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Posts posted by Kylethedarkn

  1. You've never been to OCR before, have you. :P Trust me, don't doubt anyone on here, because if you do, someone will pop up and prove you wrong.

    But not for this. For electric guitar? Come on man, guitar players are very common on OCR. :P You're less likely to find a guy who uses FL Studio than a guy who plays and records guitar.

    Well if somebody could do Direct Input using a preamp, I suppose that would get the crispness I want. I just don't want something that sounds as shitty as this: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/384639

  2. Ok, I have looked at all your comments. I do not plan on buying a guitar, as I rarely use a guitar in my songs, but for sonic I felt it would be a nice touch.

    Most likely it is humanization, but what is there to humanize for something like a snare drum? Also how would I go about doing it for cello and guitar?

    As for having somebody else play it...I don't think so, not with electric guitar. To be honest unless one of you has almost professional record equipment and perfect rhythm I'm going to not like it. XD

  3. Violins in the beginning are really fake, they have the same attack. Try raising the attack knob (lowering the attack).

    The lead synth is too IN YOUR FACE, and is cutting way past everything else. AKA too loud.

    What this song needs is nice bassline. Also, the guitar sounds fake. I suggest contacting someone to play it for you (or you can PM me and I might be able to with some practice).

    As far as the arrangement is concerned, it's fairly conservative, which might or might not be what you're going for, but as I can hear and just see from the waveform in soundcloud, it's not very dynamic. Except for the first few parts, it really keeps the same energy throughout. Which again may or may not be what you want, if you want this long and dancy sure it sounds great except for the stuff above this paragraph, but if you want this to stand on its own or you want to sub this, you should have different parts. Not just small variations, but have different energy levels, maybe different chords and a different beat. Throw a synth solo in there; I always do that with everything.

    That's pretty funny, as the violin, the drums(except the kick) and the guitar are from very expensive Sample Libraries. XD I'm not sure how to make something sound more real, than real. I'm short on time now, but I will provide a fuller response later.

  4. This thread is for old mixes, i may have worded OP wrong.

    My song ''Droned'' the source the entire 7 min lol, house like this is based off chords not melody. keep listening to the chords.

    and I cant sub this, its too repetitive, and deep house like this is repetitive, and its not diffrent enough from source, im not changing the song to sonata form just to sub.

    Oh, I get ya now. Okey Dokey. Sounds good then.

  5. I don't think this is a good idea. If everybody posted their remixes in one thread it would be confusing when somebody is trying to comment on a remix. There would be confusion on who the reply was directed at and whatnot.

    As for your remix, I think it strays too far from the original. The only time when you know its an ice cap zone remix is when you bring in the main melody 2/3rds into the song, and that sounds somewhat just thrown on top. So while it is a nice song, its too different from the original, which makes it not a remix so much as a song inspired by Ice Cap Zone.

  6. This is what you could call the skeleton of an Ice Cap Zone remix I am working on to submit to OCR. As of now the mixing is sub par and there is not enough variation from the source. However this does have the basic feel I'm going for I think, so with that being said, I'd appreciate all reviews and critique, but keep in mind this is nowhere near finished.



  7. Is there anyway to be able to use the ASIO drivers in FL Studio, without having to sacrifice other programs sound card access?

    Because whenever I load up FL Studio with the ASIO drivers, none of the other things that require sound on my computer work. For example any media players, browser windows etc.

  8. It handles 64 bit plugins well and i was able to use a lot of Kontakt players with heavy sample libraries with lower CPU buffers rates with no crackle. Same deal when exporting, Less/no voices being killed.

    However the damn thing is so unstable with 64 bit plugins, at least Kontakt. It's corrupted every project file I've loaded them in. Makes them unable too be opened. Gives a stack overflow error.

    However if you stay away from 64 bit plugins. 9.5 works great.

  9. ^What SZ said.

    However, my bigger concern is composition. The melody sounds exactly like the original, note-for-note except for a few connecting notes added in here and there (which don't usually sound like they belong anyway).

    I think I might go back and put in the notes artificially rather than have them played in. Its 4/4 @ 80bpm btw.

    As for composition, I subscribe to a different philosophy than what most people here do, in that I try to keep as much of the source melodies intact that I can. I'm not going for a reinterpretation here, only a remix. A different take on the same song. Not an entirely new one. :P

    I did however add sections and elements that were never in the original behind and separate from the original melodies I kept. Also I will probably change that piano melody at the end to be a bit more dramatic, but the changes to the actually melody will probably be minimal.

    Thanks for the feedback though. :)

    Also a side note: The power supply on the computer I was using to make this broke, so It'll be a little bit before i can work on this. So expect an update, sometime near the end of the week.

  10. Ok so here is a track I've been working on for the past couple of days. Its for a white city in the middle of a jungle island. Its history it wrought with strife and yet it is being reinhabited and rebuilt! I was trying to capture the optimism of that reconstruction in the track.

    I would love to hear some feedback on this and will take any comments and suggestions and use them to better the track. Thanks in advance and I hope you enjoy it:

    Edit(Beefed up the drums added a vocal sample): http://www.box.net/shared/rpdsr8m06s

  11. ...you know it hurts my feelings when you lie about my track like that. :puppyeyes:

    Just wanted to say the distortion at 2:19 and the other parts was completely intentional and sounds wonderful imo. Also I'm not sure why you said it wasn't very original seeing as i had breaks were it was completely my own and I tweaked almost every melody in the song and added my own counter melodies at points. :\

    I'm not sure what makes a synth sound simple or why it even matters how complex it is, but if you could give me an example of a simple synth versus a complex one, that would be appreciated. Seeing as I used some pretty nice layered oscillator zeta sounds I would think it would be complex.

    Though I do agree about the volume issues, didn't realize it needed to be boosted to normal levels until after I submitted it. Also turning it up gets rids of the bland sound it has at lower levels.

    As for the drum beat, it is pretty simple, but if you look at any trance song they are all simple. :P

    Though from what I've seen OCR accepting lately its like they pick the tracks that are furthest away from sounding like the source song, which I don't agree with because if you can't even recognize what song its supposed to be a remix of, you might as well not call it a remix.

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