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Melbu Frahma

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Posts posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. One of my most, ah, interesting FFT experiences was playing with Ramza as a Black Mage/Calculator. Add in a dash of no regard for the lives of your teammates and you can cut through the baddies no problem.

    Bahaha, I can imagine; I actually toyed with the idea of making that combination one time. Think the closest I ever came was the time I made him a Calc/Time backed up by four Fly-capable Dancers spamming Wiznabius. That was always good for a laugh.

  2. Broke from buying a house two weeks ago myself, but I still managed to snag:

    Thomas Was Alone

    Knights of the Old Republic


    Bought and gifted:


    So far, out of my three new games for myself, I've only tried Magicka, which apparently my laptop is too slow to run (whoops), but I've being eager to play KoTOR since I enjoyed the second one so much, and Thomas Was Alone seems like it'll be a fun, humorous little puzzle platformer, so I'm pretty content.

  3. I'd be tempted to try this... mostly because I always enjoyed trying to play through Tactics with really difficult team builds (all-Knight team was my favorite), but also because (assuming I understood the trailer correctly) the new enemies/monsters you can get in randoms would be great fun to fight against.

    Besides, it's a criminally-underplayed game as it is.

  4. Not sure whether to put this here or in the album review thread, but I'm guessing here.

    So, something weird is going on with my download of the album. I downloaded the music, and opened it up in Windows Media Player, and it was there, and I spent last night playing all of the music and sorting the songs out amongst my various play lists. Then I closed WMP, closed my laptop and went to bed.

    When I got up this morning and opened up WMP to listen to a few choice tracks off of FF6:B&R, the album wasn't there anymore, and a search didn't find any of the tracks... but the songs I put on playlists are still there, and still playable. Weird, I thought, and re-downloaded a couple of songs, which recreated the album on WMP. Played them a few times, then closed WMP and went to get ready for work.

    I came back just now to play the album, and when I opened WMP again, once again the album had vanished. But the songs are still in their playlists and still playable.

    Any ideas?

  5. What did I think? I thought wow. Genre-defying stuff, very fragmented, constantly shifting.. combination of sounds is quite unusual, many points of comparison come to mind (American minimalism for one).. reminds me also of some classic Shnabubula tracks, which can never be a bad thing. I do think the mixing seemed pretty bright/loud, I had to turn the volume down while listening to the album in sequence for this track. I can live with that, this was a surprising and exciting track, I'm looking forward to listening to this again and again.


    All this and more. I was definitely getting just a touch of a Yoko Kanno vibe from this, as well, which is never a bad thing at all. My one real complaint was that I was left wishing it was so, so much longer, which is also almost never a bad thing.

  6. I've loved Leitbur's music ever since I found On the Far Side of the World, and Work This Out, and this doesn't disappoint in the slightest. Really creative take on the Victory fanfare, and I think the minimalistic lyrics really worked well for it. I think I'm going to have to start playing this song every time I finish a project at work, or get done writing a chapter on a story.

  7. i hope sharik embezzled teh money and ussed it to finish FF5 album insted, because FF5 is way better than 6

    I think if the album's release turned out to be in order to release the second installment of the FF5 albums simultaneously as a big surprise, I think all would be forgiven instantly by everyone complaining everywhere.

    (gotta disagree with you on which is better though)

  8. But that would probably get you arrested.

    Depends on the mushrooms, really.

    Crowbar: Neither I or my wife really care about the level of graphics (aside from Bastion, Mass Effect series, Minecraft and FTL, all of my favorite games are pre-PS2 gen - and Minecraft/FTL aren't exactly cutting edge graphical fidelity), and touch screens annoy me in general when it comes to games, which is why I'd probably go to get the Wii instead of the WiiU. Plus, there's the price point, and from what I hear battery life in the Wiimotes is far better, although I could be wrong on that.

    I will admit, I didn't know you could play Wii games on the WiiU. Probably won't change my mind, but it's something to consider I guess.

  9. How about the fact you could go watch an football game or baseball game live. On your TV or in person.

    Seriously, sports games just seem pointless to me.

    As a former baseball/soccer player, I can tell you that I get a far, far different sort of enjoyment out of playing a sports video game than I do watching a match. (Heck, I actually can't stand watching a whole soccer game.)

    Having said that, a "new game" (read: DLC priced as a full game) every 12 months is freaking ridiculous. And I, personally, actually prefer "generic" sports games vs. "real" sports games where you play with the REAL PLAYERS! in the ACTUAL REAL LIFE STADIUM! because it's more fun to build a team from scratch.

    On the topic of Wii U: I'm still not sold on the console, myself, but that's because the only reason I'd get a Wii/Wii U is for party games and games for my wife. Given that, a Wii with Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and a couple of games she'd enjoy makes too much more sense to me than the Wii U.

  10. It's madness that they'd think this is a noteworthy feature.

    I felt an overriding urge to Photoshop the words "This isn't madness, this is MICROSOFT!" over a 300 image, in response to this.

    Luckily, my appalling lack of PS skills made me reconsider.

  11. Monolith's next game (Project name is just "X", they made the "Xeno" series, this looks like a spiritual successor to XenoBlade, if not just XenoBlade 2)

    If you haven't seen the full trailer

    Am I the only one who got a really, really strong, last-quarter-of-FFXIII-vibe off of the actual gameplay portions of this?

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