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Posts posted by Dissidia

  1. Looking for opinions/thoughts on this sample library. I'm guessing none has the CE version so if you have anything to say about Miroslav 2 I'd be interested to hear it.

    I read on a different forum about it and it seems very divided what people think of this library. Most notably the way MIDI programming is done with it seems to be offputting for a lot of people (lots of instrument "patches" instead of one "patch" per instrument with scripting behind the scenes).
    I think some of the demos sound decent overall but in some the release sounds really off.

    The difference between CE and normal version doesn't seem to be that big by comparing the instrument lists and yet the size difference is, I don't really get that.


  2. On 2016-02-04 at 4:46 AM, Kat said:

    The palm mutes still bug me sometimes, but that's just like, my opinion man. Otherwise I can hear the guitar coming through a lot better now. Removing some of the lower end certainly cleaned it up a bit. Now that I think about it, it reminds me of the Dual Mix on Youtube, but with more of an orchestral focus. Sounding really good!

    I tried improving the guitar writing again, some of the mutes were really bugging me too.

    Glad you like it. Dual Mix is really nice, probably my favorite version.


  3. 18 hours ago, Kat said:

    Maybe it's just my monitors, but It felt like the guitar was too quiet, too far into the background and drowned out by some of the orchestral elements. It doesn't have to be overwhelming, but I felt like it could have been just a bit louder. It also sounded like you made gratuitous use of palm mutes, and while that isn't always a bad thing it just didn't sound right to me. One other thing(that's really more of a personal preference thing) is the percussion that comes in around 1:20. It felt like it should have had more "boom" before transitioning into the softer part of the song.

    But overall I really like it. It's well done and an enjoyable listen.

    Thanks for listening and your feedback. I might have overdone the guitar and made it too loud now instead but it was definitely too quiet before as you mentioned. I lessened the amount of palm mutes but there is still quite a bit though (but it shouldn't sound as off now that I removed some of the lows because they were making the palm mutes sound weird/bad) I tried making the percussion at 1:20 feel stronger.





    That's good advice Dannthr, I usually put way too much stuff in my songs unless I'm doing 8-bit. Keeping ears fresh and being objective is really hard when you lose count of how many versions you have done. Luckily there is outside sources to help with that like you said. I would've been stuck a long time ago on this song if I didn't get feedback.

    I did most of the changes you suggested Slimy, the "electric guitar" isn't supposed to loud, I tried making it louder but it didn't sound good to me. (disonance, not the best "electric guitar" sound). I wasn't sure what you meant by the percussion at 0:15 but i put some compression on that patch (it's an "all hits" type of patch from Albion) anyways, I also compressed the bass and the lows in general. Also reduced the reverb on many things (mainly the fast/blurred notes instruments).

    Edit: Thanks for the feedback btw, much appreciated.

  5. I'm looking to do a song with steel drums in it but all the samples I have don't sound good or only work in one octave. Does anyone know of any good samples and are preferably free. I use FL studio. Any help would be appreciated.

    If you haven't found anything yet you could check out iron drum from Spitfire Audio, it only requires a 2 pound (if I recall) donation to UNICEF and you get access to it.

    http://www.spitfireaudio.com/labsyou have to make a spitfire account to see the selection of instruments. The felt piano is really nice too.

  6. It gets a little muddled during some of the busier parts in terms of sound clearness (with the harder dynamics on the low keys) but other than that the sound is great, the melody really nice and the structure makes sense though 1:15-1:28 feels a bit like filler/out of place to me for some reason.

    What were your influences when making this I'm curious, it reminds me of lots of things.

  7. it's always interesting to hear new musics with video game soundfonts,nice one,even if i'm not a big fan of FF7's one because a lot of these instruments are creaky to the ears.

    If you are super nostalgic like me they are magical, much better mixed and used in FF7 though. Apparently they used the same sounds in FF9 which I still have a hard time believing cause it sounds so different, the jump from 8 to 9 is huge.

  8. What seems to work the best from what I've heard and in my personal experience is writing the part that the song "craves" to go to. It's difficult to say when that is though but when the next part feels right in terms of pace, energy/full/empty or meaning.

    Example if you go from build up beginning into full into secondary-full into sparse into build again into build there's lots of ways you can do it.

    Sawano Hiroyuki has super full parts that transition into a sparse part for a while and then builds up again or stops and explodes. Becoming familiar with the structures that appeal to you is one way to do it.

    The biggest mistake to me when it comes to structure/pace to me is filler parts. If they don't add to the song, change them or remove them.

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