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Posts posted by munchi

  1. It's not like someone held a gun a to her head and said make a shitty record.

    This is true. It's possible she came up with the idea. But the fact remains the producers and studio get paid...more than likely with her money. And she probably paid top dollar to have a good song made...and she got...well she didn't get what she paid for.

  2. no link to said song

    no link to said remix

    bad thread

    link to the song

    FYI, in off-topic, I am THE KING of bad threads.

    I, personally, am amazed that they let horrible songs like that get out in the first place. I almost feel bad for Kim Kardashian. She doesn't have any musical background, so she's depending on some producer to coach her, and meanwhile everyone else must be like, "it's Kim Kardashian, people will buy it just cuz, so who cares what it sounds like." Ugh, I guess greed is tonedeaf.

  3. So I don't see a thread for this particular topic. In case someone doesn't know, Kim Kardashian has a song out...that is...no good (to say the least). I've remixed it and made it better, but I figured I start a thread to discuss this song (like what's wrong with it) and others like it.



    So you guys won't give me anymore crap >.>

    link to the song

    obligitory pic of dat ass:


  4. I'm sure everyone's heard the Kim Kardashian song Jam (turn it up). I set out to remix the song and turn it to something people might actually want to listen to. So far, there hasn't been any dislikes, but I thought I'd put it up here to get you guys opinion. Please let me know what you think:

  5. So, I used to participate in the PRC...like WAY back in the day. Now I just do the OHC. Partly because of the insta feedback/awesome fun times via the listening party that's held on IRC chat at the end of the compo.

    I'm wondering if the PRC had a listening party, would this increase participation? Also, I'm kinda thinking of micro-sponsoring the compo, like some cheezy t-shirt as a prize or something. Does anyone think either of those ideas would work? I only fretting cuz the PRC is a great way for new mixers to cut their teeth and old mixers to get in some practice and I'd hate to see it die off sad and lonely. thoughts?

  6. this is exactly what I'm afraid of! I've tweaked this song like 4 times, but it still ends up sounding completely different from the source. I think it's because the main melody of my remix is actually a latinized version of the second part of the song.

  7. I think this one is ready, but I'm putting it up here to see what you guys think. I kinda doubled the length of every note and then created a latin groove out of it. It was unrecognizable so I think retuned the first melody to fit inside the groove and had that melody come in an out of focus, kinda like a spell's been put on you and then slowly the magic wears off.


    My Remix

  8. The only reason I can think for them to remake Halo 1 is to print some fucking money.

    yeah, I'm a big Halo fan but there's no reason for this remake. I'd rather they start making Halo knock off's than rehashing shit I just played thru last year. (literally, I played thru the entire Halo series when ODST came out) Where's "Halo Chess" or Dr. Cortana or Master Chief's Tennis? I'd rather pick up those games than watch so company try to emulate Halo 1's success and call it their own. Bah.

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