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Status Updates posted by Anorax

  1. Sweet. Good luck!

  2. happy Birthday dude!

  3. Hey how is that remix coming along?

  4. Shinny's starting to worry me

    his absence is becoming disturbing.

    What say you?

  5. Yay! The wonderful, all-powerful Emunator is now a judge!

    Waitaminit how do you know who is and isn't a staff member?

    And who's going to fill your Workshop Moderator spot?

  6. Holy shite I missed your birthday...


    Happy (way) belated Birthday! :-D

  7. Why, Happy Birthday val!

    Someone should have built a giant cake on the MC server. That would have been awesome

  8. Hey dude, do you ever plan on resurrecting "ReMixing with the Stars" compo anytime soon? While I only made one of them (because I'm just so observant of what's going on in the Competitions thread) I really enjoyed participating!

  9. Please see below VM :-D

    My problem is I quickly lose interest and/or motivation and/or I simply forget my ideas...

    However, I am working on it, so I should be able to et something to you for you to hear

  10. Eh, I realized that I slipped a piano part in the file I sent you. It was a filler for lyrics, but I realized there is one part where it stands out like a sore thumb.

  11. Or multiple... PMs... :-|

  12. Hey dude, long time no anything. How's the fanfic going?



  14. hello? tenchar

  15. Welcome to OC Remix!

  16. Welcome to OC Remix!

  17. What kind of music do you like?

  18. Happy Birthday dood!

  19. You sir, are a boss.

    Thought I should share that

  20. Welcome to the OverClocked Remix Forums!

  21. Happy Birthday Section Nemesis!

  22. Whoa, status feeds. What is this, OverClocked FaceBook?

  23. Welcome to the OverClocked Remix forums!

  24. Welcome to the OverClocked Remix forums!

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