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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Hey everyone! For one, if you go to the Bandcamp and enter the discount code "groovemaster", you'll get the album 25% off. :)http://garrettwilliamson.bandcamp.com

    Secondly, I just released a new in-depth video of the "Prelude" track. More episodes to come on the rest of the tracks, talking in-depth about each. :) And yes, in the video I say "prelude" weird. I've never been able to say it "prel-you'd".


  2. Get off my lawn.

    EDIT: Wait, Gamecube was 2002? Ah shit, I was actually a few years younger than this kid I talked to. Whatever, point is it really hit me that the Gamecube is nearly 15 years old now. It doesn't help that EBGames calls the Gamecube controllers "vintage controllers" now.

    GameCube was late '01. I would've been five on the earlier half of '02.

    It's even strange for me. N64 and GameCube were the first consoles I got into and GameCube still feels new to me.

    Don't tell me Super Mario Sunshine is retro. It's not. That's not retro gaming. Neither is Double Dash. No way.

  3. I have not been so excited for Nintendo games since Luigi's Mansion and F-Zero and the Gamecube in general.

    I talked to a kid buying video games today who told me he was 14 so he couldn't buy this M rated game he wanted. It then hit me that the days I remember like they were yesterday...counting my Euros, dollars and helping out however I could to make the extra pennies I needed to buy it and then getting it on my birthday...I was the same age as this kid is now. He was in freakin' diapers when the Gamecube came out.

    Strange. You're definitely older than me by a ton, hahahaha

    I was almost 5 when the GameCube was brand new.

  4. Wow, this sparked a debate.


    Look the only reason you'll ever clip those low frequencies for the sake of turning up volume is if you're hard limiting. Simple as that, a DAW is perfectly fine and capable of producing a 20Hz sine at 0dBFS as it is a 20KHz sine at 0dBFS. It is the quest for loud that causes the clipping and is practically unavoidable due to the limitations imposed by most limiters. I see no reason why not to mix in sub ever. I will grant that HPFing 30Hz, 25Hz, 20Hz, heck even 40Hz occasionally can produce a truly monstrous sound. Increase in overall perceived level, higher overall RMS, etc . . .. But most of the time? Cutting those frequencies unless they're flabby sounding or feeling is basically pointless unless you absolutely need that extra level.


    20 - 30Hz is mostly inaudible, yes. But as Neblix pointed out quite finely is that these freqs are not necessarily heard they're felt. In the situation you showed, I'd honestly have to hear it before I would decide to cut it or not. Though I would at the very least throw something at 20Hz because it looks like that is going to DC which can have issues.

    Now, it seems that I may have given the wrong impression of saying you need to keep those truly subsonic freqs. Never did I say I would keep them. All I said was I'd start there. Does that mean I'll keep them? Not if they sound wrong or are causing more issues than they're worth.

    Just talked with a professional mix engineer about this. I get where you're coming from but I'm just gonna settle this hahaha! He told me that he never keeps in anything below 30 or 25Hz and if he doesn't do it himself, the mastering engineer always rolls it out. He did tell me (without me bringing it up) that it would be probably be used in a big DJ concert or a film or something of the sort, but it's basically useless and unneeded low frequencies that can actually sometimes mess with the mix or cause sounds that aren't wanted if kept in. But this can be avoidable, but he nevertheless usually gets rid of it because it's unneeded. And again, if he doesn't, the mastering engineer does.

    Not trying to get in your face about it, I sure hope it didn't come off that way. Text can often be read the wrong way. :-P I just wanna settle this argument, because I'm pretty sure that's not the main topic of this thread. :)

  5. I don't agree with any sentiment of cutting out sub. Sub is not "pointless", just because you can't hear it doesn't mean it isn't there. It doesn't mean you can't feel it. Any mix you create will feel weak compared to an actual professional mix when you listen to it on any sound system that isn't your headphones.

    If anyone tells you that sub is "pointless", they don't know what sub is. Sound is vibration, loud vibrations at 20-30 Hz is where physical power comes from. Ever been to a movie theater? Heard an explosion? All sub. Music has not just the power to move us emotionally, but physically as well. This is why expensive sound systems still exist and it's why people still go to concerts. It's not just "principle", it's a different physical experience.

    It's fine if you don't want power in your music, but before you tell someone to cut sub you need to provide a disclaimer that you personally don't care for sound power, because then you're skewing your advice to a particular mixing style without making that clear. It's harmful to give people rules without understanding where they come from.

    I never said sub was completely pointless. In terms of music, I usually don't wanna hear it. I absolutely hate those super low frequencies and plenty of producers will tell you to EQ out 20Hz because it's usually sound you won't hear unless you're at a DJ concert or want to make your ears bleed with way too much bass, hahahaha

    I think sub is great for movies. But for music it's often not needed and kind of annoying. I wouldn't say always, but often.

