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liquid wind

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Posts posted by liquid wind

  1. rozo did specifically ask for practical solutions

    even so, I'm saying morality isn't actually a reason to not pirate. ultimately what prevents people from breaking the law constantly is the threat of prison, death, and financial pressure. the morality aspect of it really only factors in when you consider the prospect of being ostracized, which again is just an incentive. people gauge risk:reward and make decisions based on that

    if he wants to continue that's fine, I just think he's wasting his energy and making things too personal. you aren't getting people to delete all the stuff they've torrented by talking down at them

  2. narrow minded self righteous preaching

    very productive

    you're not going to simply shame people into behaving in a manner that is agreeable to you, people have never worked that way and likely never will. people do what they perceive to be most beneficial to them period, just like every other animal on this planet. a more pragmatic approach is finding ways to reward legitimate customers and make it more difficult for pirates. but ranting about how wrong it is repeatedly doesn't accomplish anything, it's just being needlessly antagonistic

  3. I think the wii remote/chuk is alright when used as a normal controller, it could use another easily accessible button or two, but it's good and I do like being able to move the hands independently. I actually played brawl competitively for a few years using it

    but motion controls were nearly always implemented in a bad way, I really don't want any more of that. part of it is that nintendo has no restraint and has to force waggle into EVERYTHING(DKCR waggle roll is completely inexcusable, they could have mapped it to a button easily), but yeah, it also forces the use of waggle at times by not having enough buttons(okami is a good example requiring waggle for attack...)

  4. So it comes down to the sympathy argument?

    most of the posts in this thread that condemn piracy do appeal to sympathy

    people are all hypocrites, nothing new. same reason why we use some animals for food without a second thought but killing a kitten or a puppy would earn you near universal scorn, it is all about sympathy and most of the rules we think we live by are incongruent with how we actually live

  5. 60648-this-guy-are-sick.gif

    Truly there was not a flaw in this game to be found but in the graphics.

    mistranslations added to FFVII if anything!

    'ey oinkness


    this image predates the PSMove by 3-4 years too -_-


    on the actual subject of the U, it's good to see nintendo using something kind of close to an actual controller again but I'll have to play it to really know, it looks potentially pretty uncomfortable. I'd like them to make something that fits the hands perfectly like the gamecube controller again :/

  6. There is such an abundance of excellent free and low-cost software that there really isn't any justification for pirating it.


    I've payed for a lot of synths but it seems like I still mostly use a lot of free stuff anyway at this point, the last 3 that I've bought I basically never use

  7. No. Sony is, as I said, a massive company with many divisions. Take the Rootkit debacle. Terrible, right? Well, that was Sony BMG/Sony Pictures. The people involved with that have nothing to do with the people involved with the PlayStation brand. That idea originated from within Sony BMG/Sony Pictures, not from headquarters in Japan. Saying "the company" has a history of bad decisions is meaningless. Which division?

    when you have unusually shady behavior happening in multiple divisions of the same company, it begs the question of whether or not the leadership overall is at least partly responsible. seems like pretty typical bureaucratic shirking of responsibility when they have this many incidents and it's apparently never the superiors' fault. maybe it isn't directly, but what kind of operation are they running exactly?

  8. Too bad Sakamoto doesn't feel that way, he's essentially dismissed the Prime series. If I worked at Retro, I'd be pissed, considering that team spent nearly a decade on his so called "daughter"...

    What a cretin.

    it's a shame because prime(the original) was by far the most faithful game in the series to follow super metroid. fusion/other m feel like a poorly written fanfic even though they're canon, it's sad

  9. SH, SH2, and SH3 are generally thought to be the best games in this series right? I've played SH2 and shattered memories, loved 2 but found SM intolerable because gimmicky motion controls are a plague to humanity. I have SH3 but haven't started it yet, I have a massive backlog...

  10. I've never heard anyone call KEY challenging, I've heard a lot of complaints that it was easy...

    bright art style does not mean bad however! okami is definitely one of my favorite games in its visuals, I'm interested to see how another game using paintings as its inspiration will be

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