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Dr. Tran!

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Everything posted by Dr. Tran!

  1. Can you not read or something? I said you are part of a very small minority. You...listed two people you know of in a community of at least 50 who play at least semi-regularly who care about stats. My point still stands. The queen of England herself could care about these stats, and my point would still be valid, because it would still be a small minority. Stop being butthurt over something so stupidly small as this. It makes you look extremely petty. Why should he stop doing it just because you whine about it? I find it fun. You're the survivor, then out of nowhere, brushfire wins. I'm sure other people find it funny as well.
  2. If you want to track your oh so SOOPER SRS stats 'correctly'...there are plenty of servers out there for you to choose from, Atmuh. I'm surprised you haven't noticed by now, but, the OCR servers are not serious, and there are very few people who give a shit about the stats hlstats tracks. You are part of a very small minority. Personally I find the random slayings to be rather funny, especially if it makes people nerd rage.
  3. IMO, a lot of people who play this would absolutely love LoL. If you get bored of this, I suggest giving League of Legends a try. Both Clef and myself haven't really gone back to HoN after playing. It's just far more enjoyable, and the community, for the most part, isn't a huge shitfest. yet.
  4. Did you point out his switching? And again, don't insult the admins. I can imagine you're not well-liked in the first place among them, and it probably isn't a good idea...for you that is...to give them a reason to finally get rid of you.
  5. To you. Most people though everything about KotoR was astounding. Try not to state your opinions as fact, please. I'm having a blast with this game. It's the first game in ages to actually challenge me. I love it.And for everyone complaining about the blood...you can turn it off, yanno. Nobody is forcing you to see it.
  6. Doesn't allchat apply to text too? And Atmuh, my comment was about things I've heard about you doing in-game. Not things I've witnessed. Just the same general piss-poor attitude you've displayed on the forums.
  7. I'd rather play with someone I don't know than someone I know who acts like a spoiled brat, let-alone someone who thinks they're better than us because he's better at a video game than us. Honestly, after seeing your attitude both in-game and out, I'm extremely surprised you haven't been permabanned.
  8. They had more reliable people in there who were for sure ready to play. I don't see anything wrong with having the people who said "eh...I dunno" and have a shit attitude sit out.
  9. Atmuh, you're an impatient little child, aren't you.
  10. Yup, still on. Just have someone poke me via steam when we're ready to go and whatnot
  11. This game is awesome. I wouldn't mind playing with some of you guys as my bros. I love Roland. <3 His god-turret is amazingly fun.
  12. Not sure if I'm 'known' enough for it, Rambo, but so long as it's not a Tuesday/Wednesday/Sunday, I should be able to show up for any scrims or whatnot and the like. o: Speaking of, is there any sort of a rule for putting the [OCR] in your name?
  13. But I love you Scytheful.
  14. This is why I've pretty much stopped playing HoN with you guys. I don't have problems with most of you, but the drama the seems to squrim its way around the clan is just way too much for me : /
  15. Comparing this to wow pvp is a bad idea. WoW PvP = either duels in a box (lolarena), or people running around ignoring BG objectives for the most part. People in this game, if you're playing with friends, tend to actually work together.
  16. Atmuh said a Battle Medic 'achievement' was good? Dear god. Is he sick?
  17. Zero, you're talking like anyone playing in the clan will want to move on to be 'pros'. People will play what they like, and those of us who have a 'must be the best at everything' mentality, we'll try out different heroes. They won't. It's not a big deal. For the level most are at, they seem to have fun. It's only the SUPER SERIOUS people who tend to get aggravated. Also, not everyone has a "I must win to have fun" mindset. I know quite a few people who just love playing with their friends, win or lose.
  18. No, it can be used in his ultimate. Stuns cannot. If you find yourself constantly losing because of his ultimate, that 2k price tag is imo justified.
  19. I discovered something interesting about Tempest's ult via the official forums. Get a tablet of command. You can use it at any time and it cancels Tempest's ult when used on him. Although people probably haven't thought of that because it's not an item normally used.
  20. Man PSR means everything!
  21. Currently giving the other Dota thing, League of Legends, a try. It's ok so far. It's the poor-mans HoN though. No denying, no runes, really no 'strat' involved other than hope you choose the better set of heroes. Then again I've only played two matches.
  22. It wasn't EM Tensei Teranz got a screenshot too.
  23. Replace Shrunken Head with any item that they might 'need' to get then. It's still the same situation.
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