  6. Much like I stated before this is not so much the case. Clipping only happens when you go too far with limiters really. Excessive amounts of sub frequency can eat up a ton of headroom, but in reality there can be more than you might think. A relatively fine line to walk honestly.

    The issue is that sometimes you really need to boost that volume and often it begins clipping (specifically the kick and bass) and often the reason for the clipping is those pointless low frequencies.

    Hardly ever is there a good reason to have low frequencies 30Hz or below.

  7. Eh, that is only a problem if you lose excessive amounts of headroom. If you really want to have fun you can use bells down there and then shelf below ~30Hz. I also would not use a very steep filter down there either. The reason for that is with steep filters you can run into issues of it resonating or ringing which can end up increasing that bit too. A 1 or 2 pole at the appropriate freq is more than adequate in most situations.

    Having frequencies at 20Hz can be a problem, especially with mastering. Every time I master, I completely EQ out 30Hz and lower because all that low unneeded frequency can cause clipping in the lower parts. But I think that's beside the point. :-P

  8. But from what I've heard, it's scarier than Outlast, and you can't play it if you have a heart condition. I'm going to try to play it anyway.

    From what I watched I still think Outlast is freakier.

    But after watching Five Nights at Freddy's I don't think either have anything on that game.

  9. Played it this last Friday with a bunch of friends who were streaming.

    It's some genuinely creepy shit, leaves a lot up to interpretation concerning the world that is Freddy's.

    Also it's very very Myst-like, which is a plus in my book.

    When I first saw it it reminded me of Night Trap.

    Except this time it's actually freaking scary.

  10. I don't recommended playing this before going to sleep. The game disturbed my sleep, something that never happens. I know it's just a game, but it seems to have a psychological effect on the faint of heart...

    I think it happened to most everyone. I couldn't sleep the first night, second night got easier, and tonight I'm hoping I'll actually get to sleep quickly. And I only watched the game. There is no way I'm playing this game.

    Maybe some don't find this as scary, but this game basically just fueled my already-existing fear of the animatronic Chuck E. Cheese.

    Thanks, video game, I don't ever wanna go back to Chuck E. Cheese because of you.

  11. New game that's kinda going viral in the same way Slender did, though maybe I'm wrong.


    Freaking terrifying. Markiplier did a gameplay of it and it nearly made me crap my pants. Maybe it's because Slender's old and I'm not scared of that concept anymore, but Slender's got nothing on this game. I don't even think Amnesia or Outlast scares me nearly as much as this does.

  12. Lots of the panning is leaning to the left. Try to balance that out a little more. Also, I'd say add a bit more compression to real add that punch, especially on that kick. However, I'm definitely feeling that "mmph" in the bass and kick for sure. I'd say bring up that lead synth quite a bit, maybe EQ specific frequencies to bring it out more. And put it more in the center, as it's also kinda leaning to the left.

    Sounds pretty neat. :)

  13. Hi. I know I'm dripping a droplet into an empty bucket here, but I've been listening to a lot of the old bands I loved like in the early 00s, and I want to do growls and screams a lot more, and other stuff too, whatever the song calls for vocally. Someone hit me up with something to do, darn it :cry: Need to practice a lot more!

    Haha! Just make sure you know how to do it without hurting your voice. :)

  14. I tried getting my nephew to play Super Mario Bros. He died on the first level. :( I had him try Kid Icarus. He wasn't all that enthusiastic about it. I personally think that if a kid can't beat Super Mario Bros., he cannot call himself a gamer. That game has a certain level of difficulty that even I still have trouble beating this very day, but it's not impossible.

    buddy I am in love with Super Mario Bros. but I will plainly admit right now that the furthest I've ever gotten in the game is beating world 1-2

    no I'm not kidding. The game has some serious challenge to it.

    you are really pushing it when you say "Oh you can't beat Super Mario Bros.? You're not a gamer."

    I bet I'm not the only one here who hasn't beaten that game.

    for some it's an easy game and for others, not so much. I grew up playing Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine. I'm of the younger bunch. I am a huge retro gamer and love side-scrollers but I assume that since I grew up playing both 2D and 3D but probably more dominantly 3D that that's partially why I'm not as good at 2D games. I'm pretty good at old Sonic games, though. Hahahaha

    but that's beside the point.

  15. I mean that we will discover even more artists that we haven't heard about before. Through, I may be wrong. At least I haven't heard about several guys. And I'm really glad that this project is gathering new faces.

    Understandable. There were quite a few new faces on the Temporal Duality album, including myself hahaha

    I had been on OverClocked ReMix for 3 years prior to the release of that project but that was the first legit thing that my name was slapped on. Hahaha

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