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Posts posted by Kirvee

  1. @Brandon: Yeah, mine's having the same problem. It seems unofficial projects from new people tend to attract less attention...and I don't really know anyone on here =(.

    Part of me wonders if I should start going around to like Newgrounds or something and seeing if anyone over there would be interested in getting a remix on OCR/my project. There should be something around here to help newbie directors with recruiting, especially those of us who severely lack in social interaction.

  2. Nooooo!!!! The Golden Sun series is my favorite handheld RPG series, so when I saw this thread I thought "Sweet! Someone is giving these games the good remixes they deserve!" and then I looked and no it's dead ;A;.

    I would help, but I'm a newbie director myself and already have enough trouble trying to drum up interest in my B-K project as it is.

    Hopefully someone can take over this project...or start it anew, maybe including Dark Dawn as well.

  3. Like I've said in two posts and to some people, our release date is really, really, REALLY tentative. It's entirely dependent on how fast and how many other people join ours.

    If people want us to get released faster, then we need more people to join ASAP. Otherwise we'll probably be a long while since we're getting new people so...very...slowly.

    And I can't apply for official status until we have WIPs which I WILL NOT start taking until every track that needs remixing has a remixer, which obviously is going to take some time.

    @Nonamer: Ooh I was not aware he was even on here! I'll send him a PM, it would be cool if he decided to take part =3.

  4. Regarding the B-K albums, I was already made aware of the secret one when I first started my thread. Shortly after, actually.

    We're fine because theirs only focuses on one game while mine focuses on the whole series (and thus all 3 main games).

    The release date on mine is also not set in stone. I also want to get official status but for that we need to be actually working on stuff and right now we're just recruiting (very...very slowly). While it would be NICE to have official status and be able to release next June, that is entirely dependent on how many people join my project and how quickly we gain new recruits. As both of those things are happening at a molasses pace, chances of that secret project being released before mine are high.

    Especially since, as I've been informed by the director, they're already pretty much done where as we don't even have any WIPs yet (and I refuse to take WIPs until every track on the list has a remixer so the thread doesn't get prematurely locked for rule violation).

    So TL;DR, we're good on the B-K projects. Please join mine. <3

  5. I was already made aware of it a while ago, I just couldn't say anything.

    But since now it's public knowledge, guess I can? XD.

    Our projects are different so we're still good. Theirs exclusively focuses on the first game (which is why I was adamantly opposed to the suggestion that this project only be about the first game) while ours is more about the series as a whole.

    Also theirs is almost completely done IIRC. And our release date isn't final either, it's just there for the sake of being there. Our release date is determined by how many people join and how quickly they join.

  6. Added!

    Also I'm thinking of adding a small note to the Style/Genre part because I've been thinking recently, since this is a tribute and a look back on the series as a whole, wouldn't it be awesome if the remixes not only re-imagined the familiar tunes but also invoked the feel/ambiance of the level it's from?

    I kinda ran a similar idea by DaMonz for the boss remix, but in terms of the level remixes, wouldn't it be sweet if, when you listen to Bubblegloop Swamp's remix not only would you hear the tune you're familiar with but you'd be able to imagine a dangerous, giant swamp full of piranha-infested water, killer dragonflies, an angry crocodile and a bunch of small turtles inside a larger turtle. You basically wouldn't just be listening to a simple remix, but in a way you would be experiencing the music at the same time. The original songs sort of did this as well, since some of them included little sound effects as part of the music, but what I'm thinking about basically takes that a step further.

    It'd require a lot of work on the remixer's end, but....what does everyone think of that?

  7. @Fayt: Huh....I....actually didn't know that song existed, lol. The only beta music I knew about was Advent (which is on the Bonus List).

    There's nothing prohibiting you from doing it if you want it, it just can't be a main song cuz it's not a song that was in the final game. But if you wanted to make something like a bonus album track exclusively with it or mix it into one of the main/featured songs on the album, you're free to do that if you want.

  8. @Rozo: Aah, I think I kinda re-organized the first post like that...but I see =).

    Oh...really? O_o Thank you for telling me. I'd read that somewhere but it didn't really make sense to me...but I'll keep it in mind. We're still recruiting for this, though, so we should be good, right? I'll probably ask an admin to move the thread when we have enough remixers for the project. Right now we kinda only have 1, lol.

  9. We should only mix together songs that would go well together and you can't judge that just because there are "portions of old songs" in them.

    Jiggosseum and Hailfire Peaks, for example, do not mesh well together. They both have completely different feels, so a mix of them would sound disastrous.

    Some levels aren't going to be on the featured list. I don't know how many times I have to repeat that. Grunty Industries isn't there because I didn't like that song, for the same reason the final battle of Tooie isn't there either. Most of the levels are included, that's good enough.

    I do agree with Terrarium of Terror and MMM being a good song mesh, though. Since they both have eerie feelings associated with them....except Terrarium of Terror was a space-themed world, so....MMM In Space? XDD

  10. =D

    I went and edited the first post a bit. Some of the music sources for Tooie that I had went to bad rips that had background noises so I went and fixed those with links to better source tracks.

    I also went and re-did the N&B section of the album, since before there wasn't really any levels so I went back and found some other level tracks from that game to include and moved two of the songs I'd originally had in that list to the Bonus list since they weren't level songs.

  11. @Rozo: Thank you!

    I still want to do all three games, but like I said, I intentionally kept some levels out. I guess technically I could include the level songs from Tooie that I left out, but I'd rather not unless there's someone who wanted to make a featured track using one of the songs. And I know not everyone liked N&B, which is why that section is smaller than the other two.

    Oh...does it? O__o I just had it up there to show optional stuff...lol. How "later" do you recommend I bring it up?

    @Nonamer: dvdfkjbvfjdkbkjfvndfvk that is awesome omg thank you! ;A; *adds it to the first post*

  12. I have a lot of reasons for wanting to keep the list as small as I can.

    Specifically because when I was going through the pages to see if someone already had this idea I stumbled upon this thread, which basically told me "Your idea is awesome, but don't do what this guy did." Especially the 2nd to last post in it, so that's why I had to drop a couple of songs.

    The list I have right now is long enough, I feel adding anymore (unless there's a song that someone thinks REALLY, REALLY should be featured) would start to make this a copy of what that other guy did and I'd rather avoid that.

    Besides, I also specifically left out the intro and Spiral Mountain because the linking theme for all three games is Grunty. Spiral Mountain and the intro song have nothing to do with Grunty's lair (they're not in it or related to it). Isle O' Hags from Tooie is related to the lair cuz it's witch/Grunty-related itself thus making all the worlds connected to it related as well. I'm not sure about N&B but I kinda just....listened through a few songs from there and pulled out the ones I thought sounded good.

    Plus, I still included them in the Optional list. The Optional list is basically the list from which bonus tracks or extra remix material can be pulled together from. If someone wanted to mix elements of Spiral Mountain or even the intro song into their remix, they can because I included those songs in the Optional list of extra material. You'll notice some of Tooie's stages are also in that list. I love Terrydactyland and the Atlantis theme but adding Terrydactyland to the kind-of-already-long-enough list of featured Tooie songs would make the list too long and Atlantis is just an alternative theme of Jolly Roger's Lagoon.

    Right now, without counting the bonus list, the number of songs is 22. I think that's long enough for three games. It probably won't be the final track number (that depends on how many people want to mix together two level songs to make 1 remix for two levels), but for right now unless there's a song someone thinks ABSOLUTELY deserves to be its own remix rather than just there for extra material, I don't feel comfortable adding anymore songs.

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