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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Paul Kovack
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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

SoundSouldier's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I'm curious on how to start as a remixer. My goal is to make something that I can play on the guitar (or least a part of it, which means I don't mind if some of it is created on a DAW). However, I don't much of anything about music nor how to compose or pull notes out of music (can read treble clef sheet music and guitar tabs, though). Experience-wise all I've got is the guitar. I'm alright, not great by any means, but if I find something simple,or break something down into simpler parts, I can practice it until it sounds good. I've tried playing with a DAW a few times and got both lost and confused. So, what I'm looking for is a good solid start. I'm not expecting to be able to create something great right away, but to work towards being able to. Any advice, tips, and help is much appreciated! Thanks! -SoundSouldier
  2. 3DS Friend Code: 1461-6211-1570 Add ME!
  3. Hey I was on the forums and saw that you are really good at the guitar. Would you be able to help me get better? I kinda get bored of practicing alone. All I can do is the very basics with my guitar but I want to get better and make some good music.

  4. Yo! The name's SoundSouldier. I've been learning the guitar and have always loved good VGM and a lot of the remixes on this site. So I said what the heck and joined. I hope to one day contribute some note worthy remixes and such. And wish to be a part of the community!
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