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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. 8O <----- See that face? That's the best way to describe this song.

    I must say, DJ Crono is a complete genius. He's everything in a remixer that I want to be. Everything about this song is amazing, the rythm, the lyrics, the foreign language, the syllables, the accent, every last note and drum beat, this song is pure amazing. I love it.


    And that's all I have to say about the war in Vietnam

  2. A) Ultima Online kicks the crap out of EQ

    B) It's alive and kickin', just as big as ever

    C) Remix wise, I'm glad to see a UO ReMix seeing the music is like, super hella phat 'n stuff. Ocollo the town is like, uber dumb because no one goes there, but the music is cool as hell. This song...is kinda....a small improvement? Not much different from the original. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like it and all, I just would've like to have seen more done with it or something. Finaly verdict is, if you've ever played UO, definately get this, if you haven't ever played UO, get this, and get UO, if even for the first free month. If you play EQ, burn, go outsdie and get a life, and quit playing a repetitive level up game.

  3. Awwwww. I'm glad to see at least SOME peple like my song :P

    Thank ya kindly to the reviews...

    Now then...there's something I've been wanted to clear up for a LONG time. The title. Ya'seeeee the "ContagiousEyeInfection" thing...well the week I made the song, I was home sick, with a big whole stye, whihc the pharmacist told me was "highly contagious" and my mom was afraid to send me to school, because it was swollen shut, so I stayed up, with my trusty 1 eye, and remixed away. Apparently it was a week well spent. Luckiest illness/whatever I've ever got!



  4. *I* was actually first to hear this song and all it's majestry. Twas late one night (or early one morning, about 4 AM EST) deep in the bowels of #ocremix. I was visited by Mattias's little brother how he would go about submitting the song. I gave him the whole run down and like everyone who's looking to submit a song he sent it to me all like, "Do you think it'll get posted." I listened to this song and I'm like, "OMFG WTF." At that point there was no doubt in my mind it would be posted. See, traditionally, I hate Megaman games...with a passion. They've always been far too annoying for me. So...I never actually heard one of the originals. THIS song was so good, it made me wanna DL the original, which, still pales in the comparison.

    You really have to DL this, even if you don't really like Megaman, you can appreciate all the plain out coolness all over this song.

  5. Now first off, I'd like to say before I right this that I love Protricity like he was my own eema. He is definately own of my favorite people in #ocremix, one of thew first person that ever acknowlegded my existece. He is an excellent artist, and an extremely smart individual in other fields as well, and I have loved every remix of his to date, but....

    This song...I wasn't really feeling as much. Granted Protricity has taken on the task of remixing an EXTREMELY difficult track to remix, as well as a very high quality entire soundtrack, I just don't like this one as much of the original.

    Now don't get me wrong, this song is good. I just think that there are better orchrations that have been made. (But as I said, DKC2 is EXTREMELY hard to remix)

    I commend Prot on his change of style, and it IS a good piece, but I just didn't enjoy it as much as Brambles and Shiphold Rock.

    Anyway, with all that said and done, I leave you all once again, and I hope my review was helpful to artists and listeners alike :P


    This song is WITHOUT A DOUBT my most favoritest song in da whole wide world! This song is so harcore it's make Mick Folley mess his diappies!

    What you say? You want detailed description? I SET YOU UP DA BOMB!!

    This song opens with crazy ass drum and bass niceness. Holy geez I which I could drop I beat like this muv. at 0:09 it's joined by some cool little instrument that at this point you'd THINK would be the lead. You WOULD think that, wouldn't you? Well sir, THAT'S where you'd be wrong! See, up until here you're like, "Well this is a cool ass fricken song...but hey...wait...this barely sounds ANYTHING like the Ocean Palace?" well, don't doubt teh Monkey man, because at 0:33 the super bass melody hits you like a brick that got throw off a 5 story buildin'. Then, perfect balance of drum, beat, bass, and backup throughout. GOOOD SHEEIT. There IS a short melodic break at 1:47, that introduces the counter melody from the Ocean Palace theme, and continues to play this until 2:46. HERE it stops being SO extreme, and takes more of a "Hey, this is Chrono Trigger music, we're gonna take it down a notch for a sec" kinda style before it ends.

