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Posts posted by Nonamer

  1. Oh my.... I think a lot of those theories have some pretty credible claims.

    Except for the war thing.... It really makes no sense that there would be a war in the Kanto region. It's well established that the world of Pokémon is geographically identical to the real world, with a vast majority of the in game regions being based on real world locations (Kanto region = Kanto region, Unova region = New York City, etc.). Lt. Surge is also explicitly referred to as "The Lightning American", and is heavily implied to have been an American soldier. Therefor, it's most likely he's referring to a different war, possibly the Vietnam War, or the Korean War.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Or it could be that Game Freak pays no attention to story whatsoever. Makes more sense to me.

  2. Sorry I dropped the ball on this guys. To be honest when I signed up I didn't realize that it was starting basically immediately. I didn't get home from GDC until Sunday and had days of catchup/followup emails, then had to do my taxes, then had inlaws over... I just had no time this week. My WIP was about 35 seconds and I stayed up until 4am working on it (1-4am last night was the most free time I had). So I'm disappointed, but more than anything, I'm sorry I 'wasted' a slot :-( Good luck + have fun to everyone else, though!

    No harm done. Are you going to finish that song?

  3. Damn, I was actually kind of excited to go up against Zircon, too. It doesn't feel right to advance by default...

    Oh well, I get to advance, anyway, so I guess I can't complain much.

    I vote for Zircon

    Voting now so that I don't forget. All the tracks are awesome thus far!

    EDIT: Though seriously, nice job Neblix.

  4. Oooooh! This is cool.

    I can understand why you would be concerned with realistic piano pieces in your other thread. In all honesty, it sounds like a solo piano piece to me. Almost reminds me of C418's remix.

    I'm getting some distortion all throughout the song. Of course, I have crappy headphones and a loud speaker.

    The measure of the same note(s) at :16, :24 was a little unnecessary IMO.

    At around 2:24, when it gets soft, I honestly thought you were going to do either the Song of Time or the Call of the Giants from Majora's Mask.

    GREAT START! I might comment later as well.

  5. It's obvious that your character will be framed for a crime he didn't do, be stripped of all his belongings (and pokemon), and sent to a massive, high security prison where he'll be forced to work his way up the ranks in illegal underground pokemon tournaments.

    ...Or maybe not.

    That would probably be better storytelling than all of the games COMBINED!

  6. Hey Rozo, this is the last version, right?

    Right? Rozo?


    He must be working on the remix a bit more. Oh well. :lol:

    I still love the use of the sonar effect throughout the remix. It fits so perfectly.

    I still feel a bit bad that I asked him to redo little things over and over... "Hey, the sonar is a bit loud," "I think the bass is too low," "Could you make it a bit longer?", etc.

    That had to have pissed him off at least once.

    But what came out of it was one of my favorite Rozo songs!

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