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Posts posted by ad.mixx

  1. i like this a lot. and it just shows how crisp production and a good arrangement are really much more important than all the $1000 synthesizers and mics you have.

    good show!

    edit: i say that by the way cause it shows that if you really push to get the most out of what you already have, it can turn into something incredible. this song is a great example of that.

  2. Hey ya'll, i'm going to test out my labtop mic later today (but I'm pretty sure it works well). I don't have anything major I wanna talk about or sponsor, but I'd love to be a part of the show anytime y'all have it available. My webcam looks good too, I'd just have to find a nice quiet place to be at on Friday (probably mah sisters house. roomates are way too loud sometimes).

    Lemme know if it's possible so I can get all groomed and fancied up : )

  3. Wait wait wait, you were playing a PS2 RPG without a memory card?

    Not to be condescending but... what? 8O

    basically this:

    duh you just leave your ps2 on the whole time

    and never ever EVER die

    and i got pretty far too. eventually.

    i played pretty much all my ps2 games like this until i got a memory card. you'd be surprised at how good you can get at a game when you can't die.

    you get really freaking good. : D

  4. I meant the game in general. I'm not really a FF fan so collectors stuff won't bother me too much. But I do want to make sure I can get the game in good condition (and hopefully cheap) while possible.

    I never got to finish FFX because of a bad disc on my PS2. I remember having to restart the game from scratch every time too 'cause we didn't have a memory card at the time, so the farthest I got was to a really big boss on this mountain (before the disc finally gave up, after that exact battle). It was an awesome experience and I wanna be able to finish it on the PS3 at some point : D

  5. Will this thing be reproduced for a while? I just got the Tales of Symphonia Chronicles new today only 'cause I heard they were only going to ship once as a sort of limited edition thing. That could be wrong, but is this kind of thing happening for the FFX remake at all? Want to make sure I get it while I can.

  6. I can't remember who this makes me think of. This is very professional sounding in it's production and it's composition. If it weren't for this lyrics this could be a sort of mainstream song. Not saying I don't like the lyrics cause I do. A lot :)

    Thanks for posting this. This is crazy good and I'll probably be showing this off to people as I show off OCR from now on : D

  7. Do you think there'd be any way to lock the layers added onto the map? So they can't be deleted or moved?

    I was trying to move mine around earlier and ended up accidentally moving someone else's. It's all straightened out now but gmaps seems so finnicky when you're trying to scroll the map it seems like that sort of thing could happen a lot more when it gets filled out.

    It's a suggestion. Not too big of a deal if you're careful at least.

  8. Anorax put it quite elegantly. Yeah, this is more about the Gym Leaders story. She could be singing about being in love but it's going to be about her doing the singing.

    Also, I'll point it out before anyone else does. If you made a love song to MIsty, it may come off a bit creepy. Because you know, she is 10 or 12 years old in the anime (No idea what her age is in the games). Just letting you know.

    I always forget that. She always seems a lot older in the games in anime. Like a lot older. I think it'd be funny still, cause it wouldn't be a serious love song of course :P. I wouldn't be able to do that without laughing at myself. But forget it anyways since that'll just go off-topic..

    That idea of her singing about being in love would only make sense by the second game when she has a boyfriend or something there. Still it could be done in a better fashion anyways. The anime gave her a tough personality so she probably wouldn't sing about something so cheesy.

  9. Just had an idea... my first real crush as a kid was on Misty from the show...

    and it totally makes me wanna do a love song from Cerulean City. For fun.

    I'm very good with words (and poetry according to a literature professor who I don't know... long story), so lyrics are no problem. It's just arranging anything from the original Pokemon games seems like a big challenge.

    Do the lyrics have to like epic battle songs about the gym leaders? If so then I can think of something else.

  10. Nintendo's running a promo where you can get a download code for a free copy of Pokémon X or Y, but only if you buy and register both a 3DS/2DS and one of six qualifying games during the entirety of March. If you've already got a 3DS, it won't do you any good; you've gotta buy a new one.

    Nope, not true. Had my 3DS for a while now, as long as you haven't registered the 3DS or the game to Nintendo Club you are eligible for the promo.

    Just got my download copy of X. Wasn't really going to get into Pokemon this gen (didn't do it for b/w either), but since it's free I don't see why not. Now I just have to go get a bigger SD card because the default 2GB one isn't big enough.

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