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Melbu Frahma

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Posts posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Yeah, but at the same time, I've heard people say that Gen 3 has the "best" music. :P

    I've always preferred Gen 2, myself. :-P Then again, I've never listened to any of the music past Gen 4.

    It's a great idea, and I think the dividing by region idea is a good one. You could do it a la DarkeSword's FF5 album idea - make each region an installment of the whole, with a track for each gym, and maybe a ninth track combining the Elite Four/champion themes.

  2. Folks, let's try to post more than just a title or a list of titles. Give some reasons and get some discussion going.

    Valid request.

    Super Smash Bros 4. - I love the Smash series, and I'm really excited to see how the new characters work with the old lineup.

    Watch Dogs. - Looks like it has huge potential for innovative gameplay, and a decent storyline, with a lot of great possibilities for deep topics.

    And most of all, Transistor. (I'm assuming it's still releasing this year, I haven't heard otherwise.) What can I say? Bastion was my GotY when it came out, a pitch-perfect game, and it looks to me like they've captured most of that lightning in the bottle of Transistor. It's my one must-have game for the upcoming year, and I might not even wait for it to go on sale, which is unheard of for me these days.

    Also, I forgot it when I did my previous list, but Hearthstone. I've seen a lot of gameplay of it, and it just looks plain old fun, while at the same time having enough challenge and variety in it to keep me interested... especially if they add a few more cards to each class.

  3. Damn, this is one hell of an awesome Mass Effect remix, thin drums included. I always thought it'd be cool to find out that the Galaxy Map's music was some sort of folk music/traditional asari tune/something heard throughout the galaxy for centuries, and this feels like a cover by a rock band, maybe comprised of turians or krogans. It's the perfect New Year's present!

  4. I don't make New Years resolutions... ever, but I want to get my ass working on here again, so here it goes.

    I'm going to mod-review (or just review, if it comes down to it) five WIP tracks a week, and I'll list them somewhere to make damn sure that I've done it. If the WIP forum got 260 reviews from at least one workshop mod next year (and probably more - I'm not the only one here :D) then I feel that forum will improve significantly.

    *Deep breaths* ALRIGHT, let's do this!

    You could probably just pick someone to be your accountability partner, and message them every Friday what tracks you've done since last Friday. :-)

  5. My resolutions:

    1) Get one year's expenses saved up in the bank. (I'm at 8 months as of today, hopefully shouldn't be too hard.)

    2) Start retirement savings. (Again, even if it's just $15 a paycheck, shouldn't be too hard.)

    3) Get back into college to finish my degree.

    4) Finish my first novel. (Probably won't happen, but eh, I can try.)

  6. I think TotalBiscuit put it best: people seem to have the idea that copyright holders and content creators should be enemies when in fact they should be working together. There is a huge growing market for the kind of content that AJ, TB and others do, as well as an equally huge and growing market for Let's Players. Hell, Sony and Microsoft are already capitalizing on that by allowing people to stream. They should get their heads out of their asses and get to a middle ground. TotalBiscuit actually mentioned us (OCR) as a good example of content creators, artists and fans working together with publishers to bring out albums like deus ex and mega man.

    This, a thousand times over.

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