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DM Lee

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Everything posted by DM Lee

  1. I have been thinking the past few days how great it would be to have a new fruity loops 101 thread, but like, FL101-advanced or somehting like that. An FL thread dedicated to the more technical issues for those already pretty familiar with the program but want to do more technical things than just reverb, eq, etc... Like I have asked recently about the ability to flange only certain frequencies in a sound so you would only get heavy flange on certain notes and light flange on others. There are also other things I know myelf would end up asking like yesterday I was wondering if it possible to do any kind of multiband distortion, like adjust higher distortion in the third band and first band, where as the middle would be only lightly effected... or even something like filer distoriton where you would use low passing on a distortion device without low passing the audio itself (basically the low end of the sound would distort unless you opened the low pass cutofff all the way then the whole sound would be affected). Same princible for high pass, band pass... Or how would things like multi bandpassing a sound (would probably take several instances of a sound with a seperate range of bandpass on each and different effects on each channel for the sound you really want). See, stuff like this would probably really confuse the noobs, and just make the thread longer andif someone wants to browse the thread for the highly technical stuff, things like this would be lost forever kinda. Just wondering if a more high level fl 101 thread would be good?
  2. *deleted post*
  3. Well, I wont be able to do much for this thread for a couple of weeks... I lost everything on my computer due to it crashing... Sigh.... I lost about 50 vsti's and 25 vst effects (about half of them I had even had the chance to use yet fully yet). I have to re install windows, but when I get everything back up I am going to comment on as many things as I can when I download them. I will definately be getting the classic stuff again though, but other than that I will probably focus on downloading vst instruments, so expect lots of reviews of those when I get the chance. Hopefully by that time there are a ton of suggestions on synths to try out and effects.
  4. http://www.ele4music.com/synthedit/synthedit.html All with 15 day trials, but if you got a credit card you may wanna buy one if you like it. (around 9 to 15 bucks a piece)
  5. I do more than use presets since if you rely on presets you will be very lacking in what the vsts can really do. Some just lack brightness or dynamics or other things. Some lack quality filters or have habits of clipping most of the time. Some just sound extremely cheap. Another thing is having a built in overdrive that might not be too good or something, or completely useless otherwise. Oh, and then there are those vsts (like the wombat solina series) which claim to be modelled after certain instruments and you can not get anything close to the sound your supposed to be able to achieve. There are many things that make a number of vst's crapy in my opinion, as well as a number of things that make some outstanding. I do guess it is all preferential though.
  6. oh yeah, fruity presets, cant get much worse than that, lol
  7. you could use average sounds (soundfonts) and then mess with the tuning on it or just use a light ditortion on everything in your entire song. Or highly compress the entire finished product until everthing is close to a blur of musical sound... not sure if this works or not (max compression, max compresion ration, no attack high release, very high amp in the end and maybe a distortion as an extra amp). Should some pretty crappy stuff... Ill try this out on an old mix and see if it destroys all dynamics and sound levels like I am thinking it may... oh, you could also cut the lows and highs a bit to decrease the dynamic range even more.
  8. Hey! What the hell man?! This is my thread not yours, dont fuck with it!!! Just kidding. Im fine with this being the all things vst and dx thread, actually it is better that way, but there are a number of posts in the soundfont etc thread that may be usefull here... I will have to transfer my own posts over as new posts in this thread. Hope to see some more links t some rare vst's not in kvr, I look a lot but usually come up with crap... Im gonna have to let everyone knwo what I think is crap so they can avoid it... thats probably a good idea as I even have a number of realy crappy vst's I can warn you all about.
  9. Just use midi instruments and record the sound direct, I am sure most crappy gm fonts are made as improvements over the stuff on your soundcard, lol.
  10. Ill have to check these synths out but this thread is mire towards effects style vst's, not synths. You guys should definately link your stuff in the sample and soundfont request thread, it would probably have more effectiveness there. Thanx for hte links.
  11. The thing I do really like about mind killer though is that it has two filter lfos that work by measure, so you cn produce some pretty nifty effects on your sounds. I find the filter on egokiller pretty lacking, I wish it had the double filter option.
