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Posts posted by TGH

  1. Hey, there's a lot of great music in the series. If I had the time, I'd probably have several Pokémon covers and remixes too. ^^

    I know you're using FLStudio, so I have to ask: How the #$&*$%&@#*&$%*$# did you get the orchestra to sound so REAL?! Sytrus' orchestral presets are close, but you can still tell they're synthesized...

    I used a program called Edirol, which is pretty damn good for orchestral stuff.

  2. Whoa!! :shock: This is a really good mix of pokemon and does it justice. What is used to make the main melody tune? im a newbie to this whole remixing stuff and wonder how u make all those cool and awesome sounds? :?:

    There is one lead (it's the second lead that comes in, the one with pitch bend) that is an sf2 called Juno Pulse. Every other lead in this was made with 3xOsc, which comes with FL Studio. It's an oscillator program, which basically allows you to craft your own synths using seven different basic waves of sound.

    Also effects such as chorus, reverb, and delay were added to these leads. The first lead I used an arpeggiator for, which is how I got that octave effect.

    Thanks a lot!

    EDIT: I'm re-posting the link here in this post, because it's gotten lost under all the other posts here lololololz

    http://tindeck.com/listen/zsmu (Final Version, submitted)

  3. Very interesting take on this. That snare sounds a little weird, but it's VERY close to working really well. Maybe a little more compression on it (and maybe a bit quieter). As of now it really gives off an underwater feel, but needs just a bit more 'oomph' in my opinion. . . compression will do that.

    The leads sounds a little flat, imo; try decreasing the portamento time on it a bit to make those slides a little bit quicker.

    That piano is absolutely perfect. Keep it just like it is.

    I could definitely see this changing up some chords later on, actually pretty much right after it cuts off in this version.

    Alright, I've given my view on the song as a listener, and perhaps a more experienced/knowledgeable reviewer can come in and provide more in-depth feedback. Have fun with the creation of the rest of this track!

  4. It's for the sake of dynamics of the piece as a whole. . . in some parts there is a lot going on, and at others there are maybe only two instruments playing. This is intentional, as I think it makes the parts that I want to sound full even fuller.

    And by the string volume, I actually meant making them a bit softer. I think they were just a little harsh in the last version. . . but here's a new version with a little quieter strings, better leveling, and a little more reverb on some instruments. Also, some pitch bend on the flutes in the beginning was taken away.


    And haha, I've really tried to pull myself away from these games in terms of remixing. . . I just find it hard to get inspired to remix anything else. I know, it's weird. But I'm a weird person.

    Deal with it. :P


    lol, I actually started this a while ago. . . it's fully orchestral.


    and the Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/incf

    I'm not even really sure if I'm gonna submit this. . . It's REALLY conservative, and then it gets REALLY liberal.

    I intend on fixing a lot of stuff too, like the volume of the strings in the choruses (..chori?). Some instruments just sound too dry to me at some points, as well.

    Oh well, let me know what you think of the arrangement. Thanks!


  6. The choir actually sounded a lot muddier in the first version, before I high-pass-filtered it. You are going by the second version, right?

    I know the snare's kinda light, but part of the reason I left it that way in V2 is that the last section needed more oomph, and I accomplished that in part by using more powerful drums in the ending. Again, that's only in V2....

    I know the bass leaves something to be desired in terms of power, but one thing about me is I take pride in using non-generic basslines. I could easily use the root note of the chord, leaving the bass strong but boring. However, I prefer the satisfaction I get from making the bass its own complex, symphonic instrument.

    That's not to say I don't value your feedback -- I do, very much -- I just disagree. ;P

    Thank you for the in-depth critique! ^^

    Absolutely perfectly respectable in terms of the bass. :D Artistic license ftw (guilty as charged myself) honestly, solid bass is just a personal preference of mine. If you like that bass progression, keep it :D That's all there is to it.

    I'm actually pretty bad at giving technical critique since everything I do musically is really feel-oriented. . . I'm just going by what I hear, telling you my opinion on the music, really without specific knowledge about how to attain a better product. For this lack of knowledge I apologize :(

    What I CAN tell you is that that vox can definitely be cleared up more. . . On 'breathy' instruments like that, you don't really want to have too much mid-range EQ (it sounds to me like there's a lot of mid-range on it). Try decreasing the mid range on the vox. If that doesn't work, try decreasing the 'dryness' of the reverb to make it a little less harsh. If that doesn't work. . . then I've failed in my attempt to critique, and I apologize once again X(

  7. i like it when people do crazy stuff with their synths. you did crazy stuff with your synths. automatic stamp of dopeness.

    seriously this is awesome. i love how every year there's always new blood and new talents in the wip board who go from relative mediocrity to total star status. i love ocremix so much, you judge gents have no idea what you've created here. it's like the proverbial "american dream" except actually real and in internet form.


