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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Never been a DLC fan as I like it all there when I get the game, but I think they successfully made this seem more of "add-ons" rather than "the rest of the game". Seems pretty awesome.

    I'm disappointed that the huge LINK you wrote wasn't a link to the Nintendo UK page. Missed opportunity, man.


  2. It was likely named that because if they had outright said "Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U Leak!" it would've been taken down near-instantly. "Leak1" was likely chosen to try to hide it for a bit. Sure it was taken down anyways, but they're not gonna outright say what it is because they shouldn't be leaking it anyways.

    I'm not saying the leak is real, nor am I saying it's fake, but I won't believe anything until September 13, when the 3DS version releases in Japan. That is when we'll know for sure the validity of these leaks.

    Yeah I gotcha. I'm definitely not gonna believe any of this until the Japan release either, though.

  3. Hahaha dang, so many people here who aren't actually planning to go full on into music. I expected that some wouldn't, but I didn't expect this many.

    Haha I am straight up getting into music. If not music, it'd be film/animation. I tried acting but I've found that it's just not fun to me as much anymore. But I've always been one for the arts.

  4. I've kicked M2K's ass plenty of times.

    vid or it didn't happen


    That old leak now apperently has some live game footage proof.

    Hope ya'll like Bowser Jr.

    Still got my fingers crossed. I'd genuinely be impressed if someone went through that much work to do that, but hey, it's been done before.

    I just feel like if I leaked something on YouTube, I may as well actually title it something more clear like "Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U Leak! - Vid 01". "Leak1" seems a little... sketch.

  5. Elder Kirby was right, ever so slightly reminded me of SA2.

    Everyone else has basically said everything I would (and you've nicely improved on most of their critiques), but being obsessed with mixing drums correctly, I'd say maybe a slight bit more punch to the kick. Something just to bring it out just a tad. Nothing too much. This isn't a type of track that requires a crapton of kick. Also, I'd love to hear some more stereo room reverb on the snare mainly. Other than that, the drums were programmed well and sound great dude. :)

    P.S., love that slap bass. Did you play that?

  6. The Bible belt is awesome.

    hahahaha yay Bible belt dwellers.

    And TN is what they call the "buckle" of the Bible belt. Pretty sure they counted about 750 churches just in Nashville...

    ya know, as a Christian, honestly that's just too many churches. You don't need that many churches. Hahaha!

    Also I live about 45 minutes south of Nashville, it's just that basically all of Tennessee is Nashville to people who don't live in Tennessee. So I just say Nashville. Kinda like when you say New York, most people immediately assume New York City. At least I do, even though the capital is actually Albany. :-P

  7. IIRC, it might be a pulse wave?

    That's what I'm thinking.

    Boy, that sound is really shrilly hahahaha. Just remember if you recreate that sound, try to keep it from being so shrilly. :-P You don't wanna annoy people. It's totally avoidable, though. EQ and turning the nobs on the synth correctly will keep that problem from happening.

    Just don't let there be too much high, high-mid, and maybe mid frequency piercing through the track. That's where it mainly needs to be kept under control.

  8. I'm definitely aiming to do game music composing professionally, as well as songwriting and synth/beat programming. If I could make some money as a solo artist, that'd be cool, but that's unlikely unless I basically get famous :-P

    Funny enough, I've also been doing YouTubing for a while, though I don't think I'll ever do it as a job. My style is kinda a mix of JonTron, BalloonShop, and ever so slightly Philly D with our RTTTA show (the Philly D influence was a small one that, for the most part, has faded away hahaha). We do our usual skits as well, though we do less of them because they take a bit longer to do generally. http://youtube.com/user/gcwaves

  9. When I switched from recording in 16 to 24, it definitely sounded different. However, it can be pretty tricky hearing any differences between 16 and 24 generally, so I donno what your problem is. I don't think it's that dramatic of a difference. I always record in 24 and later on once I finish the master, I export it as 16. It's 24, 44.1 the entire time until the master is completely finished.

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