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Everything posted by Kirvee

  1. I did, XD. First post is updated, btw! 10 more songs left to claim...and I made a small change to the Tooie section because it was brought to my attention that Cauldron Keep isn't actually a level, so I replaced it with Isle O' Hags. Cauldron Keep has been moved to the Bonus Optional Tracks list. So it's still there, just no longer a featured track.
  2. @Smouvy: It most definitely is still available =D. And it is all yours~ Are you going to be using the one you have one your Youtube already or making a completely new one? Cuz I'm listening to the one on your Youtube and it sounds really nice. @chroxic: Good =P. BTW, what's a good messenger to use to get in touch with you because PM limits me to 5 people every 5 minutes. I added you on MSN messenger, but I don't think it went through...lol.
  3. @Fayt: Awesome! @Ancestor: The 2nd one sounds nice.....but both are too long. I've actually been thinking of prospective titles for a while and I'm kind of really liking "Jigsaw Memories". Reasoning being because the album is supposed to be like someone is putting together a puzzle made up of their memories of the series which is why I worded the slight style interpretation for levels as "Literally what they were instead of what would likely be remembered". So a title would thus match this concept. Two to three words max, I'd say. So far I only have "Jigsaw Memories" and "Puzzle of Memories" but I'm really leaning towards the first....lol. @Nonamer: Ooh that'd be cool....I wouldn't really know how to bring it up there, though...=( @Cash: That's alright! The amount of progress you make on each check-in doesn't really matter. What matters is that you made any progress at all. Where it will REALLY matter is in June, which is when I will be expecting WIP files from everyone with a claimed track so far. But between now and then, even if you've only made a little progress between each check-in, I'll consider it a pass =). So long as you have a semi-complete WIP by June. Just be prepared. I'm very serious about getting this OCR-approved, so to the best of my ability (and I am getting together something of a QC panel for this), I'm going to try and make sure almost all tracks are close to OCR-quality. Close, at or above. At is where you should be aiming.
  4. From my headphones, almost ALL of it is really focused on the right side.... It sounds epic but distorting because it's unequal....
  5. Guitars sound good, but the drums sound too....what's the word..."like presets"? Fake, basically. It distracts from the real sounding guitar.
  6. This sounds awesome! My one question is: Why can't I download it?
  7. I can't really provide much feedback, but... This was really nice! I don't get to appreciate many solo piano pieces due to sensory issues, but this was really nice to listen to. Although it may've been because I'm not as familiar with SoW as I am with the Goddess theme/Zelda's lullaby, but I was having a little bit of a hard time hearing the sources...but that may just be me. Overall it was a really nice listen =).
  8. So I was thinking, since half of the main track songs are claimed with only 13 left unclaimed, I think maybe it's about time for some simple deadlines? Just so the people who have claimed tracks don't have to sit around waiting for much longer. The temporary WIP deadline is still June this year, but between now and then I was thinking of setting up check-in dates where I poke each and every one of you to inquire on your song status. Some of you have progress I know of atm while some I don't know the status of, so this is probably a good idea (plus I see other projects have these kinds of dates). Since there's about 4 months of time to have a WIP done (I'm thinking the specific date in June would be somewhere in the middle of the month), I was thinking of having 3 different check-in dates between now and then. The first one would be March 28th. Second one would be April 25th. And the third one would be May 23rd before the first WIP deadline would be somewhere on a TBD day in the week of June 10th (I'll obviously update when I figure out a good day). Does this sound like a good plan to everyone else? Do these dates work?
  9. @Android: That's how it works, lol. Tis yours~ *amends the first post*
  10. Hi, did you find any songs you think you might want to tackle on my project?

  11. @Brandon: If I heard the OP right, it's not ALL of Motoi's games, though. It's only the ones developed by Tri-Crescendo that have him as the composer that are up for consideration. While that is probably still a lot, it's much less than if it was a straight-up all Motoi album. And OP, last I checked, just seems to be interested in doing Star Ocean and the two Baten Kaitos games. Though I do agree, Eternal Sonata deserves its own album....
  12. No problem! Just let me know which track(s) you'd like to have and I'll put you down for them =).
  13. Volume's better =3. I can't really comment much on the music....sounds good to my ears, though a little too repetitive. Also I'm not sure if this was your intention or not, but with my headphones the claps from later in the song were all in my right ear. It wasn't too bad cuz the high-hat (I...guess that's what the sound in my left ear was...) tended to cancel out the distorting feeling, but I'm not sure if that was intended or not.
  14. I'm not really familiar with the source(s) used, nor do I have much music experience but... - It definitely takes too long to start. Generally by 30 seconds the main melody should already be started, but it should...probably take about 15 seconds of intro for that to happen. - It sounds pretty, but it also sounds very flat and repetitive. That's the best advice I can give...
  15. I've been reliably informed that today is your birthday! Happy birthday! =D

  16. @chroxic: \o/ Awesome! We still don't have any set deadlines apart from the tentative one for those who want to get started, so yeah. Hopefully we'll get a few more people from that...I really don't want to have to push songs on people who don't want them.
  17. Sweet! I'm trying to find someone to QC (while still looking for more remixers). Also Zircon worded what I want out of this album much better than I was (I'm so horrible with words...), so I've added that to the concept area of the first post.
  18. Oh...then I think my project would be more on actively recruiting, because I do want to go through with it.
  19. I REALLY love that tracklist so far. But OMG, why... Why are you missing the ?I'm almost disappointed. >/ Also the .
  20. What's the difference between "seeking interest and recruiting" and "actively recruiting"? Because I go between advertising to get interest and asking people directly if they're interested...
  21. Hi there! I have a lot of your remixes and greatly enjoy them!

    Was wondering if you would like to participate in my remix album project based on the Banjo-Kazooie games. We really need remixers.

    If you're interested, the thread is here. Please let me know! We'd be happy to have you!

  22. I massively edited the first post. Cody recommended it, so I did it, lol. Mostly just to the way tracks and contributors were listed. It should be easier to read now, I think. And looks a lot smaller now than before. The order is still fundamentally the same, I've just organized them into discs for easier viewing. I also added the other two Tooie levels to the bonus optional list. Also made a list of songs I've thought of that would make sweet bonuses if someone wanted to do them. Contributors are now listed next to the tracks they claimed and I've moved additional songs from other levels to be under their respective levels, though they're still considered optional for use. Let me know what everyone thinks?
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