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Posts posted by TGH

  1. I think starting off with those string attacks are great, but the abrupt entering of the rest of the strings kinda startled me. Try to add some buildup, like an additional timpani roll before the phrase, or reverse cymbal, or both. A song as graceful as this should have nice smooth transitions, that build and fade, as opposed to starting right up.

    The E, B, A, B strings is repeated too much in the same rhythm, imo, which 'cages' the song, if you know what I mean. . .it prevents it from going anywhere else. I think if you were to change up that rhythm a little bit, or change octaves with it once in a while (or both), you would give the song a lot more room to sway. Variety is key (especially for OCR :D).

    The french horn that comes in seems a little weird with the reverb, not sure if there's just too much, or maybe it's just me, haha. . . in any event I would lower the EQ in the high range in that particular instrument just a LITTLE bit. It seems just a little 'scratchy' to me, lowering said EQ would probably fix that.

    The timpani rolls as a whole seem a bit stale, try crescending (?) those leading into the next phrase.

    The bass seems to me to bit a little too loud. . . turn your bass strings down maybe 2 or 3 (maybe even 4) notches in the mixer. Production other than that (and the french horn thing) is pretty damn good.

    Not sure I like the way the track ends, tho. It just seems to leave the track feeling empty, to end a song like this with an unresolved chord. . . It seems to me like it's unfinished. I think you could expand a lot more on the arrangement in continuing past what you have here. :D

    Those are my criticisms, very nice work here. :D I think it has potential for OCR with some fixing up and some more variation. Btw, this IS a 'remix,' not an original compo. At least, this is what OCR consideres to a 'remix,' rather than just a 'recorchestration' XD

  2. First off, I think the synths in the beginning come off too harsh. Perhaps quiet them down, or have them fade to their full loudness gradually, while bringing in some other stuff later on in the intro. It just sounds really opaque, if you know what I mean. (There's also some dissonance in some of the early parts after the intro, watch out for that)

    I think that with a touch of reverb on your leads and some better EQ (i.e. turning down the ranges you don't want in each instrument, it would sound a lot better. (I'm no professional, but this is just coming from my personal experiences)

    In terms of the arrangement itself, I don't think there's enough variation in it. That main phrase is played way too many times throughout the mix. Here's what I like to do (and you don't have to do this, lol, this is just what I do when I'm having trouble with arrangement): Take the lead, or a slight variation of the lead, and see how many different chords/progressions you can make around that lead. Once you find a good chord progression, you can "let the song write itself." Lol not really, but you can find even different chords that work. Get what I'm saying?

  3. t198629_sad%20applause.gif

    you added more compression to the track on the last version, gave more power.

    this is great. i wish i could compose with orcha, but my pc cpu would cripple with out some more power.

    Your now the Official first one and to get my


    fine peice indeed!

    Thanks, man!

    These were all made with sf2s, btw. With a little reverb and the right EQ, you're golden pretty much. They're not the best samples in the world though, lol

    But. . . if you try orchestral, PLEASE don't stop making electronica :D I have some of your stuff on my mp3 player. Your "Iced Puppet" remix actually inspired me to attempt House the other day :mrgreen:

    But anyway, I might sub this as is. Although I might wait a while, as I'm sure I'll find something wrong with it within the next few times I listen to it XD

  4. Anyone can join. Just get yourself an account at solid composer and submit your music! Welcome and I look forward to hearing your entry.

    OK thanks, I'll probably do that tomorrow :D

    EDIT: Sorry, does it have to be an original composition? Or can it be a remix?

  5. Yes, I also hear a ton of Willrock influence

    You got it. :D

    Although I had never heard your song before making that intro, haha. . . It's actually an sf2 I used.

    Thanks a lot for the feedback, I will take into consideration what you said about lengthening the track. I will try to add a little something before the drum break as I (may or may not :D) see fit.

    Thanks again!

  6. CRASHIN' TEH PAWTY ITZ MEGA MAN BABY (megaman's in teh housse)

    I'm sorry, I just had to make this "Duane and Brando" themed.

    I really REALLY like what you have going on here, with the funk/chiptune mixture. It works. Keep it.

    Although a bit more variation wouldn't hurt. Especially in the drumloops you use, they really stay pretty static throughout the whole song. Change it up a little. Add some glitch effects during the breaks (the filter effects on the drums might also be a little stale, but they're alright).

    I like how the remix builds, but the ending seems a little unresolved with just a filtered-out drumloop (again, change that up a bit). Try adding a final, resolved chord to the end of the mix, just to give it a sense of closure before the final filtered drums.

    My only other suggestion is to add just a touch. . . just a TOUCH. . . of reverb to your leads. Maybe like 15%, with a second of decay. I love your leads but they just seem a little bit dry. Wetting them up a bit will give the mix more depth.

    Well, that's it for my crits. Excellent job on this one, I would love to see this get posted once you fix it up a little. So. . .


    (it's all gravy. . . )

  7. I'm straying from my somewhat laid-back style here to try to create something a little (a lot) more agressive.

    I know it's short, but I'm willing to make up for that in whatever way I can. I'm fond of this arrangement the way it is, pretty much.

    http://tindeck.com/listen/jeqs - Remix (Here's a version with less treble, the other one had a bit too much http://tindeck.com/listen/orew)

    - Source if you need it



    P.S. See if you can guess who this was inspired by. :P (He's a remixer here)

  8. I kind of like it, but I had to look out the outside Pokemon League area...I mean you spend like 1 minute there lol..

    Would you care to tell me what you're talking about, sir?

    EDIT: I just realized I forgot to post the source. Lol sorry

    Also, probably about 75-80% of the mix is based off either the chords or the melody of the source.

    ANOTHER EDIT: Here's another update: http://tindeck.com/listen/wbso

    Btw, for some reason I can't switch to mod review at all. Does anybody know how I would be able to this?

  9. Very nice. I noticed a subtle "Windfish ballad" cameo near the end. Maybe you could bring a bit more of that theme aswell as a bit more of your own orignal melody.


    ou could make the intro even more atmospheric with a little more reverb and sound effects.

    Even though this is a chillout song, I think the ending could have more of a climax. Not sure how, without losing the feel, but it could. Good stuff

    Hey thanks for the feedback!

    Ok, I want this as a mod review but for some reason it won't let me edit the first post for a mod review. . . That being said. . .

    If a mod happens to see this, could you please consider this a Mod Review thread?

    And here's an update: just some EQ adjustments http://tindeck.com/listen/cuwn

    Thanks, lol

    I'm such a noob :\

  10. Wait. . . wat? No Mystery Dungeon this time? WTF HAX

    Anyway, something different this time. . . a remix of the Southern Face Shrine theme from LOZ: Link's Awakening. I started it last night, finished it this afternoon. Besides for the low synth being panned too far to the left at times in the intro and at other times (I'm in the process of fixing this now), let me know what you think. hahahahah EDIT: It's been fixed.


    The name of the remix itself is "Castaway, You Should Know the Truth."

    Source if needed:



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