  12. http://www.novakill.com/ Most of the synths that come here are really good but there is one that seems very harsh on your speakers. Almost every preset on one of these goes waaaay out of sound range causing major clipping. (im sure a hevy compressor would hep though you want something as good as possible before using any effects on it, so I just stay away from that one, I will find out the specific one tomorrow and let you all know) Check these out and you probably should not be dissapointed as I use these often. My personal favorite of these is the EGOkiller as I use it in almost every mix right now (tweak the "wide open" preset, its already pretty nice)
  13. I dont remember where I got greenamp or greenwah from, sorry... Ill look it up right now if I can... The company is greenmachine. The classic stuff is from... kjaerhusaudio Here, this should be prety helpful as I have found most of this stuff pretty nice and works very well. I plan on trying out the classic eq which was added recently I think. I'll let you know when I have used it a few times if I trust it as much as the other stuff they supply. http://www.kjaerhusaudio.com/classic-series.php (go here) Definately get the compressor and chorus, but you will probably want to try out the master limiter and reverb yourself.
  14. Just so nobody wastes their time like I did (especially since the download takes a long ass time, and there are four of them and like me, many would want all of them because how good they sound in the description). Dont get the wombat solina vst's. There is a trumpet, a viola, a violin, and another one... I can not get anything out of these instruments that soudns anything like what they are supposed to sound like (not only that, but I compared the viola and the trumpet one and they sound almost exactly the same if not exatly the same and I am sure everyone knows how different a viola and a trumpet are). Sigh... But yeah, dont waist your time, though they are usefull for really cheap and ugly sounds if you want it.
  15. Oh no, now I have another thread to be all responsible for starting and stuff... lol, jk. I haven't been using many new effects but I downlaoded a ton recently and have been wanting to experiment with some new stuff, so expect more help from me on this. I have two suggestions though, one for a compressor (I think I was directed to it from this thread but dotn remember). The "Classic Compressor" is really awesome and probably the best things about it are its very easy to use and user friendly, and it also has a light that lets you know when it is actually compressing the audio (if the light doesnt flash you havent done anything to the actual sound, but if it flashes non stop you probably did too much in some cases). well, basically I use it for almost all of my compression and I find it a lot better than the fruity compressor. Another one from the same company is the "Classic Chorus" which is prety warm and easy to use as well. I havent used it much but it has been a good tool for me. Oh, and if you guys get the demo version of greenamp, the guitaramp simulator it becomes obsolete after a certain amount of time and you have to either redownload (if you can, i dont know) or you hust cant use it anymore. It was really cool too. I have greenwah I think its called, its from the same compnay as greenamp but its a wah generator, it might be the same deal, it might run out after a while.
  16. just look for an orchestra kit and usually they come with a snare roll (or a couple different snare rolls) and a snare drum (or a few different snare drums) and they are perfect for marching drum sounds. If you find an orchestral kit with a snare in it, its almost always the military type sound... at least from my experience.
  17. have you used vst's before? (i mean have you ever had to go through the "add one/more... routine to get the vst to show up?) If this is your first time doing so, then go to the fx area and go to add one like usual and if you dont see the ones you recently downloaded got o the top of the pop up menu where it says more, and then do fast scan or scan & verify or whatever they say. Hope this is some help
  18. It will send the eq to the original signal too though. I know this "will" eq the flanger this way, but I dont want it to affect the original signal with the eq... Like say I notch up some frequencies (while having everything else cut) so I may want like certain strings on a guitar soundfont to flange while others remain normal. I have not found a use for this in a mix yet because for one I cant pull it off. For two, I just dont know when I would want to apply this effect. I dont want to eq the instrument at all with the same eq I use for the flanger. Oh, one effectthis would be good for is say you have a synth string chord spanning across about two octaves with the right voicing (like say d minor triad with d4 a4 f5 a5) and you want to notch down chunks of frequencies about 50hz wide with 100hz of of the signal flanging between each 50hz... Then the string chord will hold like usual and the flange will skip through the frequencies instead of going eeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaoooooommmmmmmoooooaaaaaaaaaeeeeeee it will go eee eeaa aaaa aoooo mm mm oooo aaa aaee eeee the whole time the strings still have their zshzhszhszhszhhszhshzshszhzhzshzzhszhszhshzhzszhz sound a lot more constant because not every frequencie is flanged and then you kinda get stuttery accents and stuff from the flanger. This might help understand why I dont want to eq the whole track with the same eq because then the sound will be really chopped up and thin and lifeless. Well, if im wrong about the send track (because im sure you can put eq in a send rack and it would affect the sound, then having eq and flange youd still have eq affecting your song...) then I will try it again because I think I already have. Thanx though and if you are positive it works I'll try it later tonight when I get home. THanx.
