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Posts posted by psychowolf

  1. Yay more streets of rage remixes :D

    This is my personal favourite of the entire soundtrack and you my friend have done the source some justice.

    Love the funky guitar when it comes it really add's to the feel.

    Really liking this and its been a long time since your last remix

    Which was just as awesome.

    Keep doing what you do dude because to me its pure gold.

  2. Speaking of the Sony incident, where's all the outrage about Citibank being hacked and not telling anyone for a month?


    My excuse for not caring about that is due to not living in the united states and having an account with this bank.

    However if i had a account with this bank yes i would be extremely angry if my bank had failed to inform me of what had happened there.

    The reason that game companies being hacked is getting more coverage then stuff like the bank situation is due to the fact that everyone on this site is a gamer and its much closer to our hearts, but yeah i do agree that the fact the bank getting hacked should get more coverage.

    I am not angry at the hacking situation, if anything i'm tired of the fact that these hackers have not been traced yet. ip tracking shouldn't be that tough after all.

    Either way people keep a lookout on what is happening and thank you for highlighting the fact that codemasters has been hacked now, keep vigilent and watchful of more then just game companies getting hacked and hopefully we can all come out of this ok.

  3. All i can see is all the game companies that keep credit card details are being hacked atm,

    nintendo will be next perhaps or valve, or any other companies that do that, so keep your details safe and keep a look out is all i can say guys.

  4. Add Liquid Tension Experiment and RUSH and you've got most of my favourite bands / artists out there.

    shit i did forget them my bad yeah although i never heard much of RUSH apart from spirit of the radio which is pretty cool anyway.

  5. To be honest i'm not gonna even watch the video just gonna do what should of been done with rebecca black and that stupid other one singing about jeans.

    What is this thing im gonna do you may ask?


    Ignore it.

    Edit: could not resist watching due to my curiosity and my god i couldn't last even a minute into it.

    now excuse me i'm about to drown my ears in bleach.

  6. My suggestions are find some dream theater songs,

    hell try six degrees of inner turrbulance live version("score" is the album title) youl trash it with 42 odd minutes of awesomeness :D

    but generally anything by dream theater is generally over 12-15 min mark

    failing that the pokemon medley from happi (download via youtube the full version) or crystal flash by virt from dwelling of duels


  7. I heard that when i went out the door to work and thought

    "of course by now sony is in the biggest shit from the recent issues"

    I dont know how their gonna recover from this at all.

    In the mean time im gonna be playing my ps1 and ps2 all day long,

    The ps3 made me lose interest too quickly with the unskippable installing and updates almost every game needed, and with small amount of space on the harddrive there was alot of fart arsing around that i just didnt care for.

  8. I remember hearing his remixes, loving them and only after awhile i found what had happened to him..

    i do wish i had known him alittle more but..

    Reuben was taken from us all way too early


    His remixes will continue to prove what a great artist he was.

    May he rest in peace

  9. I will not be coming due to being poor and the fact E3 is in ... california? and im like oh idk.. a hours train ride to london.

    I'm an extremely sad panda right now ;-;

    Hope you guys enjoy your trip to E3 meanwhile im going to summer of sonic next month in london.(don't judge me im a big sonic fan)

    Excuse me i'm gonna weep in the corner so make some room guys.

  10. It's not even funny how anything that SEGA tries to make these new Sonic games fun and attractive, fails to make me excited even the slightest

    This my friend is your opinion i personally feel they have stepped finally in the right direction to shut up the people going "we want classic sonic to return" and basically this will please everyone or at least what they think will please everyone.

    Ever since sonic went 3D people have complained about the games:

    character designs,


    Voice acting, (although seeing as adventure was the first one to include voices i feel thats understandable)

    The "friends", (who i feel have actually added just alittle to it, after all no one complained when tails,knuckles the chaotix crew were created and used)

    The gimics,(such as the sword and the rings from the wii games)

    People have complained that sonic shouldn't be in a car after all in the sega racing game, yet they have never once questioned why mario is playing tennis or golf.

    I feel the sonic franchise has attracted complainers,

    granted shadow is bloody tough and sonic 06 was glitchy as hell due to being released too early in the scedule

    But the gameboy games were great and unleashed was rather good imo (apart from looking for medallions that sucked) and i haven't played colours but the ds version i enjoy quite abit, and i loved the daylight stages in unleashed so at a guess id say its gonna be good.

    The issue is sonic isn't ment to be for hardcore die hard fans

    Its ment for kids, much like we used to be.

  11. I persoanally hope it comes to pc i no longer have a actually current series console.

    Either that or i'll have to buy it for xbox and play it around my mates house when they go to sleep, or buy it for ps3 and play it on my "old" ps3 i sold to my parents as a dvd player and my dads ps3 and play while theyre out...



    Not counting the DS game, that's been almost 18 years since there's been a NEW, good 2D Mario.

    What you talking about willis,

    The ds super mario game was really good and i havent played a mario game since super mario all stars for snes,

    Really brought me back to my childhood which was awesome.

  12. Gotta admit i found this remix and downloaded it in its earlier beta stage, and even in its beta i loved it.

    theres something about it...

    kinda floaty

    love the piano with the sinth in the background

    youve done quite well with this sockpuppet5,

    this is going on my mp3 regardless of wether its accepted by ocremix judges but i think it definately is worthy of getting through.

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