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Posts posted by Desperado

  1. On 5/14/2021 at 3:00 PM, Daylectorbr said:

    Cool, dude. Where can I watch more of this?


    sorry, I didn't visit the forum for a while. The videos are uploaded in the VGML channel. A fourth video already exists, a fifth is in preparation.

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnlNvrrgjA_Ks9ZQPbSeqrg/search?query= i know that tune

    The videos are based on a blog which can be found here and which gives a peek at the things to come:


  2. Greetings,

    I have a blog that is video game music related. Unfortunately, the response is quite small so I think about moving to somewhere with a larger community.

    My requirements are quite simple:


    -Embedded Youtube links with timestamps.

    -Tagging would be nice

    -No real life authentication. I would like to stay anonymous for now.

    Do you have recommendations? Thanks.

  3. On 6/16/2019 at 9:22 PM, Facemeltingsolos said:

    I recently ran into this exact phenomenon. Amazon was pushing the trailer for the ABC Murders and it straight up lifts a section from the Death Adder theme from Golden Axe! Chords, voicing, and everything!


    I didn't see someone quoted here, sorry. Well, my blog is in the other direction: Game music that has been inspired by pop music. But you never know where the journey will go if the interest is there...

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