  19. Is there a way to apply an equalizer to a flanger so that the eq will tell the flanger what ranges of sound the filter can pass through (like say you want 350hz to 500hz, 750hz to 1000hz, and 1300 to 1600hz to all be affected by a flanger, but nothing in between? Every flanger i've used sorta just has a width you can adjust or it can only go this deep or high, etc. (theres always some knob for that) but what if you want the flanger to skip certain specific frequencies so maybe you want a sound to flange as it areggiates to higher notes but when it comes back down it stop but then when dropping down lower it flanges again, etc. I think you can get what I am saying. I dont want the eq to interfere with the original signal or reverb or anything like that, just as an adjustment to just the flanger (knowing hwo to do this would be useful because it could also apply to reverbs, phasers, distortion, delay, etc... This is something I have been tryign to figure out on my own but everything I do ends up editing more than just the flanger. If this cant be done its understandable, but I have a feeling somehow there has to be a way to do this. THanx for the help if you can.
  20. Thanx a lot, I downloaded it and will be testing it tonight. I'm not familiar with multi band compression but I understand basic compression and obviously this will be a lot more flexible with compressing stuff. I changed this to the effects request thread since everyones already asking for the stuff anyways. I will try to help as well, since I started the thread. (I have been downloading a number of effects vst's lately, so I will be able to test them myself and be able to suggest them to others.)
  21. I can't find a decent compressor to use on my mixes. I have found a couple (not many at all) at kvr-vst, but wasnt satisfied. If someone could link em to one specifically or a site with some good compressor/limiter/gating effects compatible with fruityloops, it would help greatly. Generally I want to become more profficient in increasing the sonic range of my music and fill up the dead areas of my music for some of my future mixes where I plan on having massive synth/instrument mixes with upwards of ten to twenty sounds going at one time without destroying any sound levels. Thanx a lot. I may turn this into a "VST Effect Request Thread" but only if I hear its an ok idea, otherwise no big deal.
  22. I dont really like chiors used in single melody lines because if they arent real they usually sound pretty fake. I am going to upload a soundfont i used in a mix recently, you can check how it sounds in the remiw wip other section. I think it sounds really good. Chords with soundfont chiors dont sound that good if they are in triadic form either to me. Basically i use my chior font in four part voicing style (basically a spread out chord across about two or so octaves with one note double if you dont know what i meant by four part voicing). Hope it helps, expect it tomorrow or the next day.
  23. oh, duh, i didnt even think of the fact that you actually bend the string with your fingers, which obvioulsy wouldnt work with the "reed" part. My bad. And i would say check www.thesounsite.net but they have been down for so long now i dont really think they are coming back.
  24. get the sfpack tool... go on google and searhc for sfpack and you should find the program. its just like a zip needs winzip, a rar needs winrar, etc.
  25. i dont know anything about vibrato, but if that means where you hold your finger on the fret and like... wiggle it, to produce a wobbling sound, then cant you do the same thing without your fingers? I mean, the tool used for violins to pull across the strings to create the sound, cant you move that hand pulling the tool to create vibrato, thus making any open string have the effect intended? and i dont think there is any way you can make the vibrato delay on the soundfont if its built into the sound, but i could be wrong. The only solution i can give is to get a soundfont that has no vibrato at all and adjust it yourself by adding it in. And if you can take out or delay the vibrato, its probably a lot easier to add it into a font then delay/take it away. (sorry if im confusing or didnt help, just trying to help as much as i can)
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