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Posts posted by Eulogic

  1. I moved down here about 8 months ago for my family, Old City is interesting in terms of photography, and I stumbled on the old dam in Lenoir City with my sister in law, I'll check out Sweetwater though I probably won't leave after that.

    I meant leave Sweetwater. It is small and there is not much to do. My parents live there, as well pretty much the entirity of my dad's side of the family. The first Clevelands moved to the Sweetwater area in the early 1800s. I'm sure that spells good things for the gene pool.

    There are actually a good number of OCRers from East Tennessee. Me, Edge (who, coincidentally, is also from Sweetwater), JesustheDarkLord, AlmightyTim, and I feel like there are one or two more I'm not thinking of.

  2. Or, you know, put the two factions AT WAR with one another.

    They were only at war when the Horde was possessed by evildemonbloodrarrr. All-out war doesn't make sense when they're both reasonable groups trying to accomplish the same goals.

  3. I figured Garrosh was just a dick, like his dad. To be honest, Blizzard hasn't done much to endear Horde players to him, while Grom was at least fairly likeable. Garrosh went from depressed little girl to having the mentality of a rogue in the guild <RED IS DED!!> camping lowbies. The only reason he's tolerable at all is because Thrall seems to like him. At least Varian "Mad Dog" Wrynn got a comic book where I assume he is portrayed in a more sympathetic light--not that it excuses his behavior. What a horrible king.

  4. I think the WoW juice is starting to run low after the longest continuous stream of time I've spent playing since the game was released. I'm in a guild with friends (which I'm not going to leave), which hinders me in doing serious raids. PUG raids are painful and make me want to die, which prevents me from doing anything other than, at most, 1d Sarth (never ever ever Naxx--the one time I tried, we wiped at least once on every boss and 3 or 4 times on Heigan). I'm pretty much at the pinnacle of heroic gear, and I don't really have any desire to do the more onerous achievements (like Loremaster, though I am pretty close to 50 mounts now--I have all the rep, just need a little more gold). I have three 80s, so I'm not in any hurry to level up alts, though I do have cloth, leather, and mail heirloom shoulders now. Most of the time, I just get on to chat with guildies.

  5. No wang became quite as famous as the bagelwang... Wish I had the Majora castration picture at hand... Or Gorveg... where is he anyway?

    Gorveg's an admin at .org, where he can be found pretty regularly. Moggie shows up there occasionally.

    I'm not sure if Gorveg ever got unbanned here or not (and I'll be damned if I take the time to check!).

  6. dogtags.jpg

    I remember having these shortly made after the change to ocremix.org from remix.overclocked.org. The latter wouldn't fit, unfortunately.


    I r spedrun winar!


    Also BEER. Possibly the last one? I don't recall.

    EDIT: Here is the original card deck in its glory. For those who weren't there or don't remember, hearts were reserved for kind and generally helpful posters, clubs were trolls/meanies (though, for the most part, in good humor), diamonds were those shining stars that contribute so much to the community, and spades were...I honestly don't remember. People who like to hear themselves talk, judging from the list.

    EDIT2: And while digging around, I found the second card deck with its notably higher production value. I believe this time, they were grouped by "faction," whether UM.O, gerbilfat, Remod, or Offtop. It looks like some of the Remod/Offtop ones are kinda mixed around though. Or I just didn't care at all when I put it together. Actually, in retrospect, this might've been before Remod, in which case clubs is just postwhores. I'm not entirely sure where that leaves diamonds though.

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