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General Gilliam

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Posts posted by General Gilliam

  1. You DARED to desecrate Zero Hamlet?!?

    meh... I'm sure Stevo and David are miffed about that.

    I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, by the way (just to be safe...)

    I see their point though. Zero city was way underused. the only thing it was used for was the spawn house, and the capital building.Other than Lawson's Zero City rail station, there was nothing there.

    Actually, in recent times, the capital building hasn't been used for anything, and the rail station has become obsolete (we built a direct, monster-free underground rail system). There was only like 3 people (including me) living there, and we all just moved out, so it's a ghost town.

    Just so you know, the people involved in this are: Me (GeneralGilliam), harrycolez, tjo_06, rock10010000, dudsla, pellyo.

  2. Yeah, Zero City on the OCAD server is pretty much abandoned, so a bunch of us took supplies from it to build new towns. All of the people that play on the server regularly joined in. We didn't grief, we all made a group decision that this town was quickly dying and decided to use the supplies that nobody was using to make new towns.

  3. Personally, I'd have to recommend Halo: Reach, Final Fantasy 13, and Borderlands.

    All 3 are hit or miss, you'll most likely either love em or hate em. Halo's a great game and can provide mass amounts of entertainment. If you like the older Halo games, or FPS' in general, check it out.

    FF13 is one that'll really be hit or miss. Most people either thought it was great, or hated it immensely. I was one of those people who put off buying it for a year because I thought it looked bad and I'd hate it. I was wrong, turned out to be a great game, good story, good gameplay, and good length. The only things that kinda disappointed me were lack of things to do post-game, and not very memorable/likable characters (except Sazh, he's awesome.)

    Borderlands is a fantastic FPS RPG hybrid. Think Fallout style, but a lot better made, and a lot more replay value. The story is weak at best, but the dialogue and tone of the game are very enjoyable and entertaining (and funny). There's 4 different characters to choose from, all with their own ability trees and skills, so the replay value is good. If you play with friends the game is a fantastic party game. A lot of teamwork can be used in the game, but not really the fast paced intense teamwork you'd expect from a FPS like Halo or Call Of Duty, more of the casual teamwork like something out of a Mario Party game.

    I'd definitely say look em up, watch some IGN reviews on em to see if they look interesting (don't trust Zero Punctuation, he scrutinizes the games very intensely simply because it gets a laugh, don't take it as a serious review.). All 3 are generally cheap for 360 games too now.

  4. Now instead of it being down, it's showing connection refused on OCAD. Did you implement a whitelist? Because it's getting a signal from the server, just not lettning me connect. I'm not the only who's having this problem BTW.

  5. I'm not too sure how I feel about this. Halo Reach, while not having the best level design, was still a very enjoyable game. I still play it a lot. I think if they continue to expand on the armor ability system to have more defined classes, and focus on making some good multiplayer maps (and possibly some remakes), then it could turn out to be a huge success. I'm one of those guys who plays these games pretty much for the mulitplayer, not the campaign.

    I personally think they need to expand the armor abilities into a more class structure. Like in Reach they have medic class which has a drop shield (slowly heals health when your in it). I think they should make an ability that heals similar to that, but can restore vehicle health, and ammo and such. Make it so there's actually a defined medic on the team.

    That lineup of people looks great though. Judging by their past works, this game should come out pretty damn good.

  6. Notice how many of the most significant and lucrative products in the last 10 years have related to user interfaces

    * Mac OSX

    * Apple iPod and the music players that followed

    * Touch-screen smartphones / tablets

    * Nintendo Wii

    * Nintendo DS (Stylus)

    I'll take "OS's that I hate" for 500 please.

  7. aaaaaaand? Windows 7 is basically perfect for everyone (GUI-wise) in the market right now, what reason do they have to develop a new OS from the ground up other than to re-fuck up a lot of driver compatibility for everyone

    Microsoft needs to develop a new OS to a) stay in the market since a lot of people have Windows 7 now and sales are probably slowing down and B) to compete in areas that have to do with interface

    what exactly do you want them to do other than make a new thing that nobody needs that they'll probably take a lot of flak for and lose a lot of money with?

    So, because people are happy with something means they shouldn't bother to improve it? I see a flaw in your logic sir.

    Windows fanboys will be Windows fanboys.

  8. hmm I must have skipped over the part where they said they were focusing entirely on the tile gui and not really changing anything about the OS itself

    oh wait there just wasn't any part like that at all

    But it's obvious from the video this is their focus of the new OS. The video pretty much reads "Look at this amazing new tile OS, and how pretty it is. Look at all the cool stuff it can do, it's gonna be so awesome! Oh, and we're also gonna include that desktop thing."

  9. the tilemenu can be bypassed to the desktop

    try actually reading things that people link before you talk about them

    Oh, I know it can be bypassed, I just wish they wouldn't even make it with the tiles to begin with. Instead of trying to make their new OS look like a smartphone/apple device to appeal to the computer-retarded generation, they could just spend their time working on a desktop OS and making it better. If they would do that instead of focusing on crappy but flashy things like the tilemenu, then they would have less of a chance of having another catastrophe such as vista.

  10. Yeah, this OS looks pretty good for a tablet, or a windows phone. For a PC though, it looks terrible. Everything is moving towards the crappy large tiles and apps, which is a step back in my opinion. So far, this looks to be really noob friendly, but really unfriendly towards people who actually know how to effectively use a computer.

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