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Everything posted by Kirvee
@Rozo: Aah, I think I kinda re-organized the first post like that...but I see =). Oh...really? O_o Thank you for telling me. I'd read that somewhere but it didn't really make sense to me...but I'll keep it in mind. We're still recruiting for this, though, so we should be good, right? I'll probably ask an admin to move the thread when we have enough remixers for the project. Right now we kinda only have 1, lol.
We should only mix together songs that would go well together and you can't judge that just because there are "portions of old songs" in them. Jiggosseum and Hailfire Peaks, for example, do not mesh well together. They both have completely different feels, so a mix of them would sound disastrous. Some levels aren't going to be on the featured list. I don't know how many times I have to repeat that. Grunty Industries isn't there because I didn't like that song, for the same reason the final battle of Tooie isn't there either. Most of the levels are included, that's good enough. I do agree with Terrarium of Terror and MMM being a good song mesh, though. Since they both have eerie feelings associated with them....except Terrarium of Terror was a space-themed world, so....MMM In Space? XDD
=D I went and edited the first post a bit. Some of the music sources for Tooie that I had went to bad rips that had background noises so I went and fixed those with links to better source tracks. I also went and re-did the N&B section of the album, since before there wasn't really any levels so I went back and found some other level tracks from that game to include and moved two of the songs I'd originally had in that list to the Bonus list since they weren't level songs.
@Rozo: Thank you! I still want to do all three games, but like I said, I intentionally kept some levels out. I guess technically I could include the level songs from Tooie that I left out, but I'd rather not unless there's someone who wanted to make a featured track using one of the songs. And I know not everyone liked N&B, which is why that section is smaller than the other two. Oh...does it? O__o I just had it up there to show optional stuff...lol. How "later" do you recommend I bring it up? @Nonamer: dvdfkjbvfjdkbkjfvndfvk that is awesome omg thank you! ;A; *adds it to the first post*
I have a lot of reasons for wanting to keep the list as small as I can. Specifically because when I was going through the pages to see if someone already had this idea I stumbled upon this thread, which basically told me "Your idea is awesome, but don't do what this guy did." Especially the 2nd to last post in it, so that's why I had to drop a couple of songs. The list I have right now is long enough, I feel adding anymore (unless there's a song that someone thinks REALLY, REALLY should be featured) would start to make this a copy of what that other guy did and I'd rather avoid that. Besides, I also specifically left out the intro and Spiral Mountain because the linking theme for all three games is Grunty. Spiral Mountain and the intro song have nothing to do with Grunty's lair (they're not in it or related to it). Isle O' Hags from Tooie is related to the lair cuz it's witch/Grunty-related itself thus making all the worlds connected to it related as well. I'm not sure about N&B but I kinda just....listened through a few songs from there and pulled out the ones I thought sounded good. Plus, I still included them in the Optional list. The Optional list is basically the list from which bonus tracks or extra remix material can be pulled together from. If someone wanted to mix elements of Spiral Mountain or even the intro song into their remix, they can because I included those songs in the Optional list of extra material. You'll notice some of Tooie's stages are also in that list. I love Terrydactyland and the Atlantis theme but adding Terrydactyland to the kind-of-already-long-enough list of featured Tooie songs would make the list too long and Atlantis is just an alternative theme of Jolly Roger's Lagoon. Right now, without counting the bonus list, the number of songs is 22. I think that's long enough for three games. It probably won't be the final track number (that depends on how many people want to mix together two level songs to make 1 remix for two levels), but for right now unless there's a song someone thinks ABSOLUTELY deserves to be its own remix rather than just there for extra material, I don't feel comfortable adding anymore songs.
Hello! I responded to your post in the topic, so if you're still interested, I wouldn't mind! My head feels like it's in need of organizing with this idea, so if you can help me that'd be great.