    All and all, THIS SONG ROX0RS UR SOX0RS! Call the uncles, aunts, chitlins, neighbors, friends, and casual aquiantences! This song is the real deal 100%, pure platinum quality stuff so thick it'd take you 4 years to digest but so smooth you can butter you toast with it!


    This song is DAMMN GOOD. You can't be a good citizen without hearing it at LEAST once...

    I'm doing MY part!
  7. Well then, time for me to review the first song so far that isn't new. I'm pickin' this song because it's definately one of my all time favorites, just because it's so...different. So damn original. So FRICKEN COOL DAMNIT.

    First things first, what the hell does Reve d'ordinateur mean?! I mean, I've ALWAYS wondered! But right there, just LOOKING AT THE NAME OF THE SONG, you're like, "Damn...this is pimp..." and THEN when you open up your Winamp, or your Windows Media Player, or your RealPlayer, or WHATEVER you MP3 player of choice is, and open this little baby, holy hell are you in for a surprise!!

    It opens with a cool little sample that leads up a damn funky bass part. After this the kicks and and the reverse kicks come in, which makes it even MORE cool, with some synthy string type thing goin' on in the background, with little water droplet soundin' things in the beat that sound extra cool. Then...comes my favorite part...IT ALL STOPS. Pow. Silence. You're like, "Whoa, what just happened" then outta no where it sneaks up with a sample from the Matrix, "Ever have that feeling that you're awake, but still dreaming?" followed by a little piano solo thing. After that it's joined by some stings to make a nice short little orchestral part. After all this, at 1:20, then he reconstructs the beat and bass line on top of it all again! Then, at 1:28, KARPOW! It all hits you, full force crazy, funky, spiffy cool! After all this it climaxes again after the sample is played again at 2:23, and then there's a general falling action and then it it's over with the same little piano solo from 0:56.

    And here's my final thought!

    This song is a perfect mix of nice orchestration, nice beats, and a whole lotta creativity! +200 cool points! This is top of the lines boys and berries, you owe yourself a listen!

  8. Well then. Although I have never EVER played this game, I HAD to DL it because DC13 was makin' such a HUGE deal about it the WHOLE time he was remixin' it so I was like, whatever, alotta work went into this, so it's gotta sound good, right?


    This song isn't good. It's not good at all. In fact "good" isn't even the WORD for it. This song is down right AMAZING. Ok, sure. There are better orchestrations. The samples aren't super high quality "WOW IT SOUNDS LIKE IT'S REAL" crazy, but the execution is flawless. First off boyus and girls. I have a little equation dealing with bad ass instruments and good songs. It is this: Pizzacato + timpani + good arranger = beautiful. But don't be fooled, the amazingness doesn't stop with the instrumentation. Personally, I enjoy the piano part more then anything throughout the entire piece, but most specifically, during the staccato part at 2:09-2:10, that 1.5 seconds of time is the most beautiful thing ever to me. It's what made this song, among other things, the one song I've lsiten to at LEAST 25 times in the last few weeks. This is grade A good stuff here boys and girls. 2 thumbs up, 4 stars, 10 slices, how ever you say put it. This is good sheeit.

  9. First and fore most, I'd like to say that I have never EVER played Chrono Cross (yet I should). I'd also like to say that I IDOLIZE Tprtcox, so, my review MAY be a tad biased, but I doubt there's anything wrong witht he song anyway...

    The beginning of this song starts off with a beautiful anfd VERY realistic bass, then accompanied by a flute and a piano duet, where a strings serction joins in around 1:00. At 1:12, the mood changes from a calming sound, to sort of a triumphant sound and then calms down again around 1:48 where it turns into Schala's theme using that same flawless bass. At 2:10 he blends both songs together seemlessly. At around 2:40, he changes the mood back to truimph with the main theme from Chrono Trigger. I'd honestly have to say I haven't heard this song pulled off this good since Mistuda himself. The brass in the ending doesn't actually have as good a quality as the rest of the song, but he still pulls it off beautifully.

    In closing, as expected, Trptcox has once again made an extremely beautiful arrangement which brings back a bunch of great memories from Chrono Trigger for me. This is DEFINATELY a keeper. Mitsuda & Uematsu would be jealous if they heard what this man has done with there music...

    I'd give this song a number rating, but...I'd be too high..

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