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Everything posted by Sealunar

  1. Cool piece. I'm sure you played quite a bit of Mario and all his spooky levels
  2. Nice job! This is one of my favorite childhood movies. "Flight to Neverland" is also genius.
  3. Cool stuff man. How old are you?
  4. That's pretty sick. Its a little hard to hear some of the intricate parts though because it's pretty tight and compressed. If it was a little more open and less fuzzy it I would give you the ultimate medallion but since its not quite there I have to withhold the ultimate medallion.
  5. Overall this is very nice and soothing. I love textures such as this- great job. I would however go back and revisit some of the arpeggiating synth and maybe change the notes to better reflect the chords.
  6. This is awesome- but the only advice I would give is to change the tone of the guitars. The drums sound perfect (superior?), but the guitar is very fuzzy and lacks any type of punch. Fix that, and you have an winner.
  7. This is sweet, fantastic execution of the concept! The last quarter of the piece is a little odd though- I'm not quite sure it fits with the frantic nature of the rest of it. Very cool overall though1:smile:
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