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AceThe Game

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Everything posted by AceThe Game

  1. You are fuller o shit than a christmas goose. Arya, Davos, Jon setting the Night's Watch to work fortifying the wall, And Aegon coming back from the dead, not to even mention Tyrion who is always entertaining. I'm not sure what you expected book 5 of 7 to be but I thought all the story lines moved pretty nice. I would have liked to know what's up with Sansa though. Because at the end of Feast little finger was setting her up to be a major player.
  2. that's what I'm saying, For books now you've heard he was good, and here and there you see him do cool shit with a staff or what now. But then he takes his sword back and stands there for 2 books. Every time the mercenaries start to brag he's like fck off, Dany give ma a dozen knights. And then he just shreds those jackoffs.
  3. Yeah I'm with DarkSword here. So far all the posturing hasn't really changed anything. But I really liked Dance. Admittedly Dany's story was slower than I'd hope, but I didn't mind that she takes the time to stop and try to learn to be a queen. She's what 16 now. The most intriguing thing about her character has always been how she's forced to grow up. But I thought her ending place in Dance was awesome. Her and Drogon facing down one of Drogo's old blood riders, who left her remember because he didn't think she had what it takes to be Kahlessi. That was epic. I was less impressed with Jon's ending but just because I like seeing him kick ass and take names. Pulling a Brutus on the senate steps caught me off guard. Oh and when Baristan the Bold kicks the shit out of those pit fighters, I fkcn loved that. He's like "yeah I'm old and slow but your thugs and I'm a Knight. And then he shows them. "
  4. The Ultimate Best of AC/DC Remastered. I'm fucking stoked, I've been waiting 15 years for this shit, and it's here. Everybody needs this.
  5. I just watched that first 15 minutes. It looks like they are going to do it right. The costumes and the sets are great. Even got to see the wall. I'm looking forward to seeing some wolves though. I'm a little worried they are going to gimp the wolves. Oh and Ice is fucking cool. That's what a great sword is supposed to look like.
  6. Yeah this is awsome. I can't wait. I keep putting off finishing the 4th book because I know they 5th won't be out till july. Oh and I really like Lena Heady, but I fuckin hate Cersei so I guess we'll see how that goes.
  7. Cart to a check point? That's like Matrix 2 isn't it? Or wait that guy wasn't Australian, or what he?
  8. Street Fighter 2 Turbo and of course I agree, FF3, Battle Toads, Mario Kart, Link to the Past, all awsome games. And Flare, YES Brainlord. Fck now I want a SNES!
  9. thanks I think. Far as MA goes I agree with Flare. It wasn't designed for children. Video games are growing up. Because the audience is growing up. The kids that started the whole gaming rage are getting pretty old by now, and if your really a gamer you don't ever actually grow out of it. Maybe life gets busy and you lose the time , but once your in your in. So I think it's great to have some more serious games. Not to mention it's just good business for the gaming companies. I mean why sell them just to children when you can make games for everyone?
  10. Hey Wacky, other countries have cute girls too.
  11. ffs, lmfao oh whoops, sorry for double posting, it's just how i feel
  12. To true, she's gorgeous. But the CGI perfection, can't actually be achieved in real life. Video game girls are always going to be more perfect. Laura Croft, Tifa, Yufie, Yuna, Lulu, Rinoa. I apologize for the all the FF references BUT, Genetics can't compete with computers. Fuck, what do you think?
  13. That's not really fair, because CGI chicks are always symmetrical, and how is any real person going to compete with that.
  14. I did all this earlier but I didn't understand the hotkeys and I posted early and second time around I deleted my own post. But, Mass Effect was great for me. They tapped onto some psychology that I thought was groundbreaking for a video game. OK. They had some slight reference to sexual innuendo but it wasn't more then you seen in many PG movies. And they gave you the choice between renegade and paragon. For me that's like Charity. I loved it. So what do you say?
  15. Well idk about all the dialog and writing, but Mass Effect is a first class game. And it's a little bit funny to me that the problem people have with is lesbianism, because as Wacky says there are so many other morally FUCKED UP issues. Genocide, being bad for the good purpose? WTF? And I'm all for kicking ass and taking names, but I've played through Mass Effect 2.5 times and I've seen less than you can see on Disney Channel. So what really is the problem? I mean, Do you ever see a pair of tits?, Is there any throbbing? OK. So what? The game makes reference to intimacy. It's psychology. The gameplay is a series of questions. What do you say when someone says this? And what you say matters! So who doesn't that apply too? It's life, and for Bioware to write that into a game is KUDOS for them. In conclusion, turning that game into a problem is fucking retarded, it's another game and very masterfully done if I might say so.
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