@Nonamer: Ah, that's a good idea! I was considering this kind of album would be perfect for an anniversary, but wasn't sure what anniversary was coming up...lol. I'll contact someone on that list...do you know if the list of people available for those kinds of positions is anywhere on the site or forums? I tried looking in the members list but that didn't show what positions anyone normally fills on OCR projects... @Ancestor and Cash: That would be an ideal plan if this idea was for a specific game, but this idea in particular is for the series as a whole rather than the parts. And it seems kinda...defeatist to release one album for one game and then do a follow-up for the next game depending on the previous album's success. For a series tribute, it's best to include music from the three main games so far rather than focus solely on one game. If you still like this idea, though, I'd really appreciate any help you can offer =). Additionally, not including all of the level themes is more an issue of size and keeping it manageable. I pretty much included all 9 world themes for B-K, but couldn't include all of Tooie's because I didn't want it to become too big. The list as it currently is is too big itself, which is why it's probably best for remixers to mix together two levels to create 1 remix for two levels and subtract the final track total by 1.
Ok, so I got a list of songs together....I really love the game music too much, I think, XD. I ended up putting a lot of them in as optional tracks, but the overall number for the "main stuff" comes to 22. Though that wouldn't necessarily be the amount a final album would have....it's just the number of tracks that would go into the "main album". This is what I have for right now, though it will be revised if anyone wants to give me input: --List of Potential B-K album tracks-- - ANY of the various mixes of the Gruntilda's Lair theme from any part of the lair/game <-- A flat medley of most of them for reference- Mumbo's Mountain - Treasure Trove Cove - Clanker's Cavern - Bubblegloop Swamp - Freezeezy Peak - Gobi's Valley - Mad Monster Mansion - Rusty Bucket Bay - Click Clock Wood Spring: Summer: Fall: Winter: - The Final Battle --Tooie-- - Jinjo Village - Mayahem Temple - Glitter Gulch Mine - Witchyworld - Jolly Roger's Lagoon - Hailfire Peaks Lava: Ice: --N&B-- - Terrarium of Terror (Day) - Once Upon A Time... - The Lord of Games - Showdown Town (Day) - Grunty's Final Challenge --Bonus Optional Tracks-- - Spiral Mountain - Inside Clanker - The Haunted Church - Fungus Forest (Advent) - Terrydactyland - Cauldron Keep - Atlantis - Nabnut's House - B-K Intro song - Inside Ticker's Tower - Snacker Attack - Cheato's Theme - Any Jingle (but specifically the Jigsaw and All Jinjo jingles) - Inside The Mansion - Tumblar's Ouija Board - Tooty's Theme - Hall of the Zombie King - Mr. Patch Boss Battle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtZ63WVivro - Lord Woo Fak Fak Boss Battle - Targitzan Boss Battle Some notes: Yes, that is a lot of music, but the final album will most likely not have this much music. The way I've organized this is by main remixes from each game (N&B only has a few cuz like I said before I haven't personally played it so I don't know its music as well as I do the other two). Those are song remixes I would like to see featured mainly on the album, however they don't have to be in order or necessarily be individual. Meaning that if someone wanted to, say, mix together the songs for Clanker's Cavern and Rusty Bucket Bay, they could do that and it would basically count as 1 song for two levels. Additionally, for levels like Click Clock Wood and Hailfire Peaks, the music for them DOESN'T have to be individual. Since the music for those stages is basically the same, whoever remixes those levels can do whatever they want with mixing those. If someone wanted to make a seasonal medley for CCW, it'd count as 1 song for that whole level, if someone wanted to mix together only one or two of those songs, it'd also count as 1 song for that level. Likewise with HFP, though I personally think a mix of both Lava and Ice songs together would be cool unless someone just wanted to do one or the other. The "Bonus Optional Tracks" is just the list of other songs from the games that I like but don't necessarily need to be in other mixes. However they're there in case