New to the site but I can tell I'm going to live here with all this good music.
I have been thinking of several game songs that I thought would sound awesome if Remixed on this site by its very talented members.
1st - The music played in the DS version of PKMN Heart Gold/Soul Silver when inside Dark Cave.
2nd - The song in Skies of Arcadia called 'Air Pirates Secret Base'.
3rd - The song in Skies of Arcadia called 'Military Facility Dungeon'.
4th - Any thing off the first Sonic Adventure soundtrack. (I heard the other two Sonic albums on the site, Project Chaos and Hedgehog Heaven, and they are awesome so I'd love to see what can be done with those songs)
If someone tackles these please let me know. I also have all these songs on my computer, so I can try and upload them too, since some maybe hard to find.