anyway, before anyone else complains, let's just call here and now that Arachna is banned in all forms of play in in-house games, 'cause honestly she just causes too many bad feelings when we're just supposed to be having fun. If there are any other OP heroes, let's get them out of the way too, just to make it even.
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Dr. Tran! replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
You are extremely thick. I hope you understand that, at least. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Dr. Tran! replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
Someone not playing the game the way YOU want them to is NOT griefing, you ignorant little child. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Dr. Tran! replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
How in the bloody hell is it griefing? The Medigun is one, ONE, of the available weapons for the Medic class to use. Just because they do something you do not like does not make it griefing. Otherwise we'd get into a giant debate about stupid, similar situations such as "Oh man that pyro burnt me to death, HE'S GRIEFING ME." You might not like it, but if someone finds it fun, you need to just shut up and let that person have fun. -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Dr. Tran! replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
It just seems like any post you make is "THEY"RE NOT PLAYING THE WAY I WANT THEM TO BAAAAAAAAAAW." And FYI, someone not playing the way you want them to does not make them an idiot. If you want to be taken seriously, stop with the petty insults and find a constructive way to talk about your opinions, 'cause right now all I see is a child stomping his feet in a fit of anger who's not worth paying attention to anymore.