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Posts posted by Nonamer

  1. SO PUMPED! Sonic music deserves the love.

    Awesome thanks! And what is Planet Wisp? Is it a zone or a map or what? I've never played Sonic Colors so I don't know. But Brandon Strader just asked me if he could join, but he wants to choose Planet Wisp, but he said it was "map" music, so we weren't sure if that would count. Anyone know?

    The map is a stage select, so the music on the map itself would not qualify, since it's not a zone per se. However, if he chooses Planet Wisp, he has access to all of those stages. They are all mostly the same, with minor differences in each stage.

  2. Something more unique on OCR. And it's from Pokemon Snap. I'm looking forward to this.

    It took way too long for the intruments to kick in. Either cut the intro significantly or introduce more instruments earlier. I would stick with the latter option.

    As for the instruments, they're mostly fine, but I want to wait for the final mix before commenting further.

    Also, it's easy to tell the bird sounds were from a looping pre-made sample, since I heard the same chirp at least five times. Their has to be a million other bird sounds out there, so search for more unique samples to add to what you already have (or you could record it yourself). Lower the prominence of the nature sounds as the instruments kick in, since they tend to overtake the instruments.

  3. Actually some of the most popular video game cover bands are not licensed, so the legal angle, while definitely important, certainly hasn't prevented Armcannon, the Megas, the Oneups, etc. from performing. In fact I know of several specific bands endorsed directly by the game companies whose songs they play, without technically being legal/licensed.

    But have we considered some kind of label, either for commercial VG arrangements, live performances, and/or original music...? Maybe :<

    I believe The Megas actually did the music for one of the (now cancelled) Mega Man Universe trailers.

    I wouldn't oppose an OCR label, but I think it would have to play safe with only original music.

  4. The update is definitely an improvement overall. The drums in the beginning still have too much prominence, but I think that has to do with the empty soundscape rather than mixing issues. I say keep the drums as is until you fully pan out the rest of the arrangement.

    The synth you use starting at 3:40 is rather sub-par. If you can replace that with something better, it would add to the quality of the mix.

    At 3:10 the song just dies. That's not recommended. See if you could keep it alive by having one or two instruments transition between the two pieces.

    This mix has great potential. Keep working on it, and you might learn something.

  5. My advice: Replace the pure chiptunes with something else, especially in the beginning. Single track Chip sounds alone (especially with Lavender town) are very grating to the ears.

    I'm dubstep tolerant, so just a few more wubs wouldn't hurt.

    It sounds really empty, but also a WIP, so I'll let it pass until the full song is completed!

    Keep it up. Remixing this source successfully is a badge of honor few can acquire.

  6. Calming. Nice song to do homework with. I like a lot!

    Listen to what everyone has to say about the drums. They do overpower the song.

    The song does seem a little empty IMO, but given the source you don't want to have the song being too intense. See if you can squeeze in a little more ambiance.

    Aside from that, I have no complaints. When your done, give it a mod review!

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