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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Bass
    Vocals: Male

Syndicated.Corpse's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I have never seen that episode.

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  2. Oh very cool This stuff makes my head spin. I've been reading the manual, Abit. And like....I got the Reaper program dl'ed Now I just need to find like sounds, synths, hardward and all that jazz to get me started. And learn ho to work them
  3. Lol! Thanks for that Dyne. I am all up on the Reaper Tutorial by DeathbySpoon. I'm all excited. Though, curiously, all music programs use a DAW system?
  4. Thanks guys!!! Now, .dll plugins are the sounds and instruments right? And btw, when I try to dl the manual, it will pop up a new screen and freeze or w/e and not dl. Confused @_@
  5. Is there like a manual/book that teaches the user all the in's and outs of using Reaper? I fiddle yes, but I am more of a analytical person when learning something new. So I like to have a book that I can reference often. Is there such a book? Thanks guys and gals.
  6. True enough, but I'm lazy. and You guys know so yah. Win win. Ah thanks very much! I am dl'ing it now. DAW what is that? Heh that's digital audio workup right @_@ Sorry I know I'm slowing killing you all with my dumbness xD
  7. Thanks, and welcome to the site.

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  8. XD.

    Random, reminds of me the crab people on South Park :D

    We ...are...teh....crab..people xD

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  9. Oh. Derp me. Why didn't I think of that @_@. Golly, anyways, Thanks for a bunch of the help!
  10. Thanks guys!! Anyone know where I can find a full version of FL7 or above? I mean I am sure there are better programs then that. I have a crack version that sucks.
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