    Truly, without the stubbornness of the standards here at OCR I would not be the musician I am today. I've never taken music classes (with the exception of a high school semester-long Music Theory I class). OCRemix has been my music lessons. And for this I sincerely thank everybody involved with the existence of OCRemix, especially you guys here on the WIP forum :DDD

  8. protOSdome artistic license cmd window


















    [sexypost]Mm? You said my name?[/sexypost]

    C:\\ |


    Cool song BTW. ;D

    Common sense has committed a fatal error and needs to shut down



    [Hits 'x' button] (screen closes anyway) ....AWW DAMN

    >>Warning!: WIMENZ is critically low. Restart recommended.

    >>Search hard drive for WIMENZ.....


    This post failed to be executed due to hard drive failure upon search for WIMENZ. Sorry for the inconvenience.


    Thanks a lot, and again, coming from you it means a ton :D

  9. protodome mk 2

    seriously have you ever remixed anything besides pokemon? :<

    hahah, I've remixed some Zelda and Mega Man tracks, as well as one Mario 64 track. None of them are that good haha

    The Pokemon series has my favorite music out of any video game, so I guess that's why I remix them so often :-o

    Is that a CRIME??? :-P

    EDIT: Also since I think there aren't enough Mystery Dungeon remixes on the site. Seriously, that music is amazing. ({)B

  10. Actually, that's because three remixes were deemed "no good enough" by their remixers (due to personal standards, technical issues, or some other factor), and we decided that instead of waiting for them, it would be better to drop them for now and carry on with the 28 tracks we already had. It had nothing to do with anyone being dropped. The three remixes in question were done by people that still have other remixes on the album.

    And as for TheGuitahHeroe himself, if there ever is a second album, I'm sure he'll be near the front of the line for applicants, right? You will be, won't you?

    If you want me to create a track for the second album if there is one, then I would absolutely be more than happy too!

  11. i love your chiptune and synth leads. sweet the arps at :40, but the melody at :58.. damn, so good.

    i think your main gated synth could use a little more prominent filter automation through the melody section to keep things flowing, felt a little raw/static sometimes to me compared to all the surrounding elements.


    i love this. do note that I have listened to this over (fairly decent) laptop speakers, but everything sounded crisp and clear to me. good production, great arrangement.. sub this thing, man. :D

    You have no idea how much that comment means to me, coming from you. Pretty much this entire track was inspired by your works. I can't get enough of your chippy style :DD

    Thank you thank you thank you! Subbing now.

  12. I like the style you have here, but I think there are some issues that need to be worked out.

    I would get rid of some mid on those synth vox, they sound a bit muddy.

    The percussion sounds like it's missing something. . .A bit more 'oomph' in that snare (or maybe a more solid sample) I think would help it out, along with some other fills.

    It seems to me like the song doesn't really have a base to it. . . I think a more solid bass (lol base/bass) would give this song a lot more structure. Try having the bass play the root note of the chord more often.

    I'm no professional (especially at critiquing) but I'm just going by what I, an attentive listener, hears when listening to the song.

  13. Naww, I actually messaged The Damned last night and he said that the project ended in September, and that they weren't accepting any more.

    Anyway, this is the version I'm submitting right now.


    I lowered the snare at some parts (just a LITTLE bit), made the pad in the chorus louder and with a bit more high-end, and fixed the arpeggios in the outro which were cutting off a bit early.

    Wish it luck on the panel!

    Mehh, I've decided to wait a little bit and switch this thread to mod review first. . .

    Here's a slightly more updated version http://tindeck.com/listen/zsmu

    Better snares in the midsection and end in this one.

    EDIT: (also a smaller file size ;D)

  14. eilios is right about the quality. . . it's pretty much like that for the rest of the track too, actually

    The arrangement is also really conservative (using too many elements from the source).

    It could really use some more fleshing out from the source, as well as better quality. . . When that dB meter turns red, that means it has the potential to clip (which is that buzzing noise you can hear while listening). Everything is just too loud. Especially that lead (I can barely tell what instrument that is, it's so loud).

    No hard feelings or offense intended here, but this is not OCR material. . . . yet. However, if you worked for longer than just 24 hours, you could improve this a LOT. For most people (anyone else is just inhuman ;) ), a good remix takes a lot longer than 24 hours to make. (btw I'm assuming you mean elapsed time, rather than time actually spent on it).

  15. PLEASE let me know when this is finished so I can download it. Such a great track.

    Nothing really critical about it can be said from me other than what has been said already, and I apologize in that respect :(

    But this track. . . is just awesome. I'm such a sucker for glitchy/chippy stuff like this

  16. Thanks a lot :D

    I'm not sure how that works, but I think the administrators of the project (I know TheDamned is one of them) has to come to me and ask me to do it. I'm not sure my skills (or my schedule) would be up to the challenge though, hahahaha

    On a side note, the Greatest Loss of All isn't from a main Pokemon game, and I think the Missingno Tracks project only features songs from the main games. (TGLOA is from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, a spin-off)

  17. I've taken some time off from remixing, but I just couldn't pass up the inspiration I got for this.


    This is the start of a chippy remix of the Abandoned Ship theme from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. Well. . . Sort of half chippy. . . I seriously don't know what genre my music is. Could somebody please tell me if they know? hahahaha

    This is not complete yet. . .I intend to add at least a minute's worth material to it before it's completed. And polish a lot of stuff. . .

    And here's the source track:

    for anyone who needs it
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