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liquid wind

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Posts posted by liquid wind

  1. I missed the listening party again so some comments on mine here

    <mad> My made-in-a-tracker demos don't cut it

    <mad> I need VST

    you can use VST's in trackers!
    <+Level99> i cant even enter the listening party because i have to be up at 4 AM for a touchpoint conference call. AMERICA! FEEK YEH!
    someone shares my pain
    <mad> what vst is that
    sytrus, native FL version, basically any FM synth can do sounds like that you just use weird ass ratios that make no sense

    (there's also distortion/delay/flanger on it)

    <Arcana> gated vox is cool.

    <Rellik> not gated

    <Rellik> sliced up and arranged/repeated

    correct, also not granular at first but the second time the vox come in I used the VST effect grainz on it

    this is like the fourth or fifth time I sampled porn for a compo, it's kind of a tradition <_<

    <Hyperion> Where did Liquid go anyway?
    work :(
    <Hyperion> SLICEX
    another good guess, for what I did I could've just used the normal slicer but I was going to do filter effects and stuff just had no time
  2. In fighting games, I play whoever's stats I like best, though that's often females because I prefer speed over power (Chun Li, Samus, and Seung Mina FTW).

    Samus in what game? I don't remember her ever being a particularly fast character unless you mean ZSS in brawl

    I'm kinda the same way though, I haven't played as many traditional fighting games but I think I play more females in them than other genres

  3. Do we really need yet another remix website? You've heard of http://www.remixsite.org/ I assume, right?

    I actually hadn't seen this, but it seems to be another different concept anyway as there is a lot of original music hosted there as well as remixes. there are a lot of remix sites but it's not that they're entirely redundant, they are all different...nothing has really filled the void left by vgmix and maybe nothing can, even a very similar website would be different depending on its users. you may be right, perhaps you just get farther away from that the more people try and everything not-OCR just gets more splintered

  4. comments on mah comments

    people who thought my song was too dissonant they should hear my more avant garde stuff <_< the slightly off key B melody was present in the source though, maybe some people would've taken it out but I liked it too much

    the "harmonicaish" sample is a really bad bagpipe sample that is also highpassed a bit, I thought at this point it sounded more like a harmonica too

    speaking of which I also didn't understand the "not that close to the source" comment, I basically didn't change anything, same progressions, slightly different timing of notes, added something to the B melody and drums and stuff, but if anything I expected someone to be like "this be the same thing as the original!"...I guess it's better that it's thought of as different though :)

    stevo: you could still do that ;) I'm going to revise it a bit anyway, I agree with what you said about the drums, this(as well as my last few OHC's) was part of my experiment in trying to use FL like everyone else and break everything down into patterns/clips, as well as being slower for me otherwise it encourages bad repetition like that when it's so much more work to do even something simple like edit velocities on a repeating part, back to one pattern now, thanks for the great review :D

    grats to dio for winning, stevo for second too, sorry I didn't vote I had a few ties I never worked out so I didn't have a very clear top 3

  5. Yes, I had fun... though I'm starting to feel like I would prefer to not make vocal compos as often anymore. I feel like I am just the butt of jokes when I sing. And it probably doesn't help my scores at all. -_-

    submitting late with 20 minute songs is probably the most detrimental thing though rofl

  6. if you're using just wav files at their original pitch/speed with no effects there should be no noticeable difference most of the time, however, internal resampling algorithms and internal plug ins and such obviously differ, this will be especially obvious when using something like reason that relies entirely on its own devices but can be applied to other programs that have a lot of bundled stuff(for instance for many years FL was synonymous with poor quality because it came bundled with things like FL slayer and bad samples). so there is a difference between different programs but not necessarily for the reasons many would assume, a lot of it depends on how much of the stock devices you use

  7. compo invasion o_O interesting, I may try it...

    good to see some people made good use of the theme last night, it hit me wrong and I didn't really have a solid idea fast enough so I just made whatever, in retrospect, and my votes kind of reflect this, I should have ripped f-zero off <_<

  8. my brief experience with maple story taught me the same thing except it was inverse of this, forums were generally nice and people were complete assholes in game...but yeah, the entire point of a MMO is kind of ruined by the people that typically play it, most internet communities are full of retarded 13 year olds and trolls.

    (although MS was tolerable when I got off of global and did private servers for a while)

  9. I have to agree with OC that in general it's more rewarding to create your own sounds, but there's nothing wrong with using presets, they're simply instruments, you don't see people complaining saying "piano? this is SO trite! ugh", so I don't totally understand where the complaints of lack of originality come from.

    from what I can gather of the original post, the topic creator isn't experienced in sound design and is probably more looking for samples or presets, in which case absynth would be a good place to start as its presets tend to be geared towards those kinds of esoteric sounds. but if he is interested in learning to synthesize his own sounds, there are probably better options. personally for a commercial synth I'd recommend zebra, from everything I've tried it seems to have the best ease of use to options ratio and it's cheaper than absynth or omnisphere too.

    for free stuff I'll second the recommendation for STS-33, it's great and I've used it in like half of my songs since I downloaded it(although I'm still using STS-11...). even if you're not a sound designer, as OC said, it has lazy buttons that can randomly generate some good sounds for you. texture http://www.kvraudio.com/get/1002.html is another good freebie that can do some unusual sounds. I find I get a lot of good strange results from FM and RM synthesis but I'm not sure what really exists as far as that goes for free plugins, I use Sytrus a lot which I DO NOT recommend as it's interface is something of an abortion, I'm just too cheap to buy new stuff :/ plus I like using internal FL stuff where possible because of the per note controls that you don't get with anything MIDI(VST) related, it's only really surpassed by samples in trackers in that regard

    and yeah, just being creative, use effects in unusual ways or mangle up samples or even use totally unconventional sound sources. http://www.kvraudio.com/get/2189.html is pretty good for turning like anything into creepyness.

  10. I don't see a reason to switch back yet myself but I'd agree that the program seems to be developing regressively now. if it gets worse(for instance phasing out patterns entirely) I might switch to renoise or something, kind of want to get back into tracking anyway but I'd need an excuse to force myself to learn a new program again

  11. As someone who doesn't know what VG Mix was/is: what does it offer and besides obviously VG mixes, what is it about?

    It focused more on artist development by reviewing and giving feedback, employing an RPG like system to give incentive to do so(how it was supposed to work), had an integrated WIP section, and was generally awesome. It was hacked and taken offline in 2006. It also had different guidelines than OCR so a lot of stuff(like 8+ minute mixes) that would have a difficult time making it here with the 6mb limit were uploaded there.

    Given the shortcomings of VGMix2 though and what had been planned for 3, what would be the point of recoding 2 from the ground up? Wouldn't just...making VGMix3 be a more pragmatic option?(sorry if it's a stupid question I know nothing of website design)

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