someone wanted to add them into one of the main tracks or mix a few of them together to make a bonus track, or whatever, really! Like I said I'd rather leave as many options and decisions up to the remixers as I can. And I was thinking, since most of the world's are either in Grunty's lair or related to it in some way, then a good opening and ending song for the album would likewise be related to her lair itself rather than one of the world's in it. Which is why at the beginning of the B-K list I said any of the Gruntilda's Lair mixes in the game are up for grabs to use. This includes the mixes that play at jigsaw puzzles, the world gates, the furnace game, and even Lair Keep if someone wanted to give that a try. Basically any song in the game that uses the main lair theme as its melody is perfectly fine to use for an opening song. The best closing song of the album, I feel, would be a remix of the final battle songs. I didn't really like the one from Tooie, but I liked the final battles songs from B-K and N&B. So maybe a mix of those two for a nice closing song? I know I put the B-K final battle at the end of the B-K list, but like I said this isn't in any particular order, it's just a general list organized by game. This is pretty much all the music I could think of that I liked, so it's unlikely I'll add anymore (unless someone suggests something to me). So I guess...if people show interest/make suggestions, I'll drop songs if I have to but otherwise...? *not sure if doing this right*
Aah, alright, XDD. I'll give those topics a look =3. And yeah, I know OCR techno tends to be much better than the majority of stuff on Youtube (I have a lot of them on this computer). I probably wouldn't disallow it, I'd just ask to avoid being generic, lol. I'm still kind of confused on the whole album process though. As I understood it when I read over the guidelines, a project isn't an official OCR project unless it gets approved when you fill out the project sheet there, right? I remember it saying that if it got rejected that you can re-send it after revising it and/or getting more contributors. Does this mean that before I send in a form, I should have some remixers interested in helping first before I try to get the project official? (I probably wouldn't send it in until I can answer the basic stuff it asks for, I'm just curious so I can know for when I am ready to send it in for approval). Edit: So I'm poking around Youtube to try and get together something of a tracklist and I think I found a decent idea to kinda pull all the tracks together in one album. Since Gruntilda is always the antagonist in the games, the album could be organized by her various attempts to foil the heroic duo. So like all remixes from the first game would go under a heading of like "Sister Kidnapping" or something of that nature. Whatever Gruntilda's main goal in the specific game was, it'd be the title/header of that specific part of the album... /idea.
@Kuolema: I read through the guidelines so I have a general idea, lol. It's just the theme and other overall general stuff specific to album making that I don't really know the answer to. I'd probably leave genre up to the artist. Fosters better creativity, I believe. @Kanthos: Ah, yeah, I see what you're saying, lol. It probably wouldn't be ALL the songs, that'd be way too much. As far as the first game goes, I was thinking of letting all of the music tracks from all 9 worlds be up for grabs/free reign. I personally haven't played Tooie myself, but I know a few of the tunes from that game and like them. Same with N&B. The number of songs I can think of off the top of my head that I like from Tooie are like 3, so overall there'd be 12 or so songs up for grabs to be mixed and matched to an artist's desire. That's....how it works....right? Cuz I've seen before on other series tribute albums (like the LoZ one that just came out, for instance) that some artists will mix together different songs from different games in the same series. I don't know how those kinds of things go, if they're offered a list of allowable songs and mix together from that list or what. But I'd allow and encourage that kind of mixing on here if someone wanted to do that. Since, like I said, most of the remixes available on Youtube are all generic techno, but I've found at least two really nice B-K medleys on there before so...
