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Posts posted by Straziante

  1. I've been listening to GrayLightning's stuff since before he was featured here on OCR, and I'm as thrilled to hear this Star Ocean remix as I was when I saw his Schala mix was finally posted. GL takes a very neccessary plunge into other genres, while at the same time, keeping his mega-recognizable and unique style. Proud of ya, GL. You just keep getting better.

  2. Aneurysm strikes again with yet another remix that will scoffed at for being different... The bass adds a great degree of depth to the mix, and keeps it rolling along. Truly a remix that you shouldn't listen to in the dark. Aneurysm's drum work once again puts me in awe. Highly recommended for anyone with an open mind.

  3. The lyrics are repulsive. This remix is very, very annoying. I can't believe that people give this sort of crap any praise at all. People that like this must be the same type of people that like Wayne's World or Austin Powers. In other words, they like things that are profoundly annoying.

    Hence the reason why you should sit down with your family and listen to this now! Wholesome family entertainment that the kids will love! If they don't, make the little bastards like it!

  4. I love FFMQ, and the music from Mystic Quest is truly awesome. Beatdrop and mp picked my favorite song from the game to remix. This electronica is so hard you can beat your kids with it. I fiddled with this Mt. Gale theme for a while but couldn't get anything to work for me, and I'm glad to see the contrary happened in this case. Excellent remix, and bring on the Mystic Quest remixes!

  5. Uhm maybe I'm missing something, but this sounded very planned out beforehand, and I still have a hard time buying that this is "live". The sound quality sounds like it's a MIDI piano track. The only thing that supports this is the drag on tempo at the end of some phrases. I'm not saying this is a bad song, it's just not "the greatest" as everyone claims. Still highly recommended.

  6. Nice piano. I would have taken a little more creative liberty with the song personally. A half-time feel would have really been beneficial to this song. After the first 30 seconds, it seems a bit redundant, and I felt like I was stuck in an episode of the twilight zone just from the repetition. Tempo changes and the such would have really made this song a lot better. But it's still a good song, and the length was about right. Good interpretation of the original. I recommend at least a listen highly.

  7. Damn you! I was arranging this song for a metal remix! But nevertheless, this is resourceful as all hell. The cellphone was an interesting touch to the song, which had a very amateur feel to it. Not exactly the best as far as sound quality, and the guitar is played pretty decent. I recommend that anyone who is a fan of the Final Fantasy 9 battle theme to listen to this at least once. If not, I'd stray from this one.

  8. One thing made me listen to this song over and over again. The vocal samples. Those just gave it one of those feel-good shake-your-ass club song kind of feel. I've always liked what The Evil Horde has done for Mega Man. This remix is just awesome. It's catchy, and sounds great. I recommend this one highly. And for the record, I would disagree and say Mega Man 2 had the best music.

  9. Good lord. Some one really turned shit up on this one. NICE. Although I don't really feel this conveys the same feeling as the original (and though I like GrayLightning's better), this remix gets much points for originality, and is a great listen. The song never gets boring, and the breakbeat is awesome. The only problem I find is recognizing the original. Other than that, well executed, and the samples are great. Highly recommended. HIGHLY.

  10. The first 2 times I tried downloading this song, it froze at 51% for some odd reason. Most songs I download from this site are done in a few seconds thanks to cable, but there was something strange holding me back from this one. I like the feel of the piece, but some of the soundfonts just sounded horrendous. The snare drum sounded pretty bad, but then again, I played percussion throughout high school, so I'm picky about stuff like that. This is put together really well, but I'm not really impressed with the piece. It's just not my preference. Recommended if you really like the original, but I'd stay away if you're not into "epic" pieces.

  11. At first listen, I didn't think this was live. I thought it was an arrangement like most of the piano songs on this site. But well played, nonetheless. The song is not as complex as Spekkosaurus's miraculous romp through the trial song from Chrono Trigger, but it is still extremely well-executed. I love the Chrono Cross soundtrack. I love piano. Doesn't take a rocket scientist or djp to figure that one out. Great song, although the piano sounds a bit MIDI-ish. Just a bit. Recommended highly.

  12. I am so glad this made OCR. GrayLightning helped me out a lot back in the day on VGMix (hiss) when I was struggling as a remixer. Wait, I still am. I remember first hearing this song and just being blown away by the sheer calmness of the piece. It's one of those chill songs, where you can just listen to it over and over again and relax, a la McVaffe and The Wingless. Do I mean to compare a newcomer to OCR to these well-established remixers? Not at all. With GL's potential, and from what I've heard, he's only getting better, and he's getting better quickly. Glad to see this song back up on a site. Comes highly recommended by me.

  13. Great song. The pauses were very tasteful. The sound fit the song nicely. The little arabesque runs were awesome. Beatdrop's versatility with sound appeals to me quite a bit, and this is a great example of what this crazy mofo can do. I wouldn't agree that this is the best, but more of an indicator that there is more to come, and it's all going to go ape-shit. It's almost like waiting for Christmas, not knowing what Beatdrop will leave under the tree. Recommended.

  14. First off, I'll say that ambient trance-y songs are my favorite to listen to. This remix conveys a wonderful atmosphere, and you can almost feel the chilly wind coming through the massive cavern you've been stuck in for nearly 10 minutes now. You'd smack Yoshi, but this chill tune is playing in your head, and you just want to relax. McV truly invented the time warp with this song. You listen to it, and then it's over. Five minutes worth of chilling in seemingly a minute's length of time. I only typed up to the previous sentence of this review in the time I listened to that song. This is great stuff, well arranged, impeccable production. Must listen. I command you. Become a follower of McV! Not really, but this comes HIGHLY recommended.

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