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Posts posted by psychowolf

  1. Probably not 12 million big, but I know there are people that talk about Tosh so I imagine it's responsible for some of it. Also the video has gone "guys check out this horrible song" viral on a number of sites. Including here.

    I hope you all feel good about adding hits to this unbelievable filth.

    I agree

    Its just another load of shit to add to the big pile that pop songs have created for decades.

    I do my best at avoiding this stuff entirely.

    My personal view of the song?

    she has NO talent, none, she's not the prettiest girl in the world so even that doesn't save her, her pronunciation of the word Friday is extremely annoying

    The lyrics are terrible,

    I mean people complain about the lyrics in like silly remixes but seriously they have all the right steps on what lyrics should have.

    My views on how to write lyrics is based on this

    *LYRICS 101 with brentalfloss pt. 1*

    *Lyrics 101 with brentalfloss pt. 2*

    *LYRICS 101 with brentalfloss pt. 3*

    But most of what brent says makes sense to me i can see it in most lyrics i find,

    "Friday" doesn't have this kinda thing, the bit that screws the entire song up is "Seven a.m., waking up in the morning.."

    This entire segment does not rhyme or even go with the backing music, which just makes the entire segment seem out of place... great way to begin the song eh?

    Avoid this stupid song like the plague.

  2. Ahh tetris... the only game my mum can stand to even look at and play

    This mix is a glory to behold,

    It fits so well that if they made a remake of tetris today i would EXPECT this to be one of the main themes.

    well done Vurez

    When i heard this it made me smile even tho i could never play tetris (i was terrible at thinking fast)

    This mix made me want to try doing the russian leg kicking dance for some reason. @.@

  3. i get the hate for "My Greatest Rivals" But as soon as the vocals came in i knew they were taking the piss, besides i like the actual chorus you really hit the right notes there as well the guitar in the backing sounds sweet, so i can't hate on this track even if i tried and my first listen i did try.

    On a side note i finally downloaded the torrent (got a download limit so 800MB was abit too much for me in the beginning)

    and i understand the annoyance of the missing flac files but to be honest the only annoyance i'm having is getting the files to go in order on my mp3 player which isn't too much of an issue anyway

    For those of you wanting the flac files i suggest downloading dvdvideosoft and use their audioconverter program to convert the flac files yourself, they wont be any better quality then the mp3 versions but you'l have the flac versions regardless.

    Ive already stated my love for this album and i'm still enjoying it now, thanks alot to all of you who collaborated on this amazing album thank you and hope you all have a great day :D

  4. I was linked this awhile ago by a friend of mine seeing as i love the soundtrack for sonic cd thought i'd share it here.

    for tidal tempest and

    for wacky workbench

    Not really remixes but more ost melodies consisting of all the different times and versions of the levels.

    Kinda gone off track here so just enjoy the videos. :3

  5. Looking at the game version this remix is classified under, it sounds like the main character is holding his rivals head underwater. O.o

    Annnnyway this remix is really great the ss anne is the one part of the game you can't ever return to (unless you cheat of course) so weirdly the source sticks in your head and so does this remix,

    love the slow breakdown which then brings it back.

    Very good remix and thank you for including it in the album.

  6. Been waiting for this remix to appear on here after at least a day of it being shown on youtube.

    Must say i am impress halc i haven't really heard this kinda thing from you before.:shock:

    love the almost oriental kinda sound in this remix.

    This shall go on my mp3 cause of how relaxing it is.

    keep up the good work man i hope to hear more from you.:nicework:

  7. Found this remix ages ago on dwelling of duels and only just registered here awhile ago and thought I'd show my love for this amazing track, from what i see everything tony touches becomes a golden, there isn't one of his remixes i dislike.

    Anyway I love this remix its so damn funkadelick and as a massive sonic fan i obviously fell for this track.

    From the video on Youtube theres like 3-4 guitars and yet the bass is the most noticeable @.@ wow...

    Keep up the great work.

  8. I litterally played and beat this game before i even came online and noticed this remix so the game was fresh in my memory (having only beaten it mere seconds before hand) and to be honest this was a great remix to remind me of how if you fail you lose the love of Joe's life Naoko (which i didn't i saved her) and i did love this game even tho mines a late pal version where only Spider-man remains from the original, so man ocremix was totally reading my mind today, anyway this is amazing remix for a newcomer truly a great start as a new remixer, can't wait to hear more from you Dj Mystix. This will be going on my mp3, and hey ocr if i play streets of rage tomorrow will you upload the 2 from the Heroes v.s Villans album? >.><.<

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