It'd be different because what I imagine is a symphonic metal remix (like Within Temptation or Nightwish) of the "Meaning of Birth". I know MoB is a remix of Karma, but they're different to me and Karma is not what I'm looking for as I like the orchestral sound of MoB. What I want is like a mix....I want a song that follows the MoB melodies/tempo and keeps some of the orchestral arrangement but mixes in nice guitar sounds with it (again, symphonic metal like Within Temptation and Nightwish). Does that better describe it? *not good at musical terminology*
Games: Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie and Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Concept: Imagine you're walking down a dark hall with identical doors on both sides. Though it's dark, you feel a sense of peace and nostalgia. This is a hall of your memories and every door you see is an individual memory you have of a particular place. You enter each room to relive those memories and you do--but something's off. Every now and then, something different occurs or is altered that was definitely not part of your original memory and it throws off the sense of peace you had. This is reality briefly crashing into your memories like waves on a beach. The landscape of your memories is no longer consistent or stable, shifting and breaking into pieces. Was this piece a memory? Or is this piece reality? It's like the world's hardest jigsaw puzzle because it continues to change on you and make you lose your footing until you're either awoken from your memories or fall victim to the crashes of reality. That is the essence of this album's concept. Songs in this album need to follow the above theme. Remixers can do this by considering two important things about every stage: the commonly remembered things regarding it in general, and the reality that the remixer wishes to show. The reality can be whatever the remixer wants, because the remixer is in control of what the listener both remembers and sees as reality. All that's required is that each remix contain pieces that remind of the original song/level as people usually remember it while mixing in pieces of an alternative--and sometimes even dark--reality of that level. An example of this would be: You can paint Freezeezy Peak as a whimsical, beautiful, snowy paradise--but we all know that wasn't actually what the level was. That level had killer snowmen, the water literally sucked the breath of life out of you, some children would've never had a Christmas if it wasn't for you coming along and finding their presents, among other tragedies. The remixer would then have to pick any potential realities they'd like to show and mix it into the "original" memories. Current Team: Kirvee (Leader), Emunator (QA/WIP Feedback), Cody (QA/WIP Feedback), SoSiouxMe (QA/WIP feedback), Bahamut (Website Designer, QA/WIP feedback) - People we need: REMIXERS, assistants, someone to do art, QA people Style/Genre: Any! No restrictions, you can mix and match to your heart's content, all I ask is you generic (but techno is still allowed, just please don't make it sound like something I'd find on Youtube). - Additional Details: The final track numbers and order will be dependent on how many contributors we get and how many want to mix together level tracks (a remix that uses two featured worlds will count as 1 remix for both worlds). Ideally, there will be one remix per featured world (which will make the final track count decrease by 1 if someone mixes together two levels into one remix) with the first/opening track of the album being a remix that uses the Gruntilda's Lair theme (or any of the variations of it that are found in her lair throughout the game) and the final/closing track of the album being a remix that uses the final battle themes from B-K and N&B (as provided in the list). Between the opening and closing tracks the rest of the album will be ordered by game and level. So basically it'd be like: (Opening Song) --B-K levels-- --Tooie levels-- --N&B levels/songs-- (Closing Song) Any bonus songs would go after the closing song. People Offering Remix Assistance - BrothaDom (lyric writing), Orangedragan (vocals), Chris | Amaterasu (strings), Mairujyat (transcription/soundfonts), One-Winged Angle (vocals) Notes on this area: Numbered tracks are the featured songs that MUST be remixed for album completion. Some levels have additional music denoted by "-" underneath them. These additional songs are not required but are there for use by the remixer in that level or elsewhere. --Tracks-- (Orange = Claimed w/o WIP, Magenta = WIP, Navy = Finished) Disc 1: Banjo-Kazooie 1) Grunty's Lair ( ) (Claimed by HooNose)2) Mumbo's Mountain ( ) (Claimed by Afilion) - Inside Ticker's Tower ( )3) Treasure Trove Cove ( ) (Claimed by Cash and Change) - Snacker Attack ( )4) Clanker's Cavern ( ) (Claimed by The_Android)- Inside Clanker ( )5) Bubblegloop Swamp ( )6) Freezeezy Peak ( ) (Claimed by JamJars)7) Gobi's Valley ( ) (Claimed by NbZero)8 ) Mad Monster Mansion ( ) (Claimed by anterroir)- The Haunted Church ( )- Inside The Mansion ( )- Tumblar's Ouija Board ( )9) Rusty Bucket Bay ( )10) Click Clock Wood (Claimed by FaytxStay) - Spring ( ) - Summer ( ) - Fall ( ) - Winter ( )- Nabnuts House ( )Disc 2: Banjo-Tooie 1) Isle O' Hags ( ) (Claimed by Mairujyat)2) Jinjo Village ( ) (Claimed by darkbrandflake11)- Hall of the Zombie King ( )3) Mayahem Temple ( ) (Claimed by NbZero)- Targitzan Boss Battle ( )4) Glitter Gulch Mine ( )5) Witchyworld ( ) (Claimed by Cody Wedel)- Mr. Patch Boss Battle (Source) 6) Jolly Roger's Lagoon ( ) (Claimed by AstrothSounds)- Atlantis ( )- Lord Woo Fak Fak Boss Battle ( )7) Terrydactyland ( )8 ) Grunty Industries ( ) 9) Hailfire Peaks (Claimed by Esperado) - Lava ( ) - Ice ( )10) Cloud Cuckooland ( ) (Claimed by JamJars)Disc 3: Nuts & Bolts 1) Terrarium of Terror (Day) ( ) (Claimed by Brad Charles)2) LOGBox 720 (Source) 3) Test-O-Track ( )4) Nutty Acres ( )5) Showdown Town (Day) ( ) (Claimed by HooNose)6) The Final Battle ( ) ( ) (Claimed by DaMonz)Bonus Songs 1) Spiral Mountain ( ) (Claimed by JamJars)2) Tooie Boss Medley (Claimed by sggod89) 3) Tooty's Theme ( ) (Claimed by HooNose)--Bonus Songs That Would Be Cool To Have-- - A remix of the main theme from B-K (and maybe Tooie as well?) - Mumbo's Theme - A tribute remix to lost or development levels/music such as Fungus Forest and others only made knowable because of Grant --Bonus Optional Tracks-- - Fungus Forest (Advent) - B-K Intro song - Once Upon A Time... - The Lord of Games - Cheato's Theme - Any Jingle (but specifically the Jigsaw and All Jinjo jingles) - Cauldron Keep ( ) - Notes: Bonus Optional Tracks are songs that ARE NOT required for album completion, but are possible for use in either mixing into a main remix, or creating a bonus track if someone has the time and desire for it. Timeline: June 2013 is the 15th anniversary of the US release of B-K and thus the 15th anniversary of the series itself. --DEADLINES-- January 29th: Check-In March 26th: Check-In June 25th: Check-In September 24th: Check-In November 26th: Check-In/Maybe Final Date Sigs:
Yo! I'm a pretty good spriter and I'd be interested in helping if ya'll still need it. What kind of Tower Defense game is it? E-mail me details, please? Powerpufprin8[at]aol[dot]com. I can also show examples if you want.
Bumping. Please? I really want to see this...would make it myself but I have neither the equipment or the skills.
My favorite RPG series of all is the Tales series. While some of the games do get some remixes (I can't tell you how many remixes of Fighting of the Spirit I have on this computer), one particular game and one particular song that I love just never seems to get remixed. And it really saddens me. So, my request is sorta simple. I just want SOMEONE to remix this song into a rock version, but not just any rock/metal version, one that preferably keeps some of the original orchestrals (or remastered ones, whatever the remixer thinks sounds better). So basically, a rock/metal orchestra remix of Meaning of Birth. Would also like it to be a little longer than the source, so the remixer can feel free to spin stuff as he/she wills, as long as it sounds like symphonic metal and is epic. Please? I haven't seen anyone ever do rock/metal remixes of this. Barely anyone remixes it. I've seen extended versions and ONE techno remix, but never any rock ones =(. Please and thank you I'd really appreciate it <3.
finished The Shadow Queen's Onslaught [ Paper Mario & TTYD ]
Kirvee replied to FaytxStay's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I love rock remixes of favorite tunes, and this is one of the songs from one of my favorite game series that I just love! I'm not savvy in remix terminology, so I can't offer much advice there, but I can say this: - Everything pretty much sounded awesome except for the guitars at the end. I love screaming guitars, but not when they're choppy like that. - Said guitars were a little too loud compared to the backing music. I'm honestly anxious for this to be made into a polished piece of awesome, because I want more PM remixes in my player ;A;.