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Posts posted by munchi

  1. I smell frustration

    I wouldn't be surprised. DarkeSword's had to listen to all my bad PRC entries, read my horrible posts, trim my terrible threads, and watch my uninspired internet hijinx for over 8 years. If it were me, I'd be hella frustrated. Bravo to DarkeSword for not banning me for the sheer fact that I tend to act like an idiot online!

    Monoral is the band who sings

    at the intro to
    , but they've got quite a
    . I didn't want to post
  2. Hahaha, I remember way back in the day before I found OCRemix and VGMix (yes, that long ago) and I only knew about VGMusic. I thought midi files were the best thing ever and collected them. That collection ended up being deleted after I found the aforementioned places, however... >>;

    So what's the correct term for "midirip"?

    Yeah, I did the same thing...except I never deleted them :P

    So, the correct term for "midirip?" It's midirip. As far as I understand it, a midirip is when a wannabe remixer takes (or rips) the midi data of a song, modifies the instrumentation, changes the the tempo and puts a drumbeat over it. So it ends up sounding much like the MGSWSWS that it came from. The fact that this term is accurate is probably one of the reason a lot of people think "It sounds like MIDI" is accurate. Watch the progession:

    *someone listens to a bad remix*

    "Hmm, it sounds like you just ripped the midi data and put a drum beat over it"

    *this is accurate...but wordy*

    "Hmm, it sounds like you just ripped the midi and put a drum beat over it"

    *this is less accurate...and still wordy*

    "hmm, it sounds like you ripped the midi"

    *this is less wordy...but more susceptible to grammatical errors*

    "it sounds like you ripped a midi"

    * changing the "the" to an "a"...such a harmless grammatical error...this is where it starts to go way wrong*

    "it sounds like a midirip"

    *this is...nerd slang...so it's grammatically incorrect but the definition is accurate...so it's allowed...big mistake*

    "it sounds like a midi"

    *yup, we're so lazy we drop the rip, and now this statement is totally wrong*

    "sounds like midi"

    *we've completely downgraded to gibberish that once meant something; the nerd community starts a revolt and all internet hell breaks loose*

    that's the way I see it.

  3. hi. im thinking of becoming a time mage, but i need a hat. what sort of price range should i be aiming at?

    From http://finalfantasy.wikia.com:

    "The Time Mage is a Job class from Final Fantasy Tactics. The supportive magical Job class, the Time Mage is not as prevalent as other magic Job classes, since it lacks reliable offensive capabilities. However, if left alone, Time Mages can quickly bestow a number of beneficial status effects on their allies and debuffs on their foes, turning the tide of battle. The Time Mage's only offensive spell is Meteor, which is quite devastating, but takes a long time to charge. It costs 8,320 JP to master this Job."

    So yeah, 8320 Job Points. I'm not sure how much Job Points are going for on the black market, but that'll give you a starting point.

  4. you registered in 2002 yet you act as if you discovered internet message boards like I don't know earlier this week-ish

    Well, this isn't TOO far from the truth. I've been reading message boards for a long time, but haven't had the time to participate. Now I finally have the time, but have none of the internet etiquette or savvy. So bear with me while I act like a noob :P

  5. I remember unmod when it was...well...not moderated. It was a time before facebook...when flame wars were the order of the day. Man, those were the days. Oh wait, I hated that. Cuz everytime I'd post, my comments go picked apart and torn to shreds and I'd cry and wet my bed...yup...that was certainly the OCRDarkages...now I feel old :whatevaa:

  6. To me DLC in more cases than not looks to be nothing short of a way to rush us a product by a "due date" to edge out the competition regardless of how weak the game is and make us pay for their laziness later.

    Yes. DLC is the gaming equivalent of communism. It looks really good on paper. Don't trust the people, they're stupid. Bleck. DLC theory is fantastic and I'm sure that they'll be several companies that use it to wonderful effect (just like sometimes autotune can be useful...sometimes)

    Unfortunately, companies due what works, and using DLC as a means to increase the quantity of games a company can put out AND increase the amount of money a company gets for each game...well, that vampiric method will continue. IMO, the gaming community at large needs to create some kind of counter measure to help diminish the effectiveness of DLC vampirism. Once it's less profitable to do it the wrong way, companies will start to do it the right way. Much like China and they're newfangled commu-capitalist hybrid economy they got over there (aka socialist)

  7. I spent another hour today fleshing out my compo from last night: http://diotrans.com/sound/mannequin%20-%20edit.mp3

    Added much-needed bass and auto-tune, and worked on the production. Debating whether to flesh this out and put it on a future album or something. Because the world needs more pop songs about mannequins.

    I like it! Nice improvements. I think this would be the perfect anime opening song. My critic would be the drums could use a little more crash at the end after the "breakdown" part. But overall awesome. In fact, you've inspired me to clean up my piece...which needs a lot more touch up than yours did.

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