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Posts posted by gwilendiel

  1. Unfortuantely basically nothing in this thread is "Innovative." The only one that maybe comes close is ol' Merzbow up there. His stuff is pretty much parody, though. He's serious about it enough I suppose, so you could probably make some kind of argument in favor of his stuff being innovative.

    Everything else in this thread is retreads. Especially that "innovative rap producer" on page 2, who (oh my word) makes music that sounds like diva house from the 90s with beefier compression.

    Not saying that its bad, however. These are all excellent examples of fine music, but they tread no new sonic ground (except, perhaps, for Merzbow's straight up noise stuff, but even then he's just cutting out elements rather than innovating new ones).

    They were things that were at one point innovated, and they are good examples. Why don't people get this fact? Even if it isn't radical now, it was at the time it was pioneered! And even if it is copied, it was still at one time envisioned!

    The discovery of electricity was a radical innovation. Are you going to say it isn't innovative because it wasn't done yesterday? Or because its modern implementation is not done by the original inventor?

  2. pretentious thread is now pretentious

    Oh really. What's pretentious?

    Lots of things are pretentious. Aerosmith is pretentious.

    Just because importance is placed on something, that doesn't mean it's showing off for the sake of showing off.

    Death metal uses heavy distortion and double kick drums, and some times screaming or growling. Is that not pretentious? Is that not saying to death metal fans "look at me! I'm Death Metal! I ostentatiously have screaming vocals and this brutal guitar riff! SEE? DEATH METAL!"

    That's pretentious.

  3. I think maybe we're digging too deep to fully define what is "truly groundbreaking, innovative, etc." Pretty much everything innovative has been done before sometime, somewhere - usually by the chinese some thousands of years ago. :P

    On a similar note, have you seen this yet?


    A lot of people are saying THIS is the new revolution in music. I'm not quite so enamored with it, but I'm a minority in terms of people who have seen it so far. With new dynamics and structure come new ways to do music, so its definitely worth seeing what could come from such a thing. :)

    It's not so much that we are thinking too deeply, we just aren't agreeing on the definition. Some things I consider to be standard evolution, and to be somewhat expected. Just because something hasn't been done exactly before doesn't mean its really innovative. In other words, emergent things are innovative, but I'm looking for more abrupt and radical things. While that may be subjective, what is abrupt and radical in itself is not.

    I like whats in that link by the way.

  4. Flying Lotus and Blood Brothers are both artists who completely throw out conventions, I mean, listen to Sleepy Dinosaur (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJOQDZ14oQw) and Burn Piano Island Burn (
    ) respectively, bother are completely different styles than a lot of whats out there and the song structure is much more fluid than most genres. Mew is another great band that can do stuff like this, as well as Lightning Bolt (just listened to their album last night and calling it ridiculous doesn't even get me started on it), The Unicorns (I've been all over them for a couple weeks now), Busdriver, K-OS, Bop, Bela Fleck, and a whole list of other artists who aren't coming to mind immediately.


    It's hard for me to find stuff like this. Not many people around me are into this sort of thing... and even online too.

    And Blood Brothers vaguely reminds me of HORSE the Band. I like it.

  5. I wouldn't call the Protomen innovative in the least bit. Great? Arguably true. Fun? Definitely. But innovative? Eh, not so much.

    J Dilla is definitely one of the most innovative producers in recent rap history (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIZbTAXzJsM, weird video but the song is his), its a shame he passed away so young but he is very well regarded in rap circles. Other interesting, innovative rap producers are Flying Lotus (Dabrye is very similar and came earlier but Los Angeles was groundbreaking) and El-P.

    Also I'd call The Blood Brothers rather innovative, especially towards the later period of their career, no one has gotten close to that weird poppy screamy sound they had. In the same vein Relationship of Command by At the Drive-In was a very innovative album for the genre.

    I will second Amon Tobin though, and have you guys heard Two Fingers (his project with Doubleclick)? Freakin' phenomenal!

    I might have been too unspecific with my wording.

    While that is great stuff there, and innovation at some point, as I said, I'm thinking more about the element rather than who did it or when.

    For example, using square wave kicks in gabber/hardcore. Or really 'absurd' syncopation, strange meters or mixing more than one meter (like using triplets in 4/4 time without rests). Things that convey an atmosphere or make a point which can't be done as easily if you follow basic 'music school' rules.

    I don't really count things like using electric instruments in orchestra. Yes made cool music with minimoogs, but it isn't as far removed as I'm thinking about.

  6. So, I hate to be that guy, but I'm not really seeing where you're getting that this is truly innovative. This song doesn't really break or surpass any rules of music theory (you'll hear much more fucked up musical aspects coming from the 1930s, where we developed contemporary theory from,) and I can't really hear anything that isn't just a conglomeration of other genres. Music styles aren't islands, and we haven't really been at a point of musical innovation, so much as branching and blending for over a decade.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the song a lot, but I don't see where it's breaking any boundaries. The Glitch-esque percussion has been in use since the 90s, and aside from the C64 sid sounds, it sounds like a pretty standard pop style with some jazzy streaks.

    And I wouldn't say Venetian Snares is breaking any new ground, either. It just sounds like a lot of Jungle and IDM, and again, things like this have been going on since the 90s. Check out this Squarepusher song from '97, very similar stylings.

    Mind you, innovation can be innovation for the time as well. I'd just like to point that out. Mozart was innovative, and he is long dead.

    Get my drift? :)

    Edit: and furthermore, innovation is what it is, I'm more interested in styles that truly bucked the system at some point. Things that make people say 'that isn't music!' I'm just looking for the elements, they could be modern emulation, or in a work that is not by the original pioneer of that element. So long as it was at some point something that made some people go 'WTF, you aren't supposed to do that!'

    I suppose old rock from the 50's and many other things technically would count, but I'm looking for exceptional and notable elements. Like using electric guitar for the first time is innovative, but it isn't far fetched either.

  7. You definitely have something going here with the electric vibe. Kudos for the work so far.

    I think this definitely needs some variation on theme. You've got a nice bed around the basic theme, and an interesting pike for the theme itself... it just repeats too many times without variation. I also think the second part of the theme (the repeated notes) needs more fatness to it, maybe add another layer of instrumentation to that and turn the theme down a bit, or even add harmonies on top of the theme.

    Also, as you pointed out, the ending is quite abrupt. You seem to like it that way, but I would suggest bringing it to a tighter close, bringing the theme down to its base note with a one- or two-bar variation end.

    Keep working at it. I'd love to hear the next version. :)

    Good feedback! You actually surprised me. :)

    I may incorporate some changes if I get around to it, because I agree with you. I knew it had some kind of problems, but I also enjoy the way it is, so I tend to become ambivalent... but that has to do with my whole philosophy of music which I won't go into here.

    But anyway, thanks for your help!

  8. Not sure if this is the right place to put this... but I'm interested in music that truly skirts musical 'rules' or is innovative in some way. I'm not talking about things that are mashed together and people call it music, I mean things that are truly thought out, where somebody knows traditional theory, and thoughtfully surpasses it.

    Things like

    It seems hard to find things like that, was wondering if there are more examples out there.

  9. Hello... first post.

    I've actually already submitted this song, but I've kind of lost interest in pursuing it as far as OCR is concerned. If it makes it or not, so be it.

    I still welcome any comments though. And yes, some might consider the end to be abrupt, but I assure you it isn't from not being able to make any ending I want to. :razz: But other than that one obvious thing, feel free... [edited for clarity]


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