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Posts posted by Jamphibious

  1. I was just playing Disney's Magical Quest today with my girlfriend, haha.

    Well, didn't expect that but I do like a lot of the Capcom Disney games, heck I own a bunch of 'em. I'm game for it, but I can see why some people might be a little upset. Alas!

    Its between me and Gario this week, decision forthcoming.

  2. Basically I'm adopting a "the more the merrier" philosophy; I'm rooming with ectogemia, jehm_faulking, Xarnax42, and Amphibious (I assume, that was our room last year and I know at least two of them are in) for sure, with the possible therex, Theory of N, DaMonz, Jehm's cousin, Shadix... really anyone who wants a cheap room, because the hotel staff don't really check hotel rooms, and if they do they just assume that drunk people crashed together after a party (which is pretty damn accurate)

    So I guess long story short, if you need a room and want to room with some of the coolest fellas around, shoot me a PM and we can probably work something out. As I mentioned before, the more the merrier (cheaper)!!

    Come one come all, we will read fanfiction into the night.

    I officially preregistered yesterday so I have elevated from 95% to 100% going.

    :) :) :)

  3. I love the game and all, but there are problems. The whole equipment thing reminds me of Mass Effect 1, you get so much shit but the majority of it you're not even going to use.

    The quests themselves aren't that exciting, but the fact that you never have to go back to a quest giver to turn it in is really nice (with a few small exceptions like the watch fixing quest). I tend to just do the collection and kill quests as I travel normally through the world.

    The battle system is a lot like FFXII, but I personally found it more engaging, with different abilities having bonus effects based on your positioning, and the whole Monado seeing the future aspect. In Final Fantasy games, unless you know a boss strategy, often times they will use a crazy ability midfight that you are entirely unprepared for, so you learn by trial and error. I recall a boss in the Golmore Jungle in FFXII who pretty much puts every status effect on your party at some point and its ridiculous. Of course many bosses do have some fair tells so you know whats coming, FFX I found had some good boss moments. The Monado future visions is designed to avoid crap where one of your party members or your entire party can easily be one-shot and you instantly lose, which I liked a lot.

    I think its a great game, but it was immensely overhyped, and its not for everyone definitely. It didn't singlehandedly revolutionize JRPGs like a lot of people thought, but I felt it did a lot more right than many others I have played.

  4. http://acnewleaf.com/2013/06/18/get-best-buy-dlc-items-on-your-own-home-wi-fi-using-this-trick/ - For those of you in the US with no Best Buy nearby who want the Raccoon Clock. It basically boils down to "change your home wifi network's SSID to 'Bestbuy'"

    I'm gonna try this today I think. Apparently it doesn't work in the UK, but hopefully here in Canada it does.

    My store is updated today, hooray! I hope I can finally buy a gosh darn slingshot, they always have tools I don't need.

  5. I don't know about this one, but the complaint system in the Wii version was to reset their catchphrase or outfit in case someone from online changed them to something inappropriate (such as making them say "lolfuk"). It can also wipe their letter history if someone wrote them an inappropriate letter that they might show off to others. I would assume it functions the same in New Leaf. Part of the charm of the game is having many possible villagers come and go. If we could just get rid of any villager we don't like on a whim it would take that aspect away from the game. It would be nice I suppose, but I don't think its possible.

    *EDIT - However if you do hit them and stuff they are more inclined to leave than your other villagers, at least. It could still take time.

  6. I've found designing clothes to be pretty fun in this game, with the option of having dresses, long sleeves, short sleeves, or even no sleeves. I'm hoping the furniture customization opens up soon, that'll give me yet another reason to get lost in dis game.

    I visited the island for the first time today, its real awesome and a great way to make easy bells. So glad that they brought it back in a big way. Hearing Kapp'n sing again is a nice touch too :P

    *EDIT - I suppose when we get some QR codes posted we can keep 'em in the first post for reference. If anyone has some other suggestions for the thread I'm all ears!

  7. So there isn't a thread yet. I see y'all playing on my 3DS friends list, I know you're out there.

    How is everyone liking it so far? I love the aesthetic changes, and the music is phenomenal. 8AM has quickly become a favourite time to play. I can't wait to unlock more stores and such and start all kinds of public works. I love the game so far!

    If anyone cares for it, we can make a list of peoples names and towns and fruits and whatnot! Could be interesting for fruit trading and the like.


    Animal Crossers:

    (Forum Name: Avatar and Town - Fruit - Dream Address)

    Amphibious: Jordan from Iselia - Cherries - 4100-2170-0936

    Arrow: Arrow from Onore - Oranges - 4000-2245-2317

    Brandon Strader: Brandon from The Cage - Peaches

    CinnamonJihad: Phillip from Balamb - Peaches

    Darkomega99: Dick from Tristram - Apples

    Doulifée: Doulifee from Figaro - Apples

    HoopyFrood: Hoofy from Fordton - Oranges

    Hylian Lemon: Ben from Pulpton - SECRET

    Kanthos: Kanthos from Ascalon - Apples

    Favor: Andrew from Corneria - Pears

    Mirby: Taylor from Tayloria - Pears

    Pika22: Chris from Leaf - Oranges

    Thalzon: Corey from Seadney - Oranges

    Cool Dream Addresses!

    Horror Film Town: 2600-0218-7298

    Useful Links and Guides!

    Animal Crossing Wiki - A wiki for all things Animal Crossing.

    Animal Crossing Subreddit - Pretty self-explanatory, sometimes people post cool stuff.

    New Leaf Wiki - An alternate wiki focusing on New Leaf specifically.

    Thonky Guides and Information - Full of useful information and guides for specific things, from growing hybrid flowers to how every villager likes their coffee.


    K.K. and Friends - A remix album by Ben Briggs and ectogemia!

    Real-Time Animal Crossing Music - A site that plays the hourly tunes from Animal Crossing based on the actual time. Has options for all Animal Crossing games by clicking the links in the bottom left.

  8. I'm not really sure what's available, but Okami has some beautiful art, and I have seen some really great fan renditions done and I imagine there are some nice prints available somewhere. I wish I could find some specific examples but its something to consider.

  9. Not sure if this needs its own thread but here is the trailer for Sonic: Lost Worlds for those who haven't seen it yet:

    Sonic: Lost Worlds (Wii U)

    Personally I'm mixed but as with anything Sega shows off with Sonic you need to be cautious anyways.

    It screams high speed Mario Galaxy in presentation (and maybe some Sonic Xtreme if anybody remembers that canceled game). Which could be either a good or bad thing

    The new enemies look terrible though. Also terrible music in the trailer

    Sonic Colours had a terrible main theme / trailer theme (IMO) but the rest of the soundtrack was fantastic. The enemies do look pretty dang silly, but the gameplay intrigues me. I'ma keep my eye on it.

  10. I'd have to disagree completely, here. The sphere grid was one of the most fun level-up systems I've experienced in a game. Blitzball consumed countless hours (probably about half of the time spent playing the game) trying to get my team to win the top prizes. One of my favorite "mini-games" in any game. The lack of an explorable world map (and this goes for XII and XIII as well) didn't even register while I was playing any of these games. It makes more sense to me than your giant character running halfway across the world in 30 seconds and I felt more immersed in the game because you literally get to see the ENTIRE world. Not just towns/dungeons/points of interest.

    I agree with this. I can get why a lot of people don't like FFX, but I've been playing through it the last week or so (pretty much at the end) and its been really fun. I love the battle system, and while it is quite linear for the majority of the game, there is plenty of side stuff to do and when it opens up there is plenty to do. The linear nature of the game also makes sense in the context of the plot, with the whole pilgrimage and whatnot. The sphere grid is cool, because although there is basically a set path for everyone (except Kimahri, he can kind of go anywhere) there are ways to move you characters around all over the place and build them how you'd like. Rikku is a tank in my game.

    The voice acting isn't all that bad (don't cite that laugh scene out of context). The delivery is kinda shoddy at times, but for much of the game the characters are rather convincing. I dunno maybe that's just me.

    XII is also great and I love it. Aesthetically it is one of my favourites of all the Final Fantasies. Battle system and gambits was a real cool system. Voice acting was great, and the cutscenes were really well done (both in-game and pre-rendered). I do get why there are gripes with the plot but it didn't bother me personally.

    I tried to play through VII and I know a lot of people love it and think it has no flaws, but as someone who has only tried to play it in the last few years it aged